Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Does what he got her really matter? They where in a relationship for 3 years and she essentially disappeared. What could he have possible got her for a gift that would make us in here go "I kinda see where she's coming from"..... Even not getting a gift I would think there's some conversation or fight before it ends. Just my two cents
She definitely made up her mind to leave beforehand and just waited until Christmas so she could get one last gift and then dip. I was just wondering what the gift was. Not looking for a way out for some random ghoster.
Word…. 3 sides to every story
Bruh what? :lol:

There's no gift (or lack thereof) that would justify ghosting someone after being in a relationship for 3 years.

But like others have said... she had her mind made up already. Just sucks someone would do that to another person.
Mans said "What did you get her for Christmas" :rofl::rofl::rofl:

We can never (repeat - NEVER) be held to account for someone else's feelings, actions, or decisions.

That's not how reality works - at all.

Manipulation does however rest entirely on the fallacy that others are accountable for our ways and actions

What someone else feels, says, or decides to do, says everything about them and who they are, not us.

Newtons Laws only apply to inanimate objects...not living beings.

Took me a long time to realize this.

Understanding this is essential to forgiving others, and ourselves.

If you refuse to accept this fact then you are doomed to fail / be susceptible to manipulation.

Accountability without authority is failure.

Authority without accountability is failure.

Children are the only human beings who cant be held accountable (in most cases) simply because they have no authority over themselves and their own care.

Once we become adults - we are the ones accountable because we have the authority to live our lives as we see fit.

When that woman left, how she left - it had nothing to do with you...at all.

She only showed you who she was.

Act accordingly and try your best to forgive her, remove yourself...because it isn't about you, at all.

Forgive yourself.

People are just people.
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Thanks for clarifying and my bad..... I'm actually curious now too as to what gift she road off into the sunset with.
Yeah a holiday doesn't make or break a decision that was probably eating her for a while.

That's not true holiday breakups are a thing for a reason. Suicide rate goes up during that time too.

People do randomly abandon their families etc. but generally there's some sort of build up of issues/fighting etc. Context matters.

She's a scumbag regardless because of how she handled it.
Bruh what? :lol:

There's no gift (or lack thereof) that would justify ghosting someone after being in a relationship for 3 years.

But like others have said... she had her mind made up already. Just sucks someone would do that to another person.
Bruh it’s not about the gift homie 😂

Chica ghosted him after 3 years, theres Always more to it. I’m not projecting buddy to be wrong nor right, he gave us no info so I’m neutral. When dude asked “what did you get her for Christmas?” to me that question meant “tell us the rest of the story”…. Not literally what present did you buy :lol: that is as relevant as “what did you wear that day…” who tf cares

I’d be remiss if I didn’t say I recently watched Maid on Netflix which is about dom violence. Trust me I’m in NO way jumping to that conclusion. I’m just saying that shxt can be f’ed up when on the surface things seem OK and even close friends/family have no idea. There’s always more to it dog
When dude asked “what did you get her for Christmas?” to me that question meant “tell us the rest of the story”…. Not literally what present did you buy :lol: that is as relevant as “what did you wear that day…” who tf cares
I care, I was only interested in knowing what the gift was :lol:
I was not going to extrapolate what 3 years of them dating was like based on if he got her socks or diamonds :lol:
I rate the honesty :lol:
How early is too early for Shordy to send the nudes over?

If it’s after one or two convos,
You still clapping?
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