Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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How are your symptoms? Hopefully the fact that your second test came back negative indicates the viral load is relatively low and you'll brush it off quickly.
Masks can be an annoyance if you let them, but that's why I've tried out so many and came up with my favorites that are both comfortable and protective. At this point, it's nothing for me to wear one all day every day.

Yeah I got used to them, I just let my guard down with being vaccinated.
Not sure. I had symptoms after work and then started testing and didn't go back until I had consecutive negative tests. That didn't happen. Right now it feels like bad allergies. Stuffy nose, congestion, watery eyes. I usually take a multi and extra vitamin C, ironically I ran out of the Vitamin C last week. No fever yet, taste and smell is there. Just feels like a small cold.

Sounds encouraging for those vaccinated. Minor symptoms don‘t sound worse than a cold. If we have to live with this thing, at least it can be made mild.
What masks are you guys wearing?

My n95 supply is running low and surgical masks don’t give me the confidence that they once did pre-delta and lambda.

I ordered some KF94’s from Amazon but they didn’t fit well and were a little too flimsy for my liking so I sent them back (weird that they’d accept a return on those but I’m not mad).
What masks are you guys wearing?

My n95 supply is running low and surgical masks don’t give me the confidence that they once did pre-delta and lambda.

I ordered some KF94’s from Amazon but they didn’t fit well and were a little too flimsy for my liking so I sent them back (weird that they’d accept a return on those but I’m not mad).
I buy my KF94 masks from US companies who import them directly from South Korean manufacturers.
I get my LG Airwashers from https://www.everydayemall.com/
Most everything else from behealthyusa.net
There are too many counterfeits on Amazon and eBay so I avoid them.
According to Aaron Collins, this is a trusted source for N95 and KN95 masks, but I can’t verify: https://kn95respiratormasksforsale.com/collections/all
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I'm just wearing some reusable black masks I ordered online. I use them in rotation, only wearing them once before washing again. My province lifted the mask mandate and nearly all restrictions but I'm too shook to go out maskless. I'm also not fully vaccinated; my second Pfizer shot will be on Jul27.
It only gets worst when school starts next month. Im willing to bet there will be an outbreak at some schools by September. :rolleyes
At this point, I'm out of "thoughts and prayers".
Every week on the news they show groups of parents at school board meetings yelling at school officials that masks are uncomfortable for their kids and shouldn't be mandatory to wear. I find it weird that it's never mentioned that obviously schools don't want to get sued if a kid gets really sick or dies from covid. Those same angry parents are the type that would sue the schools.
I saw on cnet that you can make a digital version of your vaccination card on a website and add it to the apple wallet on your phone.

I don’t know why Apple doesn’t build something into iOS. My vaccination status shows in my health app since my medical provider allows records to be linked.
Every week on the news they show groups of parents at school board meetings yelling at school officials that masks are uncomfortable for their kids and shouldn't be mandatory to wear. I find it weird that it's never mentioned that obviously schools don't want to get sued if a kid gets really sick or dies from covid. Those same angry parents are the type that would sue the schools.

I saw a vid of a board meeting that took place a couple days ago in Carlsbad and the parents were yelling and pleading about no masks for kids. 1 of the parents main arguments was to have to let these kids of all ages talk and try to plea their case. Lol. 99% of the people in attendance were Caucasian.

When they send their kids to school and they learn about science. Do these parents tell them not to believe it and it’s fake? Lol.
I saw a vid of a board meeting that took place a couple days ago in Carlsbad and the parents were yelling and pleading about no masks for kids. 1 of the parents main arguments was to have to let these kids of all ages talk and try to plea their case. Lol. 99% of the people in attendance were Caucasian.

When they send their kids to school and they learn about science. Do these parents tell them not to believe it and it’s fake? Lol.
It's everywhere.
Poor effing kids that have to cover their faces have such a rough life...
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