Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

A lot of girls who have OKC accounts, also have POF accounts. But yeah, if I had to side with one, I'd probably choose OKC. The layout and structure of POF kind of turns me off, as petty as that sounds.
To be truthful as much time yaw are putting in, gas money liquior and mire time yaw might as well buy a hooker or go escort style backpage and save time and money
Truth. I can never put in that much effort just to smash some online chick. Thats why I sit back and let them come to me. Last chick I met up with was from OKC, 2 weeks ago. I wouldnt reply to her messages for a few days but she would hit me back with the quickness. Went to a bar spot. Had some drinks and a good convo. Bill came and she payed for half of it even though I ordered way more drinks than she did. And she was cute too. I didnt even hint that I wanted to smash, so now she gonna go extra hard to try an please me.

Ya'll dudes spending too much time, money and effort on these broads. If you're looking for a relationship I can understand, but if you doing it just to smash :smh:
Then again, everyone has their own tactics. I play the "sit and wait for a fish to bite" game. Ya'll play the "shooting fish in a barrel"
I must not be as pretty as some of you dudes to get women to message me
This, it's mainly because the real attractive ones don't HAVE to resort to messaging first. They just wait, they know the thirst is coming.
I must not be as pretty as some of you dudes to get women to message me :\
The "secret" for me is to not put too much info out there. I could easily put some shirtless pic and get a barrage of messages a day. But I cant deal with that. Every woman thats messaged me says " I wanted to see what you were about" or " you seemed intimidating"
Contrary to popular belief, women love to concur. Thats why they always want to change men into what they deem fit. All you gotta do is spark their interest and give them a challenge. Remember, dudes are chasing after them 24/7, so when you stand out of the bunch it excites them
The "secret" for me is to not put too much info out there. I could easily put some shirtless pic and get a barrage of messages a day. But I cant deal with that. Every woman thats messaged me says " I wanted to see what you were about" or " you seemed intimidating"
Contrary to popular belief, women love to concur. Thats why they always want to change men into what they deem fit. All you gotta do is spark their interest and give them a challenge. Remember, dudes are chasing after them 24/7, so when you stand out of the bunch it excites them
so how do you "Stand out"?
I could easily put some shirtless pic

Most chicks actually hate that...

You're "playing" the same game teenagers/females do and all you got a was chick to go halfsies on some drinks out of it :rolleyes

It's not like you're busy and couldn't respond. You probably read it or the email then waited days to respond. And you say other people are putting in too much effort :lol:

mainly because the real attractive ones don't HAVE to resort to messaging first.

Attractive or ugly a lot of females would rather lose a toe than initiate anything with a guy.

Dudes gotta stop over analyzing :lol:
Most chicks actually hate that...

You're "playing" the same game teenagers/females do and all you got a was chick to go halfsies on some drinks out of it :rolleyes

It's not like you're busy and couldn't respond. You probably read it or the email then waited days to respond. And you say other people are putting in too much effort :lol:
Attractive or ugly a lot of females would rather lose a toe than initiate anything with a guy.
The hell you talking about
I am actually busy and most of the time dont have time to respond right away. Its the same with text messages, I get reply back when I reply back. I have other things to do than sit and have long convos with chicks when my only intention is to smash.

But I dont put up shirtless pics cause they think you're a douche

Aint teenage games. I dont chase women.
Tell me your online dating accomplishments tough guy
Honestly, as soon as you get a girl's attention on OKC, you gotta get the number and begin texting.

There's a lot of dudes who are constantly blasting them with messages, so once you make your first impression, you need to switch it texting and calling ASAP.

After that, you need to meet within a week.
If you got okc, they got questions about sex...
If a chick answers the same questions you did, you can see her answers :evil:

There are ?'s on a buncha diff topics, I only answered the ones about sex :lol:

*reactivates account*
okc and pof are dope i met some girl online got her number and now we gonna meet the only prob is she is a inch taller than me. 
I must not be as pretty as some of you dudes to get women to message me :\

This. :smh:. Every time I get a message its from something that is soooooo :x. Every once in awhile a cute girl will message me. Like I know I'm not the most attractive dude out there, but I'm not bad looking by any means. I've pulled some fine women. These sites are just whack... lol
I must not be as pretty as some of you dudes to get women to message me :\

This. :smh:. Every time I get a message its from something that is soooooo :x. Every once in awhile a cute girl will message me. Like I know I'm not the most attractive dude out there, but I'm not bad looking by any means. I've pulled some fine women. These sites are just whack... lol

Make sure your profile isn't generic.

Also most attractive women dont message first. They don't have to. 90% of the women who contact me first get ignored
I must not be as pretty as some of you dudes to get women to message me
. Every time I get a message its from something that is soooooo
. Every once in awhile a cute girl will message me. Like I know I'm not the most attractive dude out there, but I'm not bad looking by any means. I've pulled some fine women. These sites are just whack... lol
Make sure your profile isn't generic.

Also most attractive women dont message first. They don't have to. 90% of the women who contact me first get ignored
In a nutshell.  I've had the most luck with girls that I've messaged first.  You think you're self conscious?  Girls are twice as bad.  Man up and throw out some ice-breakers.  You're not gonna bat 1.000%, but you'll get a few surprises.
Honestly, I've gotten the most success by just going "Hi username, how are ya? :smile:"

A lot of girls have said that they don't like it when guys write too much. Says it reeks of desperation :lol:
Honestly, I've gotten the most success by just going "Hi username, how are ya?

A lot of girls have said that they don't like it when guys write too much. Says it reeks of desperation
Keeping it short and sweet is essential in the beginning, but it helps to write something that will make you stand out from the crowd...especially when you consider how many girls hate the "hey, what's up?" message.  Throw out something witty based off of their profile and you're golden.

Like last week, chick kept sending me pics of her baby. 

Who cares? 

Some of these broads just want a digital pen pal.

:smh: :rolleyes :smh:

Am I trippin or anyone else get a lady boy vibe :nerd:

When in doubt don't whip it out.

Real talk: I've washed my hands three times after smashing the girl from last night.  Still smell like yambs.  I've been skunked, NT.  Gonna bathe in tomato juice later.

:rofl: I love this thread
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