Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Man, dating pool in the DMV is full of Urine and it smells awful.

Story time for you guys entertainment..
Please tell me if I’m wrong..

So, it was this girl I knew for a little while. We went to the same high school, but I didn’t know her, just seen her by passing. We been friends on FB and IG for about 10 years, or so. It wasn’t until 2019 after my last relationship/engagement ended when I hit her DM on social media. Ironically, her relationship ended shortly before mines. From that point on, we been speaking and such, but it was on and off. Seen her a few times, but nothing big materialized.

Fast forward, July of this year, she text me kind of out of the blue. Had a little conversation and she asked if I had a Girlfriend. Of course, the answer was NO. From that point, we would speak just about everyday and was opening up about some stuff, which was cool. We both opened up about what our intentions were as far as a potential long term relationship and such. She would send me good morning texts and such almost every morning and vice versa. Used to bring a smile to my face, can’t front. She even said that I bring a smile to her face, also. Things were going smooth. We even were planning on days to go out on dates and such.

Here is when things slowly started to turn. The last week of July, or rather the first week of August, I asked her what she was doing one weekend. She claim she had to run errands, cool. That Sunday night we were on the phone and I asked her again afterwards. When I asked, I honestly forgot that I asked her the day prior. That Monday Morning, she calls me and basically tells me that me asking her what she was doing/what she did that Saturday triggered her and made her uncomfortable. She claimed that her previous relationships both men were jealous types and possessive, so it clearly triggered her by me asking the question. I apologized to her and told her that it wasn’t my intentions. Not really sure how she took it, so I just let it be what it was. From that point on, I noticed she wasn’t as intentional on the GM texts and such. I just noticed the difference, but I let it slide. We both still spoke, but that spark wasn’t the same. Even going down to us going on a date for the first time. We both have weekends off, but it seemed like she didn’t really care. Who knows.

So, here is the most recent thing that went down that left me on a cliffhanger. I went to Austin and Houston last week. Austin was to see my brother and his wife. They live down there. Houston was more of having fun and such. I did have fun down in Houston. The heat really sucks, though. Anyway, so when I went to Houston, my friend lives down there. My friend that lives down there was my EX GF from over 15 years ago. No, I did not have sex with her down there before anyone asks. Nothing happened and we had a good time in the H-Town. So, the girl asked me on arrival to Houston who was my friend and I told her that I knew her for over 15 years and she got 2 kids. Cool. The next day that evening, she asked me again, but in more detail. She says, “So, who is your friend and did she go to Oxon Hill High with us? Did you guys used to date?” I told her, yes, we did date, 15 years ago”. From my text response, I haven’t heard from her since. I was honest with her and it appears that that may have been the end. Do you guys think I’m wrong and should reach out back to her, or she’s over reacting? I haven’t reached back out to her, either. This was this post Saturday. Thoughts?
Man, dating pool in the DMV is full of Urine and it smells awful.

Story time for you guys entertainment..
Please tell me if I’m wrong..

So, it was this girl I knew for a little while. We went to the same high school, but I didn’t know her, just seen her by passing. We been friends on FB and IG for about 10 years, or so. It wasn’t until 2019 after my last relationship/engagement ended when I hit her DM on social media. Ironically, her relationship ended shortly before mines. From that point on, we been speaking and such, but it was on and off. Seen her a few times, but nothing big materialized.

Fast forward, July of this year, she text me kind of out of the blue. Had a little conversation and she asked if I had a Girlfriend. Of course, the answer was NO. From that point, we would speak just about everyday and was opening up about some stuff, which was cool. We both opened up about what our intentions were as far as a potential long term relationship and such. She would send me good morning texts and such almost every morning and vice versa. Used to bring a smile to my face, can’t front. She even said that I bring a smile to her face, also. Things were going smooth. We even were planning on days to go out on dates and such.

Here is when things slowly started to turn. The last week of July, or rather the first week of August, I asked her what she was doing one weekend. She claim she had to run errands, cool. That Sunday night we were on the phone and I asked her again afterwards. When I asked, I honestly forgot that I asked her the day prior. That Monday Morning, she calls me and basically tells me that me asking her what she was doing/what she did that Saturday triggered her and made her uncomfortable. She claimed that her previous relationships both men were jealous types and possessive, so it clearly triggered her by me asking the question. I apologized to her and told her that it wasn’t my intentions. Not really sure how she took it, so I just let it be what it was. From that point on, I noticed she wasn’t as intentional on the GM texts and such. I just noticed the difference, but I let it slide. We both still spoke, but that spark wasn’t the same. Even going down to us going on a date for the first time. We both have weekends off, but it seemed like she didn’t really care. Who knows.

So, here is the most recent thing that went down that left me on a cliffhanger. I went to Austin and Houston last week. Austin was to see my brother and his wife. They live down there. Houston was more of having fun and such. I did have fun down in Houston. The heat really sucks, though. Anyway, so when I went to Houston, my friend lives down there. My friend that lives down there was my EX GF from over 15 years ago. No, I did not have sex with her down there before anyone asks. Nothing happened and we had a good time in the H-Town. So, the girl asked me on arrival to Houston who was my friend and I told her that I knew her for over 15 years and she got 2 kids. Cool. The next day that evening, she asked me again, but in more detail. She says, “So, who is your friend and did she go to Oxon Hill High with us? Did you guys used to date?” I told her, yes, we did date, 15 years ago”. From my text response, I haven’t heard from her since. I was honest with her and it appears that that may have been the end. Do you guys think I’m wrong and should reach out back to her, or she’s over reacting? I haven’t reached back out to her, either. This was this post Saturday. Thoughts?
Update folks!

Expect a somewhat long read, but it’s very detailed and I’m sure you will be entertained.

So, the girl hits me up yesterday and pretty much told me that she wasn’t mad and said that I always assume the worse. Cool, whatever... smh. So, I asked her why she didn’t call me, or respond to my text when I answered her question about my friend in Houston . Her response was, “How was I suppose to respond”. With that response, I was still somewhat confused. She also said, “The reason she didn’t call was because I didn’t call her”. Once again, I was still confused, but I already just like, “F it”. Then after that, she telling me about her job and such.

I’m at the point now that I don’t really care anymore about where this go. Honestly, I’m pretty much checked out on this potential situation. As I said on the original post, it was literally sparks and you would’ve thought that she was dedicated into getting to know me(GM texts messages, asking questions, checking on my welfare, and etc), but everything just changed. I mean, she’s not a great conversationalist like most attractive DMV chicks from the get go, but it didn’t start off bad at all. Once things changed in that regard, that’s when the “pulling of teeth” of trying to hold a conversation started. You know, me constantly asking all the questions and the constant vague/one word responses. A wise man told me that when you’re very complex and get pleasure of in-depth conversations in the “Getting to know phase” of a lady, they get intimidated without actually saying they’re intimidated. I think that may be the case in this situation. It’s pretty pathetic. In the past, I always got to “confirm” to what the girl likes and I refuse to go back to that. Not trying to be condescending, but if I can’t hold a good conversation with you, why even waste my time. It’s like when an overly attractive women gets approached, some really think they don’t have to do anything, but look attractive and not put no work in. It’s getting really old and redundant.

So, yesterday evening, she hits me up later on again telling me that she is going to get her hair done today and after that she was going to a karaoke spot. Here is me thinking in my mind, “I been asking this girl for almost a month in the half to take her out on dates in more than one occasion, but she always got an excuse”. Of course, I didn’t say anything and just mentally noted everything. Didn’t even ask me if I wanted to see her or anything. She lives all the way out in Gaithersburg, Maryland and it’s been a few times that she would drive on my end of town here in Largo, MD to get crabs or get her hair done and never took the initiative to want to see me. SMDH.

Bottom line, I’m done. No, I’m not going to block her or show any type of frustration towards her because it’s not that serious. I’ll just talk to her like any other lady. I’ll just look at her as a friend and move on(if she hasn’t already on her own). Maybe I’m overthinking everything, but the actions in this situation carries a lot weight. “Actions speak louder than words”. That’s my update on my story and why the dating pool in the DMV is full of urine.
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Update folks!

Expect a somewhat long read, but it’s very detailed and I’m sure you will be entertained.

So, the girl hits me up yesterday and pretty much told me that she wasn’t mad and said that I always assume the worse. Cool, whatever... smh. So, I asked her why she didn’t call me, or respond to my text when I answered her question about my friend in Houston . Her response was, “How was I suppose to respond”. With that response, I was still somewhat confused. She also said, “The reason she didn’t call was because I didn’t call her”. Once again, I was still confused, but I already just like, “F it”. Then after that, she telling me about her job and such.

I’m at the point now that I don’t really care anymore about where this go. Honestly, I’m pretty much checked out on this potential situation. As I said on the original post, it was literally sparks and you would’ve thought that she was dedicated into getting to know me(GM texts messages, asking questions, checking on my welfare, and etc), but everything just changed. I mean, she’s not a great conversationalist like most attractive DMV chicks from the get go, but it didn’t start off bad at all. Once things changed in that regard, that’s when the “pulling of teeth” of trying to hold a conversation started. You know, me constantly asking all the questions and the constant vague/one word responses. A wise man told me that when you’re very complex and get pleasure of in-depth conversations in the “Getting to know phase” of a lady, they get intimidated without actually saying they’re intimidated. I think that may be the case in this situation. It’s pretty pathetic. In the past, I always got to “confirm” to what the girl likes and I refuse to go back to that. Not trying to be condescending, but if I can’t hold a good conversation with you, why even waste my time. It’s like when an overly attractive women gets approached, some really think they don’t have to do anything, but look attractive and not put no work in. It’s getting really old and redundant.

So, yesterday evening, she hits me up later on again telling me that she is going to get her hair done today and after that she was going to a karaoke spot. Here is me thinking in my mind, “I been asking this girl for almost a month in the half to take her out on dates in more than one occasion, but she always got an excuse”. Of course, I didn’t say anything and just mentally noted everything. Didn’t even ask me if I wanted to see her or anything. She lives all the way out in Gaithersburg, Maryland and it’s been a few times that she would drive on my end of town here in Largo, MD to get crabs or get her hair done and never took the initiative to want to see me. SMDH.

Bottom line, I’m done. No, I’m not going to block her or show any type of frustration towards her because it’s not that serious. I’ll just talk to her like any other lady. I’ll just look at her as a friend and move on(if she hasn’t already on her own). Maybe I’m overthinking everything, but the actions in this situation carries a lot weight. “Actions speak louder than words”. That’s my update on my story and why the dating pool in the DMV is full of urine.


Update folks!

Expect a somewhat long read, but it’s very detailed and I’m sure you will be entertained.

So, the girl hits me up yesterday and pretty much told me that she wasn’t mad and said that I always assume the worse. Cool, whatever... smh. So, I asked her why she didn’t call me, or respond to my text when I answered her question about my friend in Houston . Her response was, “How was I suppose to respond”. With that response, I was still somewhat confused. She also said, “The reason she didn’t call was because I didn’t call her”. Once again, I was still confused, but I already just like, “F it”. Then after that, she telling me about her job and such.

I’m at the point now that I don’t really care anymore about where this go. Honestly, I’m pretty much checked out on this potential situation. As I said on the original post, it was literally sparks and you would’ve thought that she was dedicated into getting to know me(GM texts messages, asking questions, checking on my welfare, and etc), but everything just changed. I mean, she’s not a great conversationalist like most attractive DMV chicks from the get go, but it didn’t start off bad at all. Once things changed in that regard, that’s when the “pulling of teeth” of trying to hold a conversation started. You know, me constantly asking all the questions and the constant vague/one word responses. A wise man told me that when you’re very complex and get pleasure of in-depth conversations in the “Getting to know phase” of a lady, they get intimidated without actually saying they’re intimidated. I think that may be the case in this situation. It’s pretty pathetic. In the past, I always got to “confirm” to what the girl likes and I refuse to go back to that. Not trying to be condescending, but if I can’t hold a good conversation with you, why even waste my time. It’s like when an overly attractive women gets approached, some really think they don’t have to do anything, but look attractive and not put no work in. It’s getting really old and redundant.

So, yesterday evening, she hits me up later on again telling me that she is going to get her hair done today and after that she was going to a karaoke spot. Here is me thinking in my mind, “I been asking this girl for almost a month in the half to take her out on dates in more than one occasion, but she always got an excuse”. Of course, I didn’t say anything and just mentally noted everything. Didn’t even ask me if I wanted to see her or anything. She lives all the way out in Gaithersburg, Maryland and it’s been a few times that she would drive on my end of town here in Largo, MD to get crabs or get her hair done and never took the initiative to want to see me. SMDH.

Bottom line, I’m done. No, I’m not going to block her or show any type of frustration towards her because it’s not that serious. I’ll just talk to her like any other lady. I’ll just look at her as a friend and move on(if she hasn’t already on her own). Maybe I’m overthinking everything, but the actions in this situation carries a lot weight. “Actions speak louder than words”. That’s my update on my story and why the dating pool in the DMV is full of urine.

effort definitely counts & if a woman isn’t trying to link or at least inquiring about meeting in person after getting familiar…you already know what time it is; you midas whale cut that whole situation off and not waste your time

supposedly dc/dmv area is really well off & full of educated well paid women & to be fair from your own account you weren’t dating this woman y’all were just ‘talking’ 🤷🏿‍♂️ #onarelatednote obviously you have preferences, and not saying it’s impossible to get the beauty/convo/intellect/not crazy combo but those women are unicorns & when they do exist they usually get taken off the market quick fast…if you really on that type of time you gotta to get in spaces where those qualities are found in abundance, expecting a random woman whom you are trying to get to know (especially in this climate) to be a good conversationalist off the rip is kinda unrealistic given that the things men & women tend to be interested in are generally very different, plus if you’re getting one word responses you have to do some self reflection as to why you are involved women who aren’t interested in engaging beyond disinterested, short responses
Dating life in the DMV has been rough past few months :smh:. These women just been on ******** acting like that chick. Once they act funny with linking up I lose interest.

I took the summer off from seriously dating and just been lifting, working, and doing some side projects. I'll try again when it gets cold.

Not counting my FWB or this chick from Denver that's visited 3 or so times :lol:
effort definitely counts & if a woman isn’t trying to link or at least inquiring about meeting in person after getting familiar…you already know what time it is; you midas whale cut that whole situation off and not waste your time

supposedly dc/dmv area is really well off & full of educated well paid women & to be fair from your own account you weren’t dating this woman y’all were just ‘talking’ 🤷🏿‍♂️ #onarelatednote obviously you have preferences, and not saying it’s impossible to get the beauty/convo/intellect/not crazy combo but those women are unicorns & when they do exist they usually get taken off the market quick fast…if you really on that type of time you gotta to get in spaces where those qualities are found in abundance, expecting a random woman whom you are trying to get to know (especially in this climate) to be a good conversationalist off the rip is kinda unrealistic given that the things men & women tend to be interested in are generally very different, plus if you’re getting one word responses you have to do some self reflection as to why you are involved women who aren’t interested in engaging beyond disinterested, short responses
I understand what you’re saying and you’re right, I need to be around an environment where that it’s a better chance to see those types of women. It’s funny you mention that because a buddy of mine that I went to high school with told me in his words, “Man you got to leave those PG county chicks alone mane, they all damaged and scorned” lol.

As far as self reflection, I will hold myself accountable and say that I can be very complex as far as conversations is concerned. What’s crazy is, I’m a true introvert and stay to myself a lot, so it’s just frustrating when I’m doing something out my comfort zone and it’s not being reciprocated. But, I’ll definitely evaluate that.​

Update folks!

Expect a somewhat long read, but it’s very detailed and I’m sure you will be entertained.

So, the girl hits me up yesterday and pretty much told me that she wasn’t mad and said that I always assume the worse. Cool, whatever... smh. So, I asked her why she didn’t call me, or respond to my text when I answered her question about my friend in Houston . Her response was, “How was I suppose to respond”. With that response, I was still somewhat confused. She also said, “The reason she didn’t call was because I didn’t call her”. Once again, I was still confused, but I already just like, “F it”. Then after that, she telling me about her job and such.

I’m at the point now that I don’t really care anymore about where this go. Honestly, I’m pretty much checked out on this potential situation. As I said on the original post, it was literally sparks and you would’ve thought that she was dedicated into getting to know me(GM texts messages, asking questions, checking on my welfare, and etc), but everything just changed. I mean, she’s not a great conversationalist like most attractive DMV chicks from the get go, but it didn’t start off bad at all. Once things changed in that regard, that’s when the “pulling of teeth” of trying to hold a conversation started. You know, me constantly asking all the questions and the constant vague/one word responses. A wise man told me that when you’re very complex and get pleasure of in-depth conversations in the “Getting to know phase” of a lady, they get intimidated without actually saying they’re intimidated. I think that may be the case in this situation. It’s pretty pathetic. In the past, I always got to “confirm” to what the girl likes and I refuse to go back to that. Not trying to be condescending, but if I can’t hold a good conversation with you, why even waste my time. It’s like when an overly attractive women gets approached, some really think they don’t have to do anything, but look attractive and not put no work in. It’s getting really old and redundant.

So, yesterday evening, she hits me up later on again telling me that she is going to get her hair done today and after that she was going to a karaoke spot. Here is me thinking in my mind, “I been asking this girl for almost a month in the half to take her out on dates in more than one occasion, but she always got an excuse”. Of course, I didn’t say anything and just mentally noted everything. Didn’t even ask me if I wanted to see her or anything. She lives all the way out in Gaithersburg, Maryland and it’s been a few times that she would drive on my end of town here in Largo, MD to get crabs or get her hair done and never took the initiative to want to see me. SMDH.

Bottom line, I’m done. No, I’m not going to block her or show any type of frustration towards her because it’s not that serious. I’ll just talk to her like any other lady. I’ll just look at her as a friend and move on(if she hasn’t already on her own). Maybe I’m overthinking everything, but the actions in this situation carries a lot weight. “Actions speak louder than words”. That’s my update on my story and why the dating pool in the DMV is full of urine.
Thinking way too hard bro...
I'm not doing that run club stuff. I hate running too much.

I get my cardio in 3 times a week but using that for the yambs sounds exhausting. Will stick to bars and nightlife.
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