How long until the riots start?

Idk if it's popular or not popular, but all the riots around the world were predicted by this fellow. While an exact date was never given, nor was an exact instance, it's more of a principle; whenver the people are throughouly depressed, overworked and underpaid, whenever there is such disparity between classes, revolt is bound to happen. Whether his brand of communism will or will not work is up in the air, but the revolution will happen, thats a given.
Entertainment, and drugs.. Americans are preoccupied with the distractions the government has put up. I hope it happens in my life time. There is obviously a better system than the one we have. We need an update on everything.
Most of y'all are aware of the rallies going on in Brazil. If not, they say it's over an increase in bus fare, but that's really only the last straw. What set the people off are high taxes, a sluggish economy, inefficient healthcare, government corruption and misuse of taxpayer funds on frivolous things like stadiums and government projects at the expense of education and social programs.

Any of that sound familiar?

The rallies are not getting much press here at all, but people are basically getting fed up with the ********. It's also something of the hot thing to do now, as citizen uprisings have gone way up in the past few years. I don't claim to know everything about what's going on (and would welcome an education from someone who knows more) but the general concept is easy enough to grasp.

Coverage is definitely suppressed (either that or Amanda Bynes is actually more important than history in the making) but I really don't see how long the concept that people do this when they're mad as hell and won't take it any more can be hidden. Hell, I hear that's how this country started.

All that said, how long until Americans realize democracy ain't always voting? Will it ever happen? Why or why not?

Let us discuss.
Never. Blind patriotism has turned a majority of US citizens into ignorant fools.

They wont see the chains around their wrist until someone physically slaps them on there.
I definitely see what everybody is saying as far as your average Joe and Jane America being too bread and circus'd up to effect change in the current state of things, but look what's happening here now.

We're a few show tanks away from a police state, the Constitution is a historical artifact, prices are going nowhere but up, jobs are down (in practice if not number theory), businesses run the country, everybody is in debt, healthcare is an argument, layoffs AND corporate profits are at all-time highs (wut), they sell poison on TV and call it cures, the rent is too damn high, blah blah blah. **** is ****** up for your average citizen, and eventually they have to start feeling the pinch.

I mean, this state of affairs can't just be cool forever...right?


If you watch the Confederations Cup (soccer tournament) they showed the riots in the streets. They said some 300,000 people were in the streets protesting and getting tear gasses by the police force.

I can't put it any better then you did. They want to keep us at this middle ground forever though. They don't want us to get too down because they know something could happen. They want us to be in debt to our eye-balls....but not over our heads...they want us to barely get by....but still get by...they have to keep that glimmer of hope out people keep striving for it instead of trying to change things.

I feel the more we educate others about how much better life can be as humans. I mean we are much more powerful than they "teach us". Telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, psychic powers, etc. We are capable of this with proper training. Our job is to spread the word and then maybe something will happen.
ya'll sound like a buncha *******.

"oh look at americans, americans don't wanna do this, they don't wanna do that"

The **** are you doing?

Yeah, some really negative views and assumptions going on in here. Don't criticize the lack of action in others if you're not doing anything either except complaining on a Nike messageboard.

Nothing wrong with enjoying a comfortable life. People work hard for that.
I feel the more we educate others about how much better life can be as humans. I mean we are much more powerful than they "teach us". Telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, psychic powers, etc. We are capable of this with proper training. Our job is to spread the word and then maybe something will happen.
You have officially lost me.
I feel the more we educate others about how much better life can be as humans. I mean we are much more powerful than they "teach us". Telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, psychic powers, etc. We are capable of this with proper training. Our job is to spread the word and then maybe something will happen.

You have officially lost me.

He's one of many that subscribe to the idea that our brains are amazing sources of power that are being dulled via chemicals and entertainment.

I do believe that if scientific resources and brain power are shared as they should be without the divisions of state, country, government, etc, we would have access to things and abilities we can only imagine right now.
People should keep in mind that Brazil has a much larger spread between the richest and the poorest citizens.

Poor people here have many disadvantages in the legal, educational, political and social spheres of life by the purely material standard of living for the typical poor American is much better than that of the typical poor person in Brazil.

Poverty driven riots require a much deeper level of poverty than is experienced in most poor communities today. As long as folks in the poor neighborhoods have cell phones and obesity overshadows malnutrition, all but the most outrageous acts of state sponsored injustice will be ignored.
The riots won't happen.  The US since the end of WWII has lost it's fire for active democracy.

Instead most Americans sneer when their South American and European counterparts take to the streets.

Those who do take action are shamed and vilified for doing so.

From the dumbing down of the citizenry, to NSA Prism surveillance, to infringing on media rights and the collaboration of media and government, to the purchasing of political power the rich and corporate bosses, the USA has fallen far from it's enlightenment ideals.  People always equate the Unites States with capitalism and money.  Though it's not wrong, it's not what America was founded on.  America was founded on enlightenment ideals so that the people could be in charge of their own destiny. People forget that we used to be a country of 'We' and not a country of "Me."

I personally have zero faith in American political activism for whichever side of the political spectrum people fall on.  At this point I'm kind of relying on individual state governments to lead the charge against corruption.
The riots won't happen.  The US since the end of WWII has lost it's fire for active democracy.
Instead most Americans sneer when their South American and European counterparts take to the streets.
Those who do take action are shamed and vilified for doing so.

From the dumbing down of the citizenry, to NSA Prism surveillance, to infringing on media rights and the collaboration of media and government, to the purchasing of political power the rich and corporate bosses, the USA has fallen far from it's enlightenment ideals.  People always equate the Unites States with capitalism and money.  Though it's not wrong, it's not what America was founded on.  America was founded on enlightenment ideals so that the people could be in charge of their own destiny. People forget that we used to be a country of 'We' and not a country of "Me."

I personally have zero faith in American political activism for whichever side of the political spectrum people fall on.  At this point I'm kind of relying on individual state governments to lead the charge against corruption.

The last part is why im hoping for Texas to secede or for governors or individual states refusing to pay taxes
Let's not blame the big corporations and the corrupt lobbyist who crippled these poor people lets blame the poor people of America

Capitalism destroys more than it creates. 

I dont think nothing is going down till the middle/upper class feels the burn

middle class? That's been gone.

I don't see any uprisings happening anytime soon. As many people have stated, we are to divided to unite and fighht as a group of people. Not only that but let's just say that someone does step up to the plate, a subcomandante Marcos type dude. I got money saying that dude will be dead within days if not hours the minute the government feels they're a threat.

Just to connect another point here... just because a large portion of our society feels it impossible for a huge uprising to occur doesn't mean the government isn't afraid. Which I feel is one of the reasons for the recent interest in gun reform. You take away guns from the people and we are powerless to a country with the largest military in the world.
"I for one believe that if you give people a thorough understanding of what confronts them and the basic causes that produce it, they'll create their own program, and when the people create a program, you get action."

--Malcolm X

I'm less criticizing the inactions of others than puzzled at the lack of anger at the current state of affairs, especially given how different it is from just a little over a decade ago. It's true that I'm not doing much other than *****ing on a sneaker forum and telling any of my real life friends that will listen what's going on, but starting the conversation is part of the process. Even a peaceful rally is something that requires public awareness of the cause and plenty of backup. Ask our boy Eddie Snowden what it's like to be a resistance of one.
i doubt the average american could point out Brazil on a map (much less their own state or city).
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The riots won't happen.  The US since the end of WWII has lost it's fire for active democracy.
Instead most Americans sneer when their South American and European counterparts take to the streets.
Those who do take action are shamed and vilified for doing so.

From the dumbing down of the citizenry, to NSA Prism surveillance, to infringing on media rights and the collaboration of media and government, to the purchasing of political power the rich and corporate bosses, the USA has fallen far from it's enlightenment ideals.  People always equate the Unites States with capitalism and money.  Though it's not wrong, it's not what America was founded on.  America was founded on enlightenment ideals so that the people could be in charge of their own destiny. People forget that we used to be a country of 'We' and not a country of "Me."

I personally have zero faith in American political activism for whichever side of the political spectrum people fall on.  At this point I'm kind of relying on individual state governments to lead the charge against corruption.

I was saying this during "Occupy Wallstreet". They had great intentions....albeit disorganized and not a clear path....but everyone....EVERYONE in the media just shamed them. Oh these dirty jobless people are just camping out because they have nothing to do. People saying oh the occupy people need to get out of the one reported on WHY they were there. All the reports were oh cops mase people...beat people....not one single mention of why they were there....or any sort of talk on the subjects. Every news outlet just shunned them and their movement. It always rubbed me the wrong way to a point of it had me thinking....well non-violent resistance isn't working....sooooo maybe we should try violence?

I think it will take a figure head will take one person to rise up and get the masses motivated and going.

wouldnt the economy have sort of a boost by now considering the World Cup Next year, have there not been increased job opps? tourism sales im sure are through the roof. if not temporary economical relief will be there next year. at least pass a law taxing prostitution now cause you know they will be killing next summer

All that tourism money goes to the big city's.
Not to the places that need it.

Sounds all bad bro... It's official I'm out on WC :smh::smh:

I really truly thought I was gunna do it but after getting flight rates. Hearing the horror stories about water and food. The air pollution. Potential to get murked. I'd never allow my girl to go for sure.


Planes tickets are expensive.
But I've never had a problem with food or water.
Used to drink the tap all the time.(that's all they have)
And idk bout the pollution.. But everytime I've went I've felt like the air was easier to breathe.. If that makes sense
Like someone else was saying there is a HUGE difference from the poor here and there.

Ghetto there means...
NO running water
NO indoor plumbing
NO electricity

I've seen families of 4 living in those tiny little huts smaller than my living room.
Like someone else was saying there is a HUGE difference from the poor here and there.

Ghetto there means...
NO running water
NO indoor plumbing
NO electricity

I've seen families of 4 living in those tiny little huts smaller than my living room.
True...that'll piss you off a lot quicker. I think it was Rexangloum who raised that very valid point. All I'm saying is that there's something to be said about the speed of the decline of our fair-to-poor standard of living, especially considering there's no reason to believe it will get any better.
The riots won't happen.  The US since the end of WWII has lost it's fire for active democracy.
Instead most Americans sneer when their South American and European counterparts take to the streets.
Those who do take action are shamed and vilified for doing so.

From the dumbing down of the citizenry, to NSA Prism surveillance, to infringing on media rights and the collaboration of media and government, to the purchasing of political power the rich and corporate bosses, the USA has fallen far from it's enlightenment ideals.  People always equate the Unites States with capitalism and money.  Though it's not wrong, it's not what America was founded on.  America was founded on enlightenment ideals so that the people could be in charge of their own destiny. People forget that we used to be a country of 'We' and not a country of "Me."

I personally have zero faith in American political activism for whichever side of the political spectrum people fall on.  At this point I'm kind of relying on individual state governments to lead the charge against corruption.
The last part is why im hoping for Texas to secede or for governors or individual states refusing to pay taxes
In truth I really wanted Texas to succeed or at least make significant progress in doing so.  The government would've been rocked to it's core.

California, Texas, and New York and Florida are on par or above GDP wise with many nations in the top 20 economies.  The California Highway patrol and the NYPD could each function as a small army.
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