HOUSTON ROCKETS Thread '14/'15 - Offseason - Picks (+ Jason Terry)







You know, I've watched that reaction gif multiple times, and I notice something different each time. Look at Asik...he doesn't move one bit when Dwight hits the 3 :rofl:
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You know, I've watched that reaction gif multiple times, and I notice something different each time. Look at Asik...he doesn't move one bit when Dwight hits the 3

He stood up after i think.. salty cause he can't even get a layup 
Harden has a high ankle sprain. Welp... Anyone think Lin's gonna be packaged with Asik or in another trade??? There are rumors but nothin concrete yet.
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i can't say i'd be surprised to see lin go, but i don't think he gets moved. i could see garcia getting shipped out though. we can't have wing players who can't score.
High ankle sprain? Good lord :smh: Chicago may have less talent, but they bring that hustle 100% every night, and the Rockets cant afford to slack and have guys out. Need to figure out a way to punch to Bulls in the mouth early and don't let up.
I don't see how Greg Smith can/will hold up that center spot when dwight sits down 

Morey, find us a backup 5 
Yea I've been waiting on Smith to take a leap for awhile, and besides an injury he'll get here and there, I'm not sure why he hasn't taken it to the next level. Asik sure couldve been valuable for us if everything had worked out, but with the imminent trade, hopefully something good happens. JVG mentioned of everything went well, we could've had 49 full minutes of defensive anchoring, and that's definitely the truth.
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i had no idea the new rule was if they are traded after tomorrow, they have to remain on that team for the rest of the season. no wonder we're forcing a deal through, that way we still can make another deal later :smh:

also, dwight needs more touches. late in the 4th he got 3 straight touches. over powered noah and noah just hugged him to prevent a dunk, then dropped two straight buckets on nazr muhammed. if they double, kick to shooters, if they don't, torch them inside.
Howard pretty much abused Noah and Boozer the entire night, but definitely agree he needed more touches. The Pacers game will be very interesting with Dwight vs Hibbert. Will be a tough game all the way around.

And I'm sort of iffy on that potential trade, just cause I felt we could get more. With this trade, you're pretty much getting guys who can score, and maybe even a better fit next to Howard with Bass (bringing experience as well), and i can remember Lee at least okaying defense as a Rocket before. I would have rather had the Cavs trade (Varajeo & Waiters) or the Sixers trade (some combo of Hawes/Thaddeus/etc). But the trade was inevitable, we don't get better with Asik on the bench.

Also, we need to go on a streak, cause I don't like how cluttered the standings looks.
Friday it will be critical for Dwight to not get into foul trouble because they will eat us alive in the paint if he can't go.
@WojYahooNBA: Houston GM Daryl Morey has also informed Asik's agent, Arn Tellem, that he's ended talks about a trade for his client, source tells Yahoo.
Gonna be mad awkward if Asik can't be traded...

Either way, Rockets will prolly find a taker to shed off Asik's and Lin's final years of their salaries to sign or perhaps trade for a third star.
Sure would be nice if we had a defensive-minded backup big who could take the load off Dwight while matching up with Hibbert.

I'm interested in the Harden vs George matchup as well. Really need Harden to play some type of defense.
Welp, that game couldn't have gone any worse. Harden looked like he was on a stripper binge, and the bench did nothing at all. Lin needs to heal up and get back in the rotation, and Asik needs to in bunch his panties. Overall, guys just need to play better. Howard, Parsons and Smith were the only ones playing with some heart out there. Combined with the Pacers hitting 120% of their shots, you have the makings of a disaster. Just a draining loss.
Casspi and Cisco have been struggling. I don't feel we do enough to get them good looks.

Need lin back badly. He's our only bench player who can get his own shot.

PG and Yolo Lance are tough defenders for Harden. we definitely could have used asik and Dwight in the starting lineup together last night.
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