Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

84. Not you. I'm talkin more in general. It's going on out here everyday. Gassed up chicks at all time high. Even you just smashin an ugly broad for a nut gives them better self esteem. I'm all set. An I'll be dam. If she got pics of me for proof.
I'd rather fap at home than spend a single minute of my life in the presence of a 3, let alone watch an entire ******g movie with one.

Have some standards man. If you deem it worthwhile to hang out and smash 3s, you're probably a 3 yourself.
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I won't even get a hard on from a 3. An yea.....I've only hit 8s an up.

To each their own man. I just can't do it. It's not fair to myself first n foremost to give myself to such a low number. They'd win, id lose.....all for what? A nut? I've never been that thirsty in my life.

Part of the reason so many wack chicks be gassed up too these days.
You are me. Or i am you.

probably the first one
Club is that you? Yea real life. We would be friends based on personality n things I've seen over the years.
I would chill. 

Dudes too picky, and she's right sometimes they just want a movie buddy...

And you know where that leads to on most Friday nights with the liq flowing...

I rather chill with a cool 3 than be by myself beating off on the weekend...real p is better than the hand any day of the week to me. 

Some dudes don't have time for the obstacles these so called 8's try to put you through...

Cut to the chase for a good time. 

you sound like my friend... dude has slept with so many girls that I'm just like :x I wouldn't touch that with a 30 foot pole.

But to each their own.
I just made one of these to browse around and meet new people. Haven't had any luck yet tho
Quick advice needed...

There was a pretty good looking girl I met up with from OKC back in January, we only chilled 3 times. Had her in bed the second night. I said something that pissed her off the third time we hung out and we haven't talked since :rofl:

Well she's back on OKC and I was contemplating messaging her for the hell of it... should I?
^ ofc you should. What have you got to lose? some bird ignoring you Gain? yambs
Quick advice needed...

There was a pretty good looking girl I met up with from OKC back in January, we only chilled 3 times. Had her in bed the second night. I said something that pissed her off the third time we hung out and we haven't talked since :rofl:

Well she's back on OKC and I was contemplating messaging her for the hell of it... should I?
:lol: nah man. Save your time.
Most of my conquests have been 7-8's with more 5's and 6's then I would like to admit but 3's??? Cot damn :lol:
So you want us to simp?
**** outta here. I dont chase women. I get sweet pumpum from the main on the reg, so these birds need to be worth it for me to break mold

You really are dense.

I posted that show the guys in here who aren't having success that it's not that serious. An ok looking female living in NY can't get much love on OKC and she's sending out messages.

Club and Audi sound like they wanna go a date.
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If you're not getting attention on OKC, you're either 1. unattractive or 2. giving off creep vibes with the way you're presenting yourself.
If you're not getting attention on OKC, you're either 1. unattractive or 2. giving off creep vibes with the way you're presenting yourself.

For the most part yeah.

But when I first got on POF I put up solid numbers and still do pretty well. Heard about OKC...joined. NOTHING.

Fast forward to this year same pics/profile info as before and I'm doing better on OKC now vs POF...
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Some of you guys take this "i ain't no simp" schtick a little too seriously. Since when does taking the initiative make you a lesser man? If anything, it's the opposite.
Tip:  Write "message me if you want to hear a joke" in your profile, and have a somewhat cheesy joke locked and loaded.  At the moment my joke of choice is "Why did Britney Spears become a cokehead?" then when they ask why, I respond with "...because Kevin Federlines."  and include a link to this video:

Corny, but you'd be surprised at how effective it is. 
To go with the above post.

You can also say "why did the turtle cross the road.

To get to the shell station"
Man I hate this website! I get so many views but nothing. I usually send a clever message but get nothing in return.
Chick with the longhorns mug putting up J.R Smith pecentages.

It must kill chicks to get deaded by dudes knowing how thirsty the male species is on the whole.

Basically boils down to the fact that those 60 guys would rather beat off then entertain the prospect of messaging her back :smh: :lol:
Chick with the longhorns mug putting up J.R Smith pecentages.

It must kill chicks to get deaded by dudes knowing how thirsty the male species is on the whole.

Basically boils down to the fact that those 60 guys would rather beat off then entertain the prospect of messaging her back :smh: :lol:


Girls have a lot more to lose on these sites than dudes. If you ain't getting messages back from DUDES, your physical appearance is definitely lacking.
Man I hate this website! I get so many views but nothing. I usually send a clever message but get nothing in return.

This. I wanna get back on there but I mean its discouraging to see that they read your message & have no intentions of replying to them.
Don't use any, but from what I see if you don't fill out a shirt nicely with a charming smile, you better have an original, unique, well written profile, or pics showing you doing cool things. Like real life.
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