How In The $%+% Can 4 Birds Get You A Life Sentence?!?!?

see alex ovechkin over there... hes a real n-word, scored mad goals last season "
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

The ignorance in here is overwhelming

It truly is.
And down in Miami, I've heard plenty of ppl call the cops crackers (including white ppl).
I don't see ANY problem what so ever with Plies song, $*+@ was real to me . . . Especially when he talked about dude gettin 30 for breaking into houses,the SAME thing happened here in Columbus, dudes was doin lil home invasions in a white suburb, no one was hurt in ANY of them, and dude got 100 and some yearsfor the $*+@ . . . So the subject is VERY real . . .

Instead of coming at Plies for saying "Cracka" (which I have NO problem with anyway) why not criticize those laws that got dudes serving hundreds ofman years for crimes that don't exactly meet the punishment . . . I mean yall are diverting the problem he's talking about, and would rather ciriticizehis choice of words then the actual laws that got ninjas living like 2nd class citizens to this day . . . His choice of words is real $*+@, it aint like wewrote them laws . . . The same people have been in power here in America since they floated US over here, now they want us living hand to mouth and not sayanything about it . . . You can't be serious

To me songs like this is what hip hop is about, and Plies is a real ninja for doin it, cause a lot of lil dudes went out and bought this joint, and the first 3tracks on the album is real $*+@ that I can personally relate too . . .

I never knew all these cats on here was white tho . . .
they mad too . . . Don't see any complainin when the N -word is used so frequently . . .You mean to tell me none of yall white dudes have used the N word before?? EVER?? You must think I was born yesterday

Thug Life In D.C. was some real %#@% too . . . I remember that joint.
they was handing out football nuers like it was nothin . . .
I never knew all these cats on here was white tho . . .
they mad too . . . Don't see any complainin when the N -word is used so frequently . . . You mean to tell me none of yall white dudes have used the N word before?? EVER??
If a person of a difference race uses it...yeah it's a problem. We've had plenty of threads on Fat Joe/JLo saying it.... Now a blackrapper uses it, it is their choice. Who am I to get upset about it..I'm white and, that's their choice.

Like I originally said, I had/have no problem with it...I know what's meant and who someone would refer to. But as far as I'm concerned, if Eminemchooses to say cracker, that's his race...he can if he wants....If Jay Z wants to say the N word...that is his choice.

Now...I don't know who has sat comfortable with it when people of other races start throwin those words out...?

Not me.

Secondly, No..I haven't.

Not everyone is the suburban kid who sings a long to rap songs in their 5 series dad bought.
I'm just sayin tho . . . I mean in hip hop of all places race is the dividing factor in damn near everything, I thought in hip hop it would be a lildifferent, but I guess not . . .

Regardless of Plies choice of words the subject is VERY real, I've seen it with my own 2 way too often . . . NYPD killed my cousins Co-Defendent and triedto charge him with the murder . . .
son was like 17, gunned him down and said he pointed a gun at them
. My mother was JUST in jailcause they tryin set an example of foreingers with dark skin. They handin out sentences like its nothin, then you have the people sayin "don't selldrugs, don't do this and that" if you aint EVER lived this %*%+, you wouldn't understand . . . You couldn't understand . . . You SHOULDN'Tunderstand . . . Its real out here, its wild and NOBODY cares, instead of dudes attacking Plies choice of words the first fight should be for somethingremotely close to a fair justice system for minorities . . . The problem is taking the backseat to white people feeling offended and that's flat out WACK .. . Period. They wanna run behind these black artists, buy they music and all but when it comes down to trying make things change they like "that'syall, it aint me . . . I just like the beats" . . . $#+% outta here. I'm not feelin that . . .

I mean regardless of all the common ground we THINK we share as a collective hip hop community, something as simple as race can divide us in 4 minutes and 30seconds . . . The tolerence level in hip hop aint no different then in country music, its the same %*%+ . . . Cats want what they want outta the music,"diss your own race, but don't bring us into it", I mean Plies from Florida, their state flag is made in the vision of the Confederate flag . . .

If what he's talkin about doesn't make you want to change what's goin on, and not his choice of words . . . Then we DEFFINETLY live under adifferent set of circumstances . . .
No, I am with you and definitely agree and understand, as most everyone should

My friend 3 years ago now...on Easter morning was arraigned on 6 accounts of assault and intent to murder...$500,00 bail, faced 60 years..

still goin through the trial when he had nothing to do with the murder other than being in the same circle that night
Plies is 32 years old, and has lived his persona vicariously through another man. Anyone that respects this clown is a lame. Plain and simple.
^so is rick ross... those arent even reasons not to like an entertainer... dude just makes me feel dumb wit his 5th grade drop out vocab...
That's what makes this song SOOOOO good and relavent . . . I personally never sat down and listened to the joint till the other day . . . But I had thealbum on my ipod for like 4 months . . . I think what Plies did is GREAT, cause its some kids out there that aint gonna buy a dead prez record, or a ImmortalTechnique, but they like Plies cause he makes a more street genre, but still commercially viable . . . Its good to know HIS fans get to hear this . . .Regardless of subject matter or location, if you can feel what he's sayin . . . Its a good thing that he had sense enough to put the song out, so peoplelisten to his music can realize its STILL lynching goin on, and US prison complex is modern day slavery . . . And we all know who was in charge during slaveryright?? The whip "cracker" . . . Now we still answer to that same authority . . . Of course ninjas goin be vex.

We carried on the term in which they referred to US, so why can't WE carry on the term in which we referred to them?? Plies has my blessings . . . Takes areal dude to drop that +$+%, every rap needs something equvelent, cause hip hop is OUR voice and we need to heard . . . *#%@ who it offends, it offends ME thatthey serving time to brothas like its nothin, so if something as simple as a word like "cracker" offends someone one . . . *#%@ em
Starvin Harlem, I agree with you 100%............The people who dislike Plies are the same people who live in the suburbs and listen to G-Unit & Dipset allday. Y'all love to hear about N'ERs gettin killed and what not, but when we talk your own race y'all wanna get mad and say he's racist.

Like Soulja said....

-Black man kill a black man, it's cool they lovindat
Black man kill a white man & the sentencin' him to death
White man kill a black man then scream about self defense-
True Story . . . Real !@%!

I been listenin to the dead prez "Sellin D.O.P.E.", my man said . . .

"When I look at all the ninjas they hit with mad time/
In proportion to the big kingpins it don't fit/
You can get caught with nearly a half a slab/
And the judge'll sentence you like you ran the ave"


I hope yall buy the edited versions, since yall don't use the N word, I don't know why'd you'd wanna sit through 72 minutes of your fav artistsusing the word constantly . . . Not buyin that . . . I'm just gonna "remember what my poppa told me", cause THEY aint changed a bit . . .
Nah, it's not that difficult to stay away from 1 word

"They"....all white people, huh?

Not everyone is the same, can't be close minded.
The people who dislike Plies are the same people who live in the suburbs and listen to G-Unit & Dipset all day. Y'all love to hear about N'ERs gettin killed and what not, but when we talk your own race y'all wanna get mad and say he's racist

Shut up. Go read a book homie. Any black man that uses the N word with er attached at the end of it in any reference is not a real dude. You just exposedyourself. Its ignornat to be a separtist, and its even worse to be 32 years old and openly embrace ignorance.
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

The people who dislike Plies are the same people who live in the suburbs and listen to G-Unit & Dipset all day. Y'all love to hear about N'ERs gettin killed and what not, but when we talk your own race y'all wanna get mad and say he's racist

Shut up. Go read a book homie. Any black man that uses the N word with er attached at the end of it in any reference is not a real dude. You just exposed yourself. Its ignornat to be a separtist, and its even worse to be 32 years old and openly embrace ignorance.

You mad b', I put the "ER" in capital letters for a reason. And yetyour name is TraPpStar. Fam, do even know what a trap is? I'll put money that you have never even seen the inside of a trap. I guess you picked that namecause it sounded cool right? Cause Jeezy made a song called Trapstar, right? Callin' me ignorant?!?!? The GOT DAMN nerve of you. You the type that like tosee criminals get the maximum sentence, even "trappers", but you runnin' around callin yourself "TraPpStar"..........
wildin . . .

Now we're at the part where the white people say "hey . . . We're different" blah blah, it is what it is . . . . . . I mean you must thinkI'm some stupid fool if you think I'm gonna sit here and believe for ONE minute that yall white dudes never used the N-word in anyway shape or form . .. You must REALLY be convinced that black people stupid . . . I'm honestly offended, that *#%+ kills me . . . You can't be serious, I'm insulted .. . VERY insulted

If its a word YOU don't use, why would you want to listen to someone repeat the word throughout a 72 minute album?? I'm not buying this BS for ONEminute . . . Yall must REALLY take black people for fools . . . Its not even about being "close minded" on my part, its being REALISTIC, and itsobvious a certain group of people are out of touch with reality, and prolly always will be . . .

But this TrapStar fellow is vex, not sure why . . . I mean being a "gangster rapper" doesn't require you to be a REAL "gangster", ofcourse it helps but its a representation of a lifestyle, I mean if Plies can articulate better than some REAL guy that killed a few people, then it Plies Iwant to hear . . . Am I gonna take all his words as they are the end all to street *#%+?? No, all rappers imbelish, but they also provide a voice to peoplethat would otherwise be unheard . . .
I don't use it, that's all.

You don't have to believe it.

My girl is black, I'm the minority in my circle of friends...honestly, It'd be the last word outa my mouth.

I don't listen to an album anticipating the word to be yeah, I can still listen to an album

"hey . . . We're different" blah blah, it is what it is
I'm not speaking on behalf of anyone else.

The same things talked about, I've witnessed first hand....don't group everyone into the suburban Dipset's the same way how I'mnot gona take a certain few members on here as real life pushers and tough guys.

It's really not worth arguing over...I never had a problem with it in the first place.
*** Pops in Mos Def - "Mr Ninja" ***

"But they'll say it out loud again/
When they get with close associates and friends/
You know . . . Sneak it with they friends at the job/
Happy hour at the bar, while this song is in they car"

hhahahahahah this dude used 'plies' and 'articulate' in the same sentence.

but seriously, you guys need to check yourselves and your sorry sense of reality.

just as i have no reason to use the n-word, neither does plies to use cracka.

grow up, you really think youre gonna go far in life calling lawyers, cops, judges and the like crackas? you have got to be more ******ed than plies.

i really cant believe people are actually trying to convince people that there is nothing wrong with using slurs. that is essentially what this post is about.f'ing ridiculous. yes, i understand plies is talking about 'real stuff' and is trying to make a point, but instead of making people angry with yourchoice of words why not portray it in a way that your whole audience will side with you instead of dividing up your market by race.
that has to b a south thing cuz here and everywhere else ive been cracker means white person... as in whip cracker... how does that term only apply to peopleof law enforcement(of all colors i might add)...
that logic is ******ed... %+#! like this is why the south gets so much hate... its one thing to b dumb iegucci mane but its another thing to b educated but act like a $!+@!$% moron... N too old for that %+#! anyway... then he gone wonder why one of his kids gotcaught lurkin in somebody bushes wit a chopper...
that has to b a south thing cuz here and everywhere else ive been cracker means white person..
I think it is.

Up until I moved to Fla. I had only heard the word in reference to white ppl. But like I said before ppl here call the cops that regardless of race.
+$+% is you talkin about . . . I mean its a lot of blacks that talk like Plies, none of us are articulate in your eyes?? I mean the man gets paid to put wordstogeather. I feel his pain within his words, he's expressing his situation to me in song and I understand the #%$% . . . Just cause he aint talkin likesome . . . . . . . I aint even gonna say, you get the point.

I use the word, and I will CONTINUE to use it, I mean if that offends you, its A LOT of #%$% race related that offends me,. Step off that high horse of yoursand get in touch with reality, I don't know what the +$+% they doin in Canada but in America they hangin ninjas on the reg, that should be what offends yourather than the word "cracka", but its obvious where your central concern is, and who it is for . . . And it doesn't surprise me ONE bit, neverhas and it never will

How you sayin Plies aint got no reason to use the word, you don't know that man. Aint no reason for a white system to still be lynching and enslavingminorities in 2008, but the #%$% still go on . . . Till I see your pink toes on the front line I aint wanna hear you tryin diss that man. Yall wanna get allred about someone using racial slurs, when rappers have always used the N word, are we allowed to say that because that's what we are?? Is that what yourelluding too?? Cause I don't get it . . . Can't use "cracka" cause we're not white, but we can use the N-word because . . . . .. . . . .Lemme hear this one

I mean if Plies makes white people mad . . . Big %%%%#*# deal, white people have made it an agenda to make blacks mad for 400+ years . . . Now we'resuppose to be sensative to yall feelings??
you can't be serious . . . We gettin slaughtered out here and yall worried about the word"cracka"
I pray that you are speaking with your heart and not your head . . . Cause this #%$% don't add up AT ALL

We got the World Health Orginization infecting Africans, and yall are offended by a 5'6 32 yearold rapper saying "Cracka" a few times?? OMG . . .You can't be serious . . . Its not even the N word that offends me personally, its the history of the word and the actions its connected too. But at theend of the day its JUST A WORD, and anyone with a voice can say it if they dee, it necassary, regardless of race . . . What happens to you after saying it
out of my hands . . . But you can't put restrictions on words someone can and can't say, cause you aint GOD or no damn king . . .
Originally Posted by Starvin Harlem

+$+% is you talkin about . . . I mean its a lot of blacks that talk like Plies, none of us are articulate in your eyes?? I mean the man gets paid to put words togeather. I feel his pain within his words, he's expressing his situation to me in song and I understand the #%$% . . . Just cause he aint talkin like some . . . . . . . I aint even gonna say, you get the point.

man people dont sound like plies... the only people who sound like that really are that dumb... theres no college graduates or high school graduates forthat matter walkin around soundin like him man... being hood is no excuse for soundin like a damn fool everytime u open ur mouth... i mean its one thing to bsouthern or country ie rich boy but plies doesnt even talk like that... he just sounds dumb...

scarface does the same @@+% but is waaaaaaay more lyrical... im not a fan of punchline rap at all but im not a fan of soundin like an idiot cuz its"hood" or "cool"... i aint even talkin bout the race @@+%... +@@! the word cracker... im just talkin bout how dumb simple this N is... itaint even simple its beyond that... ANYBODY could write the @@+% he says... i just feel bad being african american knowing that this idiot is on TV portrayingthis "role"... it was never cool to b a ****** and it never will be... thats exactly what dude sounds like everytime he opens his !@$!@# mouth... aretard... the first plantation rapper... ran away from them puzziazz crackaz and started rappin wit the goons in the field(bushes)... knowing he only has a 10word vocabulary...
Son Clevelands HS graduation rate is like 34% amongst the lowest in the country and probabaly the western civilized world . . . Columbus isn't much better. . . And I personally don't think he sounds "dumb" because how you speak is not a representation nor a berometer of what you know . . . You canhave the ability to speak well and NEVER say anything of worth, if you don't believe me turn to C Span and watch those senators get NOTHING accomplishedday in and day out . . . All that matters is getting a point across, I've had people compliment me on how "well I speak", and I don'tunderstand that one bit, but to eaches own, I'm sure a Harvard grad may not think so, he may see me or you as "dumb" . . .

My parents are Africans, as is all of my family, I can understand "broken" English well, I can understand all types of accents . . . I mean he soundsfunny at time, but his speech doesn't go over my head, nor under my radar of what's "dumb" or not . . . Actions are "dumb", Idon't know if I can use that describe ones speech . . . But that's just me . . .
If that's what you kids really think, do you. I'm sick of arguing, watching dogs chase their tails.

*listens to Cormega
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