HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

game 3: 48 seconds left. up by 3. instead of killing the clock, he rushes up court to take a contested layup. next possession down, batum hits a 3.

game 4: 24 seconds left, up 2. instead of killing the clock, he rushes up court to get ripped by mo williams, who ends up hitting a 3 on the same possession.

jeremy lin, folks.

Both are examples of him just playing out of control. That's never going to change. He's like an erratic quarterback lol
so i'm looking at free agents coming up this offseason and making a list of guys i'd like to see us make an attempt to get, (assuming we dump lin and asik)

boris diaw
channing frye
jordan hill
shawn marion
andray blatche

yikes that's a weak list :lol:
I feel about Jordan Hill how PugLife feels about Ariza. **** him. That is a weak list though :lol: I'm down for Ariza or Blatche coming off the bench, but Jesus :lol:

Boys needa let Powell or Garcia get a few minutes and give Mo a hard foul

Cant be soft and ****

If nothing happens next game our team soft dab
I kinda want my guys to lose and be done with this. :\ The lack of a consistent defensive scheme is causing me extreme stress. Not to mention its embarrassing asf to watch them continue to blow late leads in the actual playoffs. There's no way they make it to the WCF without playing defense. I want them to exit now so the sting is there and they are forced to figure this ish out. "gotta fail to succeed"
I kinda want my guys to lose and be done with this. :\ The lack of a consistent defensive scheme is causing me extreme stress. Not to mention its embarrassing asf to watch them continue to blow late leads in the actual playoffs. There's no way they make it to the WCF without playing defense. I want them to exit now so the sting is there and they are forced to figure this ish out. "gotta fail to succeed"

Nah. That's something Mo Williams would say. Gut this out and win 3 in a row. Start fresh for round 2.
Seriously been near broken hearted all week, but still holding out hope. We'll see what this team is made of when it's all finally on the line.
That Beverley/lillard play has summed up this whole series.

Beverley has a chance to get the loose ball on the tip from Dwight, but instead pulls up and lets lillard get it. Lillard ends up hitting a 3.

They just want it more.
Goodness. This team is gonna give me a heart attack.

From a Rockets group I'm a part of in response to all the dragic/Lowry talk during the game:

But yea it is what it is. Gotta role with the squad. Hopefully we get a win, harden gets it rolling and Lin gains his confidence back.

That happened. As far as game 6 goes, feed Dwight all game, I think this game and game 7 is a chance for Harden to quiet all the naysayers (his defense again is lacking, not skill, just effort).

Rockets in 7.
Ya'll have no idea how disgusted I am that Robin Lopez and Wes Matthews can be so impactful. Obviously needed this win to bring some life back to everybody. All around guys had good games, but there were still some lapses that made you think it would easily go the other way. Harden has been slumping all series in various ways, but superstars wake up and show why they are exactly that. Let's go game 6 :pimp:

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Don't understand why Mchale didn't switch something when Matthews was dropping 18 on harden in the 3rd quarter alone.

Every game has been close, but hopefully we can put another one together Friday and it'll put all the pressure on them.
Parsons is our alpha guy right now. Lin realized he can penetrate the defense and they started playing zone soon after. Dwight did his thing and harden has been ultra average as usual it seems.

Asik was huge for us tonight. Officiating was crap as usual but it didn't get outta hand at the end.
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asik is so frustrating. got a couple key offensive rebounds, but then always tries to do some soft bs layup on like 3 guys that ALWAYS gets blocked. just grab the rebound and pass it out so we can reset. that would do wonders on those key possessions. he also just needs to go up strong and throw it the **** down instead of trying to lay it up all the time. he still played great tonight though.

i hate all these ticky tack, lazy fouls we pick up early. they always end up coming back to bite us in the *** late.

harden seriously needs to just play. it's the playoffs and he won't get the same calls he's used to, but he can still score. he needs to stop overthinking and just let his game come to him.

dwight has been awesome. i still HATE lin for what he's done this series, but he played pretty well tonight. he still had a couple stupid plays where he gets scared/thinks too much, but when he's aggressive, he's an asset.
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