How long until the riots start?

The greatest of past empires in history didn't really fall apart until something happened with the food supply.
I would say America is no different. When people get hungry, they'll start hunting the problem.
Capitalism abhors and denounces any type of collectivity. It encourages distrust and suspicion in almost every arena in modern life. Even the discussion of alternative modes of living are forbidden in the general discourse and that's obvious, as media conglomerates have everything to lose if people become enlightened. You can't expect totalitarian governments and multinational businesses to act against their own interests would you?

The bottom line is that America is the largest producer of cultural Novocaine in the history of the world. You can keep people in prisons as long as you like as long as you let them decorate it with whatever they they desire..
Wont happen any time soon were not in a bad enough position yet to really be doing anything.  What happen with the 99% that got shut down quick.  Still some time away before US riots if ever. 
People should keep in mind that Brazil has a much larger spread between the richest and the poorest citizens.

Poor people here have many disadvantages in the legal, educational, political and social spheres of life by the purely material standard of living for the typical poor American is much better than that of the typical poor person in Brazil.

Poverty driven riots require a much deeper level of poverty than is experienced in most poor communities today. As long as folks in the poor neighborhoods have cell phones and obesity overshadows malnutrition, all but the most outrageous acts of state sponsored injustice will be ignored.

Majority of Americans don't know what's going on in the country.

The ones who do, well, most of them are posting in this thread instead of out there.
I'm guessing that people also aren't keen to the idea of getting teargassed and hit in the skull with rubber bullets if a riot were to get out of control. Some of the pics and stories from Turkey are gruesome. People dying from getting shot with a rubber bullet in the head.
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I'm guessing that people also aren't keen to the idea of getting teargassed and hit in the skull with rubber bullets if a riot were to get out of control. Some of the kids and stories from Turkey are gruesome. People dying from getting shot with a rubber bullet in the head.

I'm all for working towards a better tomorrow but if I get shot or beaten and imprisoned for nothing I'm going to be pissed.

It would basically take the army and police force siding with us to really get the ball rolling.
Son...I could see myself somewhere and shots ring out for no reason. 

My kinda luck. 
I was saying this during "Occupy Wallstreet". They had great intentions....albeit disorganized and not a clear path....but everyone....EVERYONE in the media just shamed them. Oh these dirty jobless people are just camping out because they have nothing to do. People saying oh the occupy people need to get out of the one reported on WHY they were there. All the reports were oh cops mase people...beat people....not one single mention of why they were there....or any sort of talk on the subjects. Every news outlet just shunned them and their movement. It always rubbed me the wrong way to a point of it had me thinking....well non-violent resistance isn't working....sooooo maybe we should try violence?

I think it will take a figure head will take one person to rise up and get the masses motivated and going.
Its funny you mention OWS.. I was there the following week.. I stayed for about 4-8 hours a day for the next 3 weeks.. I was there when people were assaulted by Popo verbally and slightly physically. There were marches 1000s deep a month into the movement. I SWEAR one day in October or November I believe there were atleast 30000 people blocking WALL ST AREA for about 6 hours.. easy... NO NEWS COVERAGE NO MEDIA COVERAGE.. nothing. trains were halted for about 4 hours.. it was pure madness.. people were spilling into the streets stopping traffic.. I seen cops taking pictures of everyones face in a panoramic style... I knew we were going into some facial recognition program which would ID us put us on a list and then sorted out later. But yeah violence is the second of two options we have right now.

The second option is a theory I've composed a while ago pondering how we can make a change with the mind. We put our mind over MATTER. See we are in charge of the world. WE are the movers and the shakers. YES THEIR money makes us move but exponentially we agree to move by COMPLIANCE. IF WE take away our compliance which is necessarily shutting down all major ways of interaction with the system. THIS is kind of HARD to ask of 8- percent of workers as each profession impacts us all in some way. LETS SAY we all gather food and water as a SOCIETY for 1 YEAR. WE PREPARE FOR A SACRIFICE WHICH REQUIRE DISCIPLINE AND GREAT REWARD. WE STOP ALL ACTIVITY THAT HAS TO DO WITH THEIR AGENDA WHICH IS TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT. 1. WE STOP GOING TO WORK AS WORK WILL ONLY KEEP US FROM OUR DESTINY. 2. WE STOP WATCHING TELEVISION PERIOD. NO NEWS FROM THE MEDIA UNTIL DEMANDS ARE KEPT. 3. NO SCHOOL, AS OUR EDUCATION IS FLAWED AND NEEDS A MAJOR UPHEAVAL .4. NO SHOPPING AS WE WILL ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED FOOD WATER AND SHELTER. 5. WE COMMUNICATE ONLINE ONLY. AS A REBEL NETWORK WILL EMERGE WHERE OUR MEANS OF COMMUNICATION WILL NOT BE FILTERED OR OTHERWISE NOT DISTORTED TO FIT THEIR TYRANNICAL ORDER. 6. THERE is so much sacrifice required that many will falter and many  will stay. there will be a day when we divide once more and CIVIL WAR 2 will go down,,,

sounds like a movie.. lol
Sorry, but you're a fool if you think current military will side with us.

Those men have been following orders all their lives.
you wanna know how I know your an idiot.. wanna know?????


Sorry, but you're a fool if you think current military will side with us.

Those men have been following orders all their lives.

you wanna know how I know your an idiot.. wanna know?????



Want to know how I know you're an idiot?
If you're light you're right, if you're black get back. That's the mindset that keeps the world impoverished.
Look at the life of the average Brazilian, or Egyptian. Compared to that of your average American, they have it much worse. There is no reason for us to protest and rally for change, because compared to a lot of places we are doing ok. Are we still at the top of the totem pole? No, but we are thankfully in better shape then Brazil or Egypt. Im not saying things are where they should be, but they have not gotten to out of hand yet.

But there are some good points brought up by some dudes in here. I think its pretentious to call the average american ignorant (chances are you fall right into that category as well), but a good word is distracted. There is more interest shown in Kim Kardashians baby then there is the Trayvon Martin case. If you went around the country and asked people who Edward Snowden or Mohammed Morsi are, or even what the capitol of the country America has been occupying since 2003 is, the average person couldn't answer any of those questions. We are a nation shockingly addicted to drugs (worlds biggest consumer of narcotics as of 2012). Im guilty of some of this stuff as well. Its actually interesting to think about 
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Look at the life of the average Brazilian, or Egyptian. Compared to that of your average American, they have it much worse. There is no reason for us to protest and rally for change, because compared to a lot of places we are doing ok. Are we still at the top of the totem pole? No, but we are thankfully in better shape then Brazil or Egypt. Im not saying things are where they should be, but they have not gotten to out of hand yet.

But there are some good points brought up by some dudes in here. I think its pretentious to call the average american ignorant (chances are you fall right into that category as well), but a good word is distracted. There is more interest shown in Kim Kardashians baby then there is the Trayvon Martin case. If you went around the country and asked people who Edward Snowden or Mohammed Morsi are, or even what the capitol of the country America has been occupying since 2003 is, the average person couldn't answer any of those questions. We are a nation shockingly addicted to drugs (worlds biggest consumer of narcotics as of 2012). Im guilty of some of this stuff as well. Its actually interesting to think about 

The reason we are the worlds biggest narcotic consumers is because we are one of the two only country's in the world that allow drug company's to make commercials.

Seriously over-medicated.
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