How In The $%+% Can 4 Birds Get You A Life Sentence?!?!?

Yeah....but that the whole point.

You guys are never uncomfortable enough though....until the tables turn...and a word which you acknowledged as not having the same potency as N' isused...then it becomes alarming. Then everyone is out of their comfort zone. An album can have the word N' in it 500 times and its a classic....but if ithas the word C_ 500 times its upsetting...even if it did come from a white rapper.

The social foundation of this nation is based on people "knowing their place" and those "places" will never change until everyone istreated equally. So its either we are all Ns, Spcs, Crkrs and Chnks or we are all humans beings in the eyes of God and the hearts of each other.

Why would this whole message board (and country) support music which degrades any portion of society the way hip-hop does...and how much audacity do you guyshave to be up in arms because a rapper who talks about killing and victimizing blacks in every song...says something quasi-derogatory about white America andits justice system?

You can't see the hypocirsy in that?

Where is the outcry when a video is posted with the word N' in every line?

Where is the outcry for the lost generation of black men behind bars? without economic oppurtunity? without equitable access to tax dollars?

Why is it cool for a 30% of white kids to be born into a trust fund and 60% of black kids to be born into poverty?...Wheres the outrcy and discomfort then?

Nah....hard life makes for entertaining let us just keep the ugly discussion and harsh words to ourselves.....everyone else will just enjoy it fromtheir iPods.
Where is the outcry when a video is posted with the word N' in every line?
So you yourself are a hypocrite because you aren't saying anything about it?

I know it's not my job to complain about the use of the word. If you feel like a stand needs to be taken, then take one.

I don't think promoting the use of every racially derrogative word is the way to do it.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Where is the outcry when a video is posted with the word N' in every line?
So you yourself are a hypocrite because you aren't saying anything about it?

I know it's not my job to complain about the use of the word. If you feel like a stand needs to be taken, then take one.

I don't think promoting the use of every racially derrogative word is the way to do it.

Its not your place to say anything?....only when the word cracker is used huh?
You guys are never uncomfortable enough though....until the tables turn...and a word which you acknowledged as not having the same potency as N' is used...then it becomes alarming. Then everyone is out of their comfort zone. An album can have the word N' in it 500 times and its a classic....but if it has the word C_ its upsetting...even if it did come from a white rapper.

The social foundation of this nation is based on people "knowing their place" and those "places" will never change until everyone is treated equally. So its either we are all Ns, Spcs, Crkrs and Chnks or we are all humans beings in the eyes of God and the hearts of each other.

Why would this whole message board (and country) support music which degrades any portion of society the way hip-hop does...and how much audacity do you guys have to be up in arms because a rapper who talks about killing and victimizing blacks in every song...says something quasi-derogatory about white America and its justice system?
You can't see the hypocirsy in that?

Where is the outcry from with side, when a video is posted with the word N' in every line?

Where is the outcry for the lost generation of black men behind bars? without economic oppurtunity? without equitable access to tax dollars?
All of that @%!% quit being the point once you started calling for every racial slur in the books to be unleashed with reckless abandon... but forthe sake of the argument.

Rarely do my fellow white fellows get up in arms over the issues you identified. But hell, nobody does. On this board, nobody. And to suggest that Plies is the first rapper to use an anti-white slur... what? I listen to Public Enemy, Clipse,Redman, etc., none of which seems to take much of a positive stance towards my melanin-challenged people. The reason this got brought up is because YardFather(and I) were seemingly ignorant to the fact that cracker=police to the South. It then became your personal soapbox, taking on one by one the rap-loving whiteboys of this forum, using as your rallying cry a very questionable line of logic, namely that we listen to music with a word that we cannot repeat and feeljust great about it.

Speaking for Jordan and Matt as well as myself, yes. The justice system in this country is %+!*#* up, and the legal system is horribly slanted towards peoplewho peddle powder, pot and other potent potables (sorry). But if you're really this up in arms about racism in your music, it's funny that you'retaking this chance to assert that viewpoint, seemingly furious with the same rap music we all banter about endlessly on this board, and never once have I seenyou say anything to the effect that "Gee, I do wish that every other word in this (any Dirty South track) song wasn't N!"

Usually you're pretty on point, but in this instance you're way out of line.
Lets start hollerin...Whats poppin sp_c?!
Originally Posted by mace40

You guys are never uncomfortable enough though....until the tables turn...and a word which you acknowledged as not having the same potency as N' is used...then it becomes alarming. Then everyone is out of their comfort zone. An album can have the word N' in it 500 times and its a classic....but if it has the word C_ its upsetting...even if it did come from a white rapper.

The social foundation of this nation is based on people "knowing their place" and those "places" will never change until everyone is treated equally. So its either we are all Ns, Spcs, Crkrs and Chnks or we are all humans beings in the eyes of God and the hearts of each other.

Why would this whole message board (and country) support music which degrades any portion of society the way hip-hop does...and how much audacity do you guys have to be up in arms because a rapper who talks about killing and victimizing blacks in every song...says something quasi-derogatory about white America and its justice system?
You can't see the hypocirsy in that?

Where is the outcry from with side, when a video is posted with the word N' in every line?

Where is the outcry for the lost generation of black men behind bars? without economic oppurtunity? without equitable access to tax dollars?
All of that @%!% quit being the point once you started calling for every racial slur in the books to be unleashed with reckless abandon... but for the sake of the argument.

Rarely do my fellow white fellows get up in arms over the issues you identified. But hell, nobody does. On this board, nobody. And to suggest that Plies is the first rapper to use an anti-white slur... what? I listen to Public Enemy, Clipse, Redman, etc., none of which seems to take much of a positive stance towards my melanin-challenged people. The reason this got brought up is because YardFather (and I) were seemingly ignorant to the fact that cracker=police to the South. It then became your personal soapbox, taking on one by one the rap-loving white boys of this forum, using as your rallying cry a very questionable line of logic, namely that we listen to music with a word that we cannot repeat and feel just great about it.

Speaking for Jordan and Matt as well as myself, yes. The justice system in this country is %+!*#* up, and the legal system is horribly slanted towards people who peddle powder, pot and other potent potables (sorry). But if you're really this up in arms about racism in your music, it's funny that you're taking this chance to assert that viewpoint, seemingly furious with the same rap music we all banter about endlessly on this board, and never once have I seen you say anything to the effect that "Gee, I do wish that every other word in this (any Dirty South track) song wasn't N!"

Usually you're pretty on point, but in this instance you're way out of line.

Don't twist my words...I never suggested that Plies is the first rapper to use "anti-white" slurs...all I said is that he talks about killingblacks on every song...but you guys enjoy and support it.

And no one on this board is up in arms over those issues? Speak for yourself. It may not affect you...but everytime a serious race topic is posted ingeneral...its "not this agan". Not to generalize..but white folk in America don't want to change the status quo and deal with the realissues that affect others disporpotionately.

And Idid make a post a while try to get everyone to stop using the word N' for a whole week.

I tried to do it myself and you know what I makes no difference!

We were labled N's when we were brought here to build this nation for free, we were N's when we were getting hosed down and hung just for equal rights50 years ago, we are N's today even when we work at the same job as you, try to pursue a college education and live life peacefully....a black man inAmerica will always be viewed as a N'....until he stands up for himself and decalres that he is as much of a man as everyone else. So if the young latino,white and asian communities are ok calling each other N's and listening to music littered with the word...why would it be wrong for all racial slurs to beused as greeting/terms of endearment?

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.....right?
If this is still around tomorrow (or whenever I log on here next), I'll speak on it then. If not, whatever.
why would it be wrong for all racial slurs to be used as greeting/terms of endearment?
aha...but the original thing was using the term C'r as a slur to degrade, not as a term of greeting or endearment. That's the only thingI had a problem with in your post.
Originally Posted by 216301baller

haha listened to this song before every case i had in january/february.....CPD dont play anymore

Cleveland police never did play especially in tha heights
plies, along with those defending/applauding him, are in need of an education.

if this video is acceptable behaviour by plies, then i could, in theory, make a video of my own, post it on niketalk, and expect zero reaction from any ofplies' supporters.

my video is going to be about how much i hate "n-words", and how n-words keep rioting, looting, and murdering my friends and family.

you mad?

oh wait, i forgot to mention... like plies' use of cracka, when i say n-word, i am referring to criminals of all skin color, not just african americans.

this post is dumb. obviously people arent gonna like his use of racial slurs about a race other than his own.
Originally Posted by canadian bball

plies, along with those defending/applauding him, are in need of an education.
if this video is acceptable behaviour by plies, then i could, in theory, make a video of my own, post it on niketalk, and expect zero reaction from any of plies' supporters.
my video is going to be about how much i hate "n-words", and how n-words keep rioting, looting, and murdering my friends and family.
you mad?
oh wait, i forgot to mention... like plies' use of cracka, when i say n-word, i am referring to criminals of all skin color, not just african americans.
this post is dumb. obviously people arent gonna like his use of racial slurs about a race other than his own.

I love raw emotion. hate and prejudice are only natural.
a display of such is pure beauty
Originally Posted by canadian bball

plies, along with those defending/applauding him, are in need of an education.

if this video is acceptable behaviour by plies, then i could, in theory, make a video of my own, post it on niketalk, and expect zero reaction from any of plies' supporters.

my video is going to be about how much i hate "n-words", and how n-words keep rioting, looting, and murdering my friends and family.

you mad?

oh wait, i forgot to mention... like plies' use of cracka, when i say n-word, i am referring to criminals of all skin color, not just african americans.

this post is dumb. obviously people arent gonna like his use of racial slurs about a race other than his own.

Naw b', thats that true racism comin out of you........Tell 'em how you really feel.

In GA you go the 3 strike law. I knew a cat that was 28 and got to 25 to life sentences for dope.... You can kill a man and get 5 years. They hanging N'sfor dope.
oh wait, i forgot to mention... like plies' use of cracka, when i say n-word, i am referring to criminals of all skin color, not just african americans.

Naw b', thats that true racism comin out of you........

What's the difference between Plies using the word cracker to classify all white people as cops, lawyers and judges and Canadian bball using the n-word toclassify all black people as criminals???

Everybody knows not one skin color makes up the entire population of either of these groups, so why classify it that way?
Damn y'all trippin' with this little e-race riot...

When I think "100 Years", I think Halim Flowers - #272-113.

16 thinkin' you might as well stay in jail for the rest of your life.

%*!% is sad.

"100 Years" is a real track about the disparaties of the criminal justice system.

Chill with all this Black Panther v. Jim Crowe %*!%...
Originally Posted by canadian bball

Naw b', thats that true racism comin out of you........Tell 'em how you really feel.

I think you'd better re-read my post; it may have flown over your head.

I don't have to re-read anything, you are justifying your use of the "n-word" because he uses the word cracker, when it is really not used inderogatory context.......
Like I stated earlier, Plies is not the only one who uses the word, everywhere south of the Mason-Dixon uses that word.........
^ Word

Plies should be able to say whatever he wants, that's his right and I'll still enjoy his music regardless

My original point (and beef with ABH's post) was that why would someone blatantly encourage the use of racial slurs?
all i wanna know is why Plies, one of the most simple rappers in the game, always seems to be the topic of some multipage thought provoking arguements on NT?
Why is it cool for a 30% of white kids to be born into a trust fund
Where'd that stat come from?....cause I gota hard time believing it.

As far as the cracker thing, heard Juelz say it, heard Young Chris say it.. it doesn't necessarily sit well with me but ...I know what/why anyone is sayingit. I don't take offense. I'm not what or who is being spoken on.

I don't know though...with me it's always...."He's a cool white boy, he aint even white", I AM white
....and not the rest of white people are racist and rich.

Too much generalizations.
Originally Posted by JohnnyCage202

Damn y'all trippin' with this little e-race riot...

When I think "100 Years", I think Halim Flowers - #272-113.

16 thinkin' you might as well stay in jail for the rest of your life.

%*!% is sad.

"100 Years" is a real track about the disparaties of the criminal justice system.

Chill with all this Black Panther v. Jim Crowe %*!%...
you are absolutely right... I hated to see that but he had a little flow�
Originally Posted by Tha Sun Child

Originally Posted by canadian bball

Naw b', thats that true racism comin out of you........Tell 'em how you really feel.

I think you'd better re-read my post; it may have flown over your head.

I don't have to re-read anything, you are justifying your use of the "n-word" because he uses the word cracker, when it is really not used in derogatory context.......
Like I stated earlier, Plies is not the only one who uses the word, everywhere south of the Mason-Dixon uses that word.........

yes, yes you do. it was hypothetical.

blacks changed the n-word to a term of endearment not an insult (argument of many regarding use of the word).

thats fantastic!!! makes no difference to me cus i dont use it and it doesnt affect me.

does that make it ok to use slurs for other races but not as insults??? no. but you already disagreed this point. so that must mean...

then it is ok for me to say "hey above the mason dixon line, we use the n-word to describe athletes. see alex ovechkin over there... hes a real n-word,scored mad goals last season "

people would get mad, and rightfully so. i want you to think im racist. my hope is that it will show you that exactly what you're accusing me of you havealready kindly displayed for all of us in this thread.
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