Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

steebie j your avy cracks me up 

I would come in here and be braggadocious with my illustrious career on POF but someone already snitched on me in here many moons ago
One thing I notice though is a few dudes in here (including my friends too) missing the "Formula"....

Yup. Some people still have much to learn.
some tips:

i put on my okc profile the date (few weeks ago) with a message that says i am no longer sending messages first, blah blah and i have got tons of messages lately

i do have my height set at 6'9 so a lot of girls start off with "are you really 6'9?" (im actually 6'1) i just say "no but it is my favorite position" or "no i'm really 6'1 the other 8 inches adds up somewhere else"

has that eem worked?


who's getting yambs consistently off these websites?
got some head from a chick on there last night...she a easy joint tho, sending nudes and **** off top....I use POF to supplement the chicks i get in real life, always better to have more sources of females coming in than one
got some head from a chick on there last night...she a easy joint tho, sending nudes and **** off top....I use POF to supplement the chicks i get in real life, always better to have more sources of females coming in than one

I would come in here and be braggadocious with my illustrious career on POF but someone already snitched on me in here many moons ago
One thing I notice though is a few dudes in here (including my friends too) missing the "Formula"....

Using this to supplement is exactly what I am looking for. Treat it like income; better to have 2 streams than 1.

What is this "Formula" you speak of :nerd:

I'm baffled at how I'm catching these L's Randy Moss style on POF/OKC. Its some BAD joints on there for Atl and I get 0 responses. Is the competition really that stiff? :lol: In any case, I'ma keep shooting at the bad joints and hopefully 1 will bite.
Sub-par ***** say what..

"Im Very Blunt . Like When Thingss Go MYWay .. Need A Man Who Can Spoil Me And Give Me What iWant With NOOOExcuess , If You Cant Doo That Dnt Exspect For Me Too Be Intoo Youu ; iTell It Like It Is , iLove Too Go Shopping . & Spend $ On sh*t. If You Can Do That With Noo Problemm , GREAT , If You Cant .. ? GOODBYE :* "
Man these chicks bios are something else :lol: the common occurrence seems to be "I'm a god-fearing woman looking for a god-fearing man", "Yes, I only date white guys, that shouldn't be a problem", "I'm of mixed race, [even though I'm clearly darker than tires on a car", and having a laundry list of Drew Brees precision passing qualities they want in a dude, even if they themselves are 19 with 3 kids and a dirty gutter *** apartment.


:lol: I need to start screen shot-ing these profiles.
No need we all have read profiles like that and it's just amazing that they tripping like that. I guess they trying to get a max deal out here and maybe a sucker will bite eventually.
This one girl on pof messaged me. I looked at her profile and noticed she said her name is X. So I proceeded to ask if the name was short for something...she said dont worry about that just know my name is X. I was like word...ok...then blocked her. Ol first 48 suspect *** name. She wasnt the least bit attractive and shes on some woman empowerment steez on her page.
Yo is it just me or does it seem like the OKC chicks are a bit more stuck up than the POF girls. I got no messages from attractive women on OKC but on POF I gets all kinds of love. The OKC girls always have some kind of crazy description for a first date like picnic, baseball game, skydiving, museum etc. Are simps actually doing this. Do they realize that I don't know them. What I look like spending over $50 on someone that I can barely remember their last name.
I dont spend more than $20 on the first few dates. I pray she better have ate at home before seeing me.
:wow: :smh:

Edit: Let me edit this before it burns me. But yeah, hmmmm not the cleanest "CarFax" report on my new purchase. :lol:

First of all :stoneface:

Secondly....Double Entendre :nerd:

No one even went in on you compared to a lot of situations people have brought to NT :smh: Most just kept it real. Minus whale spill it.

$20 bucks can't even get you 2 movie tickets in a lot of places :rolleyes

I understand the younger guys putting up a front but I know some of y'all too old for that mindset...

If it's a chick you only wanna smash or don't think much of you shouldn't be taking her ANYWHERE in public.

Y'all dudes really have no imagination...

The OKC girls always have some kind of crazy description for a first date like picnic, baseball game, skydiving, museum etc. Are simps actually doing this. Do they realize that I don't know them. What I look like spending over $50 on someone that I can barely remember their last name.

Everything except skydiving can be done for $50 or less depending on where you live.

Personally I wouldn't do a lot of those things early on because of setting the bar too high.
Can yall help me help myself? I got this dominican joint's number last night off of OKC and we been choppin it up thru text allllll damb day. I'm notorious to put myself in the friendzone so what do i gotta do to not fall in the dreaded friendzone realm?
Can yall help me help myself? I got this dominican joint's number last night off of OKC and we been choppin it up thru text allllll damb day. I'm notorious to put myself in the friendzone so what do i gotta do to not fall in the dreaded friendzone realm?

The opposite of what you've been doing...

Reasons why you're in the friend zone

They Don't Know You're Interested

Are you really in the friend zone, or are you just making assumptions? If you've never let on that you're romantically interested, they may be completely clueless about your intentions. If you love them, let them know! You may get turned down, but you also could find out that they return your feelings. You won't know until you speak up!

They Don't Approve of Your Behavior

Do you smoke? Do you drink too much? Do you hang out with a seedy crowd? Are you in trouble more often than not? Your friend may find you unappealing because of your behavior. They either don't want to be associated with that type of person, or they don't see you as a viable dating option. Cleaning up your act may do the trick!

You Treat Them Like a Buddy

When you're hanging out together, do you treat him or her like they're just another one of your best pals? No girl wants a boyfriend who treats her like one of the guys, and the same is true in reverse; what man wants to date a girl who treats him like a girlfriend? Instead, subtly treat them like an attractive, desirable person, and they may get the picture -- and even reciprocate!

You're a Heartbreaker

Do you go through a lot of relationships in a short period of time? Are you always the one to do the dumping? Your friend may view you as a heartbreaker and be scared to step into that role. No one wants to get hurt, so if they think it's a good possibility that you'll break their heart, they may think it's a better idea to steer clear!

You Complain About Being Friendzoned

This is a big one! If you constantly bellyache about how this girl or this guy is a horrible person for putting you in the friend zone, more and more people are going to put you in the friend zone. Why? Because it comes off as pathetic, and no one wants to date someone they view as pathetic. Plus, genuinely nice people don't put others down behind their back, whether they were rejected by them or not.

They Don't Want to Ruin the Friendship

This reason is more rare than the others, and is usually just an excuse, but it is a possibility that the person you love feels that becoming romantic could jeopardize your friendship. If he or she is interested in you, continue to pursue the relationship! If they are simply making excuses and don't have genuine feelings for you, it's best to move on.

They Find You Clingy

You probably don't want to hear this, but there's a real chance that you're coming on too strong. Take a step back and give him or her some space. Give them a chance to miss you! Once they don't have you vying for their attention every second of every day, they may start to see you in a more positive light.

They Find You Boring

Another reason the object of your affection just wants to be friends might be that they find you boring. Are you an adventurous person, or do you typically play it safe? Do you mix things up, or do you always stick to the same routine? Some people prefer to date someone who they find exciting and interesting. If you bore them, they won't be able to see you in any other light.
Cut that all day text and make moves, now. That **** means nothing, I mean nothing. You think you're vibing, she's just having a good chat with a friend, we think differently. The dude in the guts says like 10 words a week to her. Even if you Finnna go riceboy, escalate the sexuality portion or risk being homegirl again. The human race depends on you, if you don't start ******g we no longer continue to procreate and exist.
Lol online dating is notorious for that, Just go to another profile or hide them
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