Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Man women are ruthless..Met this chick on OKC we had a good thing going for about a month and a half, had a great time whenever we linked up, no drama, no stress, no arguments ever, just enjoying each other companies. Recently for a few days I noticed she became a little distant out of nowhere, she would be "sleeping" half the day (she took care of her special needs child at home) before, this girl would always text me crack a dawn, "good morning" followed by heart eyes emoji, kissing with eyes open emoji, kissing with eyes closed emoji, heart emoji. Fast forward to yesterday, I noticed she never texted me in the morning, when I texted her, she didn't respond, which was unusual (she would literally respond within 15 minutes)..I tried calling, it went straight to voice mail, this happened all day so I called private around midnight, the phone rang..I'm like..wait..did she block me..Fast fast forward to today, I notice she posts a pic on IG and I'm like what the hell, this chick is alive..So I DM her, whats going on? 2 minutes later, I saw I lost a follower, I look, and it's her. She blocked me on IG, this is OUT OF NOWHERE, we had no argument, NOTHING..Her last text to me was "I miss you baby" I'm honestly perplexed by this whole situation. She must have had someone else, but damn, these women are worse than men. Growing up I never understood why rappers would say "we don't love these ***s" or "Don't save them"..Now I understand, from now on, whoever I meet will be taken with a grain of salt until we are at the alter..And even still then I'm going to be giving side eyes to them..

Oh...I got pics if anyone wants (heart eyes emoji, sneaky smirk emoji, monkey covering eyes emoji)
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Man women are ruthless..Met this chick on OKC we had a good thing going for about a month and a half, had a great time whenever we linked up, no drama, no stress, no arguments ever, just enjoying each other companies. Recently for a few days I noticed she became a little distant out of nowhere, she would be "sleeping" half the day (she took care of her special needs child at home) before, this girl would always text me crack a dawn, "good morning" followed by heart eyes emoji, kissing with eyes open emoji, kissing with eyes closed emoji, heart emoji. Fast forward to yesterday, I noticed she never texted me in the morning, when I texted her, she didn't respond, which was unusual (she would literally respond within 15 minutes)..I tried calling, it went straight to voice mail, this happened all day so I called private around midnight, the phone rang..I'm like..wait..did she block me..Fast fast forward to today, I notice she posts a pic on IG and I'm like what the hell, this chick is alive..So I DM her, whats going on? 2 minutes later, I saw I lost a follower, I look, and it's her. She blocked me on IG, this is OUT OF NOWHERE, we had no argument, NOTHING..Her last text to me was "I miss you baby" I'm honestly perplexed by this whole situation. She must have had someone else, but damn, these women are worse than men. Growing up I never understood why rappers would say "we don't love these ***s" or "Don't save them"..Now I understand, from now on, whoever I meet will be taken with a grain of salt until we are at the alter..And even still then I'm going to be giving side eyes to them..
That s__ sucks! But it does sound like she had a guy on the side. I had that happen to me too. 
I feel you fam, happened to me when I thought I was about to get that foreign. I posted it in here somewhere with the text messages. Charge it to the game.
Man women are ruthless..Met this chick on OKC we had a good thing going for about a month and a half, had a great time whenever we linked up, no drama, no stress, no arguments ever, just enjoying each other companies. Recently for a few days I noticed she became a little distant out of nowhere, she would be "sleeping" half the day (she took care of her special needs child at home) before, this girl would always text me crack a dawn, "good morning" followed by heart eyes emoji, kissing with eyes open emoji, kissing with eyes closed emoji, heart emoji. Fast forward to yesterday, I noticed she never texted me in the morning, when I texted her, she didn't respond, which was unusual (she would literally respond within 15 minutes)..I tried calling, it went straight to voice mail, this happened all day so I called private around midnight, the phone rang..I'm like..wait..did she block me..Fast fast forward to today, I notice she posts a pic on IG and I'm like what the hell, this chick is alive..So I DM her, whats going on? 2 minutes later, I saw I lost a follower, I look, and it's her. She blocked me on IG, this is OUT OF NOWHERE, we had no argument, NOTHING..Her last text to me was "I miss you baby" I'm honestly perplexed by this whole situation. She must have had someone else, but damn, these women are worse than men. Growing up I never understood why rappers would say "we don't love these ***s" or "Don't save them"..Now I understand, from now on, whoever I meet will be taken with a grain of salt until we are at the alter..And even still then I'm going to be giving side eyes to them..

Oh...I got pics if anyone wants (heart eyes emoji, sneaky smirk emoji, monkey covering eyes emoji)

It happens to all of us breh.

Lost one at one point the same way...

Either she had a man the whole time or she just got bored with you and want someone else's attention.

Don't worry too much about it... Just work on a new one
@Johnny cakes

Man your story sounds all to familiar man. I wrote a similar story like that about a year ago. Only to find out she went back talking to her ex (thanks to a NTer that knew her personally). It burns man cause u dont understand what u did wrong but at the end of the day...just know its not your fault. I just chalked it up to the game and kept it moving.
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Man women are ruthless..Met this chick on OKC we had a good thing going for about a month and a half, had a great time whenever we linked up, no drama, no stress, no arguments ever, just enjoying each other companies. Recently for a few days I noticed she became a little distant out of nowhere, she would be "sleeping" half the day (she took care of her special needs child at home) before, this girl would always text me crack a dawn, "good morning" followed by heart eyes emoji, kissing with eyes open emoji, kissing with eyes closed emoji, heart emoji. Fast forward to yesterday, I noticed she never texted me in the morning, when I texted her, she didn't respond, which was unusual (she would literally respond within 15 minutes)..I tried calling, it went straight to voice mail, this happened all day so I called private around midnight, the phone rang..I'm like..wait..did she block me..Fast fast forward to today, I notice she posts a pic on IG and I'm like what the hell, this chick is alive..So I DM her, whats going on? 2 minutes later, I saw I lost a follower, I look, and it's her. She blocked me on IG, this is OUT OF NOWHERE, we had no argument, NOTHING..Her last text to me was "I miss you baby" I'm honestly perplexed by this whole situation. She must have had someone else, but damn, these women are worse than men. Growing up I never understood why rappers would say "we don't love these ***s" or "Don't save them"..Now I understand, from now on, whoever I meet will be taken with a grain of salt until we are at the alter..And even still then I'm going to be giving side eyes to them..

Oh...I got pics if anyone wants (heart eyes emoji, sneaky smirk emoji, monkey covering eyes emoji)

Post pics , man not saying that may cause you to have trust issues but yeah don't get too attached nowadays specially with online dating . Got a story to post tomorrow similar to this .
Man women are ruthless..Met this chick on OKC we had a good thing going for about a month and a half, had a great time whenever we linked up, no drama, no stress, no arguments ever, just enjoying each other companies. Recently for a few days I noticed she became a little distant out of nowhere, she would be "sleeping" half the day (she took care of her special needs child at home) before, this girl would always text me crack a dawn, "good morning" followed by heart eyes emoji, kissing with eyes open emoji, kissing with eyes closed emoji, heart emoji. Fast forward to yesterday, I noticed she never texted me in the morning, when I texted her, she didn't respond, which was unusual (she would literally respond within 15 minutes)..I tried calling, it went straight to voice mail, this happened all day so I called private around midnight, the phone rang..I'm like..wait..did she block me..Fast fast forward to today, I notice she posts a pic on IG and I'm like what the hell, this chick is alive..So I DM her, whats going on? 2 minutes later, I saw I lost a follower, I look, and it's her. She blocked me on IG, this is OUT OF NOWHERE, we had no argument, NOTHING..Her last text to me was "I miss you baby" I'm honestly perplexed by this whole situation. She must have had someone else, but damn, these women are worse than men. Growing up I never understood why rappers would say "we don't love these ***s" or "Don't save them"..Now I understand, from now on, whoever I meet will be taken with a grain of salt until we are at the alter..And even still then I'm going to be giving side eyes to them..

Oh...I got pics if anyone wants (heart eyes emoji, sneaky smirk emoji, monkey covering eyes emoji)

Bruh pretty much same thing with me, only thing is my shorty had no kids. Blocked me on FB, and everything. Hell even her family wanted to meet me cause we was so happy together. I'm just gonna be a savage on POF for the time being.
Man women are ruthless..Met this chick on OKC we had a good thing going for about a month and a half, had a great time whenever we linked up, no drama, no stress, no arguments ever, just enjoying each other companies. Recently for a few days I noticed she became a little distant out of nowhere, she would be "sleeping" half the day (she took care of her special needs child at home) before, this girl would always text me crack a dawn, "good morning" followed by heart eyes emoji, kissing with eyes open emoji, kissing with eyes closed emoji, heart emoji. Fast forward to yesterday, I noticed she never texted me in the morning, when I texted her, she didn't respond, which was unusual (she would literally respond within 15 minutes)..I tried calling, it went straight to voice mail, this happened all day so I called private around midnight, the phone rang..I'm like..wait..did she block me..Fast fast forward to today, I notice she posts a pic on IG and I'm like what the hell, this chick is alive..So I DM her, whats going on? 2 minutes later, I saw I lost a follower, I look, and it's her. She blocked me on IG, this is OUT OF NOWHERE, we had no argument, NOTHING..Her last text to me was "I miss you baby" I'm honestly perplexed by this whole situation. She must have had someone else, but damn, these women are worse than men. Growing up I never understood why rappers would say "we don't love these ***s" or "Don't save them"..Now I understand, from now on, whoever I meet will be taken with a grain of salt until we are at the alter..And even still then I'm going to be giving side eyes to them..

Oh...I got pics if anyone wants (heart eyes emoji, sneaky smirk emoji, monkey covering eyes emoji)

She most def had another dude. He came back into the picture and she had to dead you. Dude probably noticed she was getting happy somewhere else and ramped up. I met my girl on OKC and at the time there was a dude leading her on. Once he noticed she wasn't chasing anymore, he began calling more often. It was too late because she was fed up and much more happy with me.
@Johnny cakes

Man your story sounds all to familiar man. I wrote a similar story like that about a year ago. Only to find out she went back talking to her ex (thanks to a NTer that knew her personally). It burns man cause u dont understand what u did wrong but at the end of the day...just know its not your fault. I just chalked it up to the game and kept it moving.

Hell my ex did this to me last year, thought we were getting back together and everything then nothing. I'm assuming she used me to give off the vibe of "options" to the other object of her desire, and when he got his **** together she was out. That "future faking" **** hurt, but it is what it is, you learn game and move on. And I won't act like I haven't hurt her or other women in the past. Atleast these were just short flings, I thought I was gonna marry this chick.
I can't vouch for the big girl stuff personally, but if they're anything like women with multiple kids(which I can vouch for), I can see why dudes readily knock them down :lol: they are like the player who barely gets PT that comes in, wrecks shop, and gives you all they got, doing their best to stay in the lineup. For 9 months I had some of the best from scratch food I've ever had, along with the best leg-shaking toe twitching head.

Djdjksksksjd big broads getting their Vinnie the Microwave Johnson on :rofl:

Man women are ruthless..Met this chick on OKC we had a good thing going for about a month and a half, had a great time whenever we linked up, no drama, no stress, no arguments ever, just enjoying each other companies. Recently for a few days I noticed she became a little distant out of nowhere, she would be "sleeping" half the day (she took care of her special needs child at home) before, this girl would always text me crack a dawn, "good morning" followed by heart eyes emoji, kissing with eyes open emoji, kissing with eyes closed emoji, heart emoji. Fast forward to yesterday, I noticed she never texted me in the morning, when I texted her, she didn't respond, which was unusual (she would literally respond within 15 minutes)..I tried calling, it went straight to voice mail, this happened all day so I called private around midnight, the phone rang..I'm like..wait..did she block me..Fast fast forward to today, I notice she posts a pic on IG and I'm like what the hell, this chick is alive..So I DM her, whats going on? 2 minutes later, I saw I lost a follower, I look, and it's her. She blocked me on IG, this is OUT OF NOWHERE, we had no argument, NOTHING..Her last text to me was "I miss you baby" I'm honestly perplexed by this whole situation. She must have had someone else, but damn, these women are worse than men. Growing up I never understood why rappers would say "we don't love these ***s" or "Don't save them"..Now I understand, from now on, whoever I meet will be taken with a grain of salt until we are at the alter..And even still then I'm going to be giving side eyes to them..

Oh...I got pics if anyone wants (heart eyes emoji, sneaky smirk emoji, monkey covering eyes emoji)

**** her, man... **** happens

You can either be on your Robin Thicke/Carl Thomas ****; all depressed, drinking liquor butt naked in your bathtub wishing she'd come back...

Or you can say **** these ****, improve yourself and reach your zenith b

I'd strongly recommend the latter, b.
@Johnny cakes

Man your story sounds all to familiar man. I wrote a similar story like that about a year ago. Only to find out she went back talking to her ex (thanks to a NTer that knew her personally). It burns man cause u dont understand what u did wrong but at the end of the day...just know its not your fault. I just chalked it up to the game and kept it moving.

Hell my ex did this to me last year, thought we were getting back together and everything then nothing. I'm assuming she used me to give off the vibe of "options" to the other object of her desire, and when he got his **** together she was out. That "future faking" **** hurt, but it is what it is, you learn game and move on. And I won't act like I haven't hurt her or other women in the past. Atleast these were just short flings, I thought I was gonna marry this chick.
Man this chick was pretty much everything I wanted in a woman. We shared common interest and all that. Talked and chilled pretty much all the time. I would've quit the whole online game just to be with her. Then all of a sudden she became distant. Called, texted, email, etc damn near every form of communication and nothing. But when I did get a response it was either one worded or dry. Asked what's going on...she copped an attitude :lol:. Few days later she hit me up saying how she's sorry for being distant and that we not compatible. I was like wtf :lol: the nerve of her. Analyzing the situation, it was just a cop out excuse to get out of the situation she had with me to get back talking to her ex. I would've liked for her to be straight up with me but oh well.
I still can't see how some of you guys falling for these chicks on pof tinder, okc, etc. I get it though, few stories of success and some dudes finding wifey on there. But yo... I think it's been stated a lot of times in here that the main attraction of women to these apps is the quickness they can move on if they desire. No same social circle or family friends or anything. Always keep that in mind.

Anyway though bro, nothing wrong with being a good man, all that rap lyrics you quoted don't apply to all women.

And on the upside of things that is a fairly small heartache for the lesson on the world of heartbreak. Some guys the devastation is real after 3 years with a girl and she just leaves. And then they reach your actualization "can't save em"
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Bruh pretty much same thing with me, only thing is my shorty had no kids. Blocked me on FB, and everything. Hell even her family wanted to meet me cause we was so happy together. I'm just gonna be a savage on POF for the time being.
That rich girl you went to the Nets game with?
Matched with this shorty on tinder that was real attractive. Long story short shorty wasn't trying to get to know ya boy until I took her out to eat. Maybe I'm bugging but if I got to reach in pocket to get to know a person I'm going to take that L to the face.


She looking at you as a free meal , propose coffee first to see if you guys have that connection ,just to see how she reacts .
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Man I never had a woman go phantom on me so I don't even know how that feels. **** must def mess with your ego, but gotta charge it to the game.
Online dating is much more mainstream and has become acceptable but the way people talk about and regard online hookups is still quite different than people they met through real life situations. So with that being said, catching feels over an online mami, not gon be able to do it.
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