HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)

The simple reason we are seeing Parsons name even out there whether they're rumors or not should let us know that Parsons is definitely tradeable. I wouldn't let him get in the way of getting a clear upgrade at any position.
I'll feel "some type of way" losing Parsons. I gotta imagine Morey would have a separate deal in place to move Lin to fill the 3 spot
Trading Parsons is a bad idea. Rondo is not needed. Morey gotta have some other plan but not Parsons bruh.
I think it's a bad idea as well. Any combo of Asik/Lin/Jones/Parsons for Rondo/Green (and a pick I guess?) is more subtraction than addition. Parsons is a main cog for us whether it's for under a mil, or 6-10 mill. There's a huge difference when he's on the floor vs when he's not, and Jeff Green wouldn't have that up. Also, you just left a whole behind Dwight (again) and you're trying to fill it with an undersized (for the center position), lacking in defense D-Mo, and Greg Smith who is hurt every 10 games. I'm more into whatever gets Thad Young and/or Spencer Hawes here.

Tonight in LA....I'd love for Dwight to have one of those 38-25 games that Shaq wants him to have versus them. Just to watch and listen to all of their fans cry, backpedal and make excuses.
If we were to package Parsons/Asik/Lin/Jones, it would be nice to get a LMA/Love…pipe dream, I know..
The way I see it imo Parsons is not gonna be a part of the future unfortunately.. Worse players get payed a ton. Parsons is gonna get offered a huge contract when he becomes available the way hes been playing. So if our plan isn't to keep him why not package him up and get something for him instead of just letting him walk.

I really like Parsons and would hate to see him leave but sometimes things just happen.

I honestly dont know if hes our third star or not and idk if Morey is fully confident he is either. I hope he is tho.

Morey either fully believes in him and offers him a good contract or lets him play on a low budget these next two seasons then if he were to test the FA I see another team offering him a huge contract and overpaying.
Harden and Howard are not so sure Rondos attitude will fit the team...

More as it comes CF
That is the problem... These guys laugh and have lots of fun. Rondo is all about winning. He doesn't have many friends in the league. He just want to come out and kill you every time
From CyberX on Clutchfans

Hes a pretty credible person
Wish Dwight could get up for every game like this.

FINALLY a game where we blow it open and everyone can rest the 4th quarter...especially considering we play again tomorrow night (I'm knocking on wood that we don't blow the lead since it's still the 3rd quarter).

I can't swallow trading parsons right now. Ideally, we can win a championship for him, but if there's something out there that gives us a better chance, then we should take it.
Casspi & Garcia regaining that shooting touch :pimp: Will come in handy tomorrow



Joining in on the Howard Sucks chants :lol: :rofl:


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Between all the oops, Howard's NBA street block of Chris Kaman, and the 3s raining down, I thoroughly enjoyed the game last night.

Let's get these warriors, again :evil:
@WojYahooNBA: Denver has traded Jordan Hamilton to Houston for Aaron Brooks, league sources tell Yahoo Sports.
i don't see how Covington can't get minutes instead of Hamilton… I kinda liked having brooks as our 3rd stringer tbh, especially with Beverley's style of play always getting him injured… But Morey knows best
I felt like the refs screwed us this game… stupid touch fouls called on us every time 

Other than that, we played great imo, good defense, and Asik finally getting in shape.. Definitely seeing improved chemistry out there… gotta re-group and focus for the next game.. GG fellas 
Refs were trash 

Mchale was trash yet again 

Lin played like he was scared or sumn 

Rockets are winning off of straight up talent this year...

Imagine what we could do with a coach that was actually able to coach 
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