HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

I wonder how many trades the rockets turned down cause they included Parsons, and now he walks for nothing.

Morey overplayed his hand.
Yea, good luck to Parsons…I knew we wouldn't match it… Ariza isn't really all that bad… considering he was our first option years back, now he don't have to worry about being number one.. Just have to worry about playing defense, knocking down that three, and helping Harden out at the two spot some nights. 
Morey took a risk and almost had bosh in the bag. If he pulled that off then matched parsons we would all be praising him. Unfortunately it didn't work out but that's a risk I feel was worth taking to assemble a really good team. It's not as if this is a bad team anyways Ariza is still a solid player
I wish Parsons exponential personal fortune off the court, and miserable failure on the court as long as he'd in a Mavs jersey. **** Mark Cuban and **** the Mavericks. They are the Cowboys now, and they can choke on a **** Lisa Ann style
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You can't hate a man for taking the money. I don't blame parsons at all, but the mavs and Cuban can all go to hell.
We had the 6th best record in the NBA. Management felt that a harden Parsons Howard trio wasn't good enough to win a championship, so they get rid of Lin, Asik, and Parsons so they can have cap space after next year.
What about the upcoming year though? Where does that put us? This year was the year we were supposed to strike it big. As of right now, this team looks directionless. Two stars that basically have to play for the love of the game instead of at minimum being in the WCF. I'll keep thinking that until we're 35 games into this season.
It's really, like we've been reading from Woj, Stein, etc, Morey wouldn't move Lin unless a big name commits. Lebron leaves, and like we've read, Bosh would go to Houston. Lebron leaves, we think it's going our way. Then Morey trades Lin, and we know it's just a matter of time. Go back to Woj's timeline, and everything points to Bosh coming to Houston. Even discussing financial terms. Then all of a sudden it's Miami is back in the mix and not long, not long at all after that tweet, Woj tweets Bosh will return to Miami for the max.

It's not like Morey traded Lin and Asik and hoped for the best. We can agree trading Asik was a good move, considering the pick they got in return. To trade Lin, for all his faults, was a capable backup point. Who was capable of starting.

It's not a matter of letting these players go for cap space. It's more, nobody saw Riley throwing Bosh the max. It really came out of nowhere.

After signing Ariza, and really looking back at it, yeah, don't match Parsons. What would we be paying for? A maxed out SF and an 8M on average a year backup SF?

Match Parsons, with Ariza on board, ties the Rockets down long term. Instead, Ariza can play SF at half the cost.

Of course everything sucks, and 'what's the point of cap space if we're in win now mode/what FA's can they even trade for/want to sign to Houston,' is a valid counter point, but, it all got messed up when Bosh left us at the altar. Again.

Match Parsons, and Howard, Parsons, Harden and Ariza is nothing more than a 4-5 seed like the Rockets been, been. Since Yao and TMac. Don't sign Ariza, and match Parsons, and it's the same thing. That core wouldn't get through the rugged West.

It was all in this offseason, and it was a calculated risk. Dirk was a FA. Melo's Knicks stunk. FA. Lebron just lost the Finals with an aging roster. Maybe he'd survey the field. If Bron left, wouldn't it make sense for Bosh to leave?

Pretty much had a crack at the best player in the league, and a bunch of players who had the clout to be a 3rd star. Had to swing for the fences this offseason.

Did, and instead of hitting a grand slam, hit into a triple play. Game goes on, though.

Rockets will still be a 4-5 seed most likely (they either live beyond expectations, fighting for an 8 spot and ending up with a 14th pick when everybody doubts em, or live down to expectations, see Yao and Mac, Howard and Harden, and end up as a 4-5 seed)

On paper we seem worst off, but they'll be ok. Just won't make any noise in the playoffs. As usual. Like we've endured for the past decade plus.

So it goes.
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At the end of the day I'm not mad at Morey, I'm pretty sure he's pissed that Bosh and his agent led him to believe that he was coming here. Everything was in place and it just fell apart. Now it's time for Morey to salvage this. I'm interested to see what he does. Frankly if we had kept Chandler we wouldn't of made much noise anyway, we couldn't beat Portland last year with him, harden, and Dwight. I'm not cool with losing a year of prime Dwight or Harden but if Bosh wasn't coming then we weren't going to contend. The problem is at PF, T. Jones just can't handle any of the elite 4's. That's the glaring weakness of the Rockets, that and a lack of depth.

If Morey can somehow land a third star via trade, then he'll be vindicated after all of this. The chances of that seem bleak but the man did basically turn nothing into Harden and Howard. So I'm not eager to fire him because one dude and his agent didn't keep their word.
Bosh definitely ****** us 

Read somewhere that he verbally agreed to come here then Miami got desperate and offered him Max smh.

Morey did **** up too by pretty much letting Chandler walk away free and we leave empty handed but I see where his  intentions were. It would have been 
 to get Parsons/Bosh. Thats woulda been a sick lineup. But since he failed this time everyone wants his head. Boys gotta remember he aint gon hit the HR every time. 

We've come a long way yall 
 He did get Harden and D12 the past 2 years

I think a lot of yall boys are over reacting tho. We still got 2 superstars on the team and some nice role players plus flexibility to sign some new guys.

1st off theres no way in hell you pay a glue guy 15 mil a year. Morey made the right decision and im glad he didnt get caught up in the moment and matched it.

Off season aint done we still are gonna add new guys. There not gonna be big names but they should be solid.

IMO Morey should do everything he can to bring over Milsap (if we are out of the sweepstakes for love)

He'd be a great addition the team and Milsap/Ariza >> Parsons

Not to mention Ariza is what us fans had been calling for ALLLLLL season. D and 3 Guy at the wing.

Hes gonna fit in nicely plus brings some veteran and championship presence to the squad.

Everybody just got to take a step back and chill 

Off season definitely  aint going how we wanted or expected but we still have a solid team and with the addition of a few more players we gon be straight 
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the further i step back, the less angry i am i think.

bosh screwing us hurts the most. we traded lin and a 1st round pick based on his verbal commitment.

they clearly thought parson harden howard wasn't a championship trio. it sucks that we're not gonna get much better this season, especially because dwight will become one year older and closer to leaving.

what's done is done. no dwelling. moving on.

we've swapped ariza with parsons. losing asik and lin is of marginal value. asik was hurt all year. lin. good riddance.

it would have been nice not letting parsons out of his contract, but oh well. let's still add role players, and prepare in case we do luck into another major star. lots of work to be done. i'll do some reading and see if i can't find some legitimate scenarios where we can go with this thing.
clint capela is allegedly coming over. don't know how effective he will be in year 1, but it's nice to finally draft a foreign player and have him actually play. tired of stashing guys
It would be nice to keep our own naturally developing players for once. This is why I've bought more team shirts than actual player shirts, cause I never know who or when somebody on the Rockets or Texans will get traded or leave for FA. At least I've been able to wear Foster, Andre, and Cushing's stuff for a long time.
Got rid of that bum Casspi in the Asik trade 

Also saw that we are getting Alonzo Gee.. If we decide to keep him he could maybe crack the rotation. I remember him playing decent on the Cavs.

As far as Capela he has some promise if he just keeps working he'll be a good player.

He might crack the rotation for a few minutes.

Im really hoping Mchale doesnt run our players into the ground and plays the bench some. I know we didnt really have a bench last year but still 
 I wanna see him run the bench more.

Word is we in negotiations to brig back Daniels, hopefully they can secure that 

Wanna see what he can do this next season because boys can ball
gee is probably gonna be waived, from what i've read.

marion should be one target for us. i think we should make a trade for someone making roughly 8 million or so, to get to the salary cp (using our trade exception) then use our MLE and BAE.

jj hickson, ersan ilyasova, taj gibson. just some names, probably not attainable, but just ideas.


we could get marion to be our backup 3. getting taj or ersan, i imagine either would start. it's not as bad as i once thought, no matter how bad i convinced you it could be.

we're probably gonna go after small team friendly deals. next year try to add another talent. won't be top tier like love or aldridge. think more, rondo, millsap. with room to add and there's PLENTY guys to add next year.
@clutchfans: Morey: "You have to be the one to find the Chandler Parsons, not the one that gives the Chandler Parsons the max contracts."

Morey just had a pretty good interview on 790. Will post the podcast once it is up.
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