How many pull ups can you do?

i can do 15 in a row with good form. 20 doing the last 5 halfassed

this is going all the way down and then up over the bar with my skull and no cheating leg momentum crap.
I haven't read this whole thread, but I'm going to assume people are lying a lot. Just like that "how many pushups can you do in a minute?" thread 
right now around 15. when i was really active i could do around 25. if youre lifting regularly and cant do 1, youre probably a meathead.
I bet you a dollar you can bench 165lbs one time.
People tend to underestimate their own strength when it comes to their max rep.

Fail on my end, lol.. I thought you were referring to the pull ups but then you said CAN'T in your post. I agree with that. I went back yesterday for bench and put 25s on the bar totally underestimating myself. I ended up wasting my energy and doing 165 8 times on the last set. :smh:
:lol: at all you mouth breathers claiming you can rattle off 20+

we're gonna need some video evidence to back up these claims
haven't tried pull-ups (that's palms facing you right?) in a while. for one of these wide-gripped chin-up things at the gym, maybe 18 straight. i usually do 3 sets of 12.
THIS IS A PULLUP. Notice the very wide grip and the slight angle. None of that shoulder width straight bar BS. I'd like to see you dudes rattle off 15+ of these 
at all you mouth breathers claiming you can rattle off 20+
we're gonna need some video evidence to back up these claims

Homie said 45? Can we see this please? It would actually be pretty motivating.

Progressive overloading is key to getting your bench up, I hope to do double my weight one day.

Homie said 45? Can we see this please? It would actually be pretty motivating.

Progressive overloading is key to getting your bench up, I hope to do double my weight one day.

If thats him in his avy, im incline to believe him
like 11-12 reps a month ago. I was 150-152 that time.

I remember in 8th grade I couldn't even do half a pull up lol :lol:. So embarassing :smh:

I usually just used the lat pulldown to get stronger. The most I did on that was 205 two times.
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Somewhere around 20.
I got some pretty strong arms for my size, and only weigh 150 lbs so it's not difficult.
Showing off to girls back in high school during PE class when we had those fitness tests... :pimp: :lol:

If thats him in his avy, im incline to believe him
That's me and yes I can do 45, maybe shake off 50 all the way up and down. When I boxed it was part of the routine; one pull up and then a complete strait leg raise toes to bar 20times.... Sucked hard.

Sounds like a lot but my training buddy could do 60 pull ups.
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wow....its amazing how everyone on the internet is so fit and strong...exageration as its finest
but everyone walking around my city is so fat
i just left the gym....was there for over an hour..i did not see 1 person get 20-25 pull ups....

lmaoo i was thinking the same while reading this thread.. yall some liars lol..
Somewhat out of shape and can manage around 10-15 max on a single attempt. I did 24 though back in high school when I was around 7% bodyfat.
THIS IS A PULLUP. Notice the very wide grip and the slight angle. None of that shoulder width straight bar BS. I'd like to see you dudes rattle off 15+ of these 
both wide grip and close grip pull ups are important for back workouts

wide grip will activate upper back muscles, lats and biceps. close grip focuses on lats and biceps mostly. 

i'm sure you knew that tho, when you dismissed 'shoulder width' (close grip) pull ups. right?

edit- and if you're in halfway decent shape, 10 pull ups shouldn't be hard to do. 10-15 is decent, and 20+ is really good. dudes better not be scoffing at ppl saying they can do 10 pull ups like that's some astronomical mutant feat. 
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Threads like this shouldn't be taken seriously unless there is tagged video evidence.

I honestly don't know how many I can do because I haven't tried with that curved bar yet. Will need to give it a shot soon.
That's me and yes I can do 45, maybe shake off 50 all the way up and down. When I boxed it was part of the routine; one pull up and then a complete strait leg raise toes to bar 20times.... Sucked hard.
Sounds like a lot but my training buddy could do 60 pull ups.
Damn thats impressive, whats your body fat %, around 8 or 9?

I'll just leave this here

about 12- 15 straight... Im out of shape though... just started back on my p90x flow a couple weeks ago so i should be up to 20 - 25 by New years
Make it more challenging don't use the pull up bars. use the door ledges and go wide. I can do about 20 on a door ledge, and consistently do one set of 30 with wide stance on the bar after completing either flat bench or tricep pulldowns. 
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