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Had to deactivate my FB today. Long overdue. It’s just a cesspool if A. Boomers posting fake news, chain emails, and conspiracy theories and B. Dumb **** kids I went to high school with that barely passed and are now experts in public health.

it’s just NT and IG now. No pressure, but thank you all for being so informative during this pandemic. These are trying times for sure.
Dwyane Wade: Damn... GIF | Gfycat

Ax man over here all out of roses, but got guns for that ***...scorch.

I don´t see how people don´t look at other countries and go ¨hmm, maybe that can happen here too.¨

...a perspective which requires insights from the world over, including this update from the CCNN newsroom.

Good Thursday morning NT!

Once again this is Mexican crisis correspondent @cosmiccoffee9 with the latest views from the Pacific Coast.

The month of May has certainly been a long one for citizens of this sunny city by the sea, and although life in the Q can certainly be challenging, our diligence and community spirit--[voice in earpiece]--oh, excuse me.

[uh-huh...right, ´the month of May,´ I...the **** do you mean it´s only the 7th?! oop, we´re live.]

Sorry about that lady and gents...technical [bleep]ing difficulties.

In any event, the official numbers for Puerto Vallarta, and Mexico at large, continue to lag far behind all scientific projections related to the spread of infection within a given population anywhere on the planet.

As of 7 May 2020, the municipal government has acknowledged just over 60 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 7 fatalities resulting from the disease, official figures which continue to draw skepticism from locals.

Not everyone questions the government´s claims, as many still view the city as a viable visiting destination in the near future...here we have frequent vacationer Jim Carrey in as a celebrity guest to offer his perspective.

Jim, are you confident in the municipal numbers and would you feel confident visiting our fair city next month?

Reaction GIF: yes, nod, confused, Jim Carrey, Dumb & Dumber | My ...

Fair enough, thanks Jim.

Still, others commonly regarded as equally familiar with the matter express a different view. In fact, two of the nation´s former leading health officials have decried the veracity of the official tally in recent days, even calling the numbers ¨invalid¨ due to testing efforts that can be charitably described as incomplete.

Supporting this theory, Puerto Vallarta claims a meager testing capacity of just 10 per day, and has performed an estimated 350 tests among a population of a quarter-million since the crisis began this year.

Indeed, the impact of this deadly disease is quickly becoming apparent even to those who would rather not see it, as can be seen in this harrowing footage obtained by Channel 9. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

Watch as this desperate young woman, deprived of answers by the overwhelmed hospital system, launches an independent investigation of a Mexico City-area medical facility...and finds more than she ever imagined.

The capital city´s commuter suburb has a population of approximately 1.5 million, most of whom are working class or informally employed, with limited access to healthcare. The entire municipality of Ecatepec claimed just 28 fatalities at the time this footage was captured, all of which must have been in the video.

A chillingly unfiltered look at the magnitude of the crisis we face...or may not be facing, according to some.

That´s right, mirroring the Stable Genius Society of the United States in protesting Bill Gates or whatever, across Mexico #freethinkers have banded together to make their voices heard...whether they should be or not.


The chaos created by a poor, undereducated population in a time of crisis has long been a path to ascendancy for armed groups not recognized by the UN, and the COVID-19 saga in Mexico is no different.


The State has been ¨noticeably hands-off¨ as private business interests across the nation continue to curry favor in impoverished communities by handing out care packages with basic goods...um...out of the kindness of their hearts. Here we see El Chapo´s daughter serving the community where national government has not.

It is a solution some see as less than ideal, but with lines at area food banks consistently forming overnight, expecting these vulnerable members of society to refuse help from any source seems misguided at best.


Quite a contrast from seeing people elsewhere on Earth camp out to purchase luxury basketball sneakers.

Fortunately, the local community of citizens is also stepping into the squared circle to combat the worst effects of the crisis. A few restaurants in the area have taken the deeply laudable step of transitioning into community kitchens, serving hot meals free of charge to those who would otherwise go without sustenance.

The Noah´s Kitchen crew is behind one of these efforts, and CCNN affiliate welovepv.com took a look at their contributions to the community in an exclusive piece by talented and good-looking local lifestyle scout AJ. The brilliant and engaging article also includes details on how you can contribute to the cause.


Truly, this is the level of dedication that will be required to pull PV through its most difficult hours.

For Channel 9 CCNN, this has been Mexican crisis correspondent @cosmiccoffee9 reporting live from his favorite pillow...thank you for your time, and remember: stay safe, mask up, and wash your hands.

More bad news around your way.

Had to deactivate my FB today. Long overdue. It’s just a cesspool if A. Boomers posting fake news, chain emails, and conspiracy theories and B. Dumb **** kids I went to high school with that barely passed and are now experts in public health.

it’s just NT and IG now. No pressure, but thank you all for being so informative during this pandemic. These are trying times for sure.
you're better off now... i got off face book in like 2012. never looked back.
i don't think we were meant to be this connected to people
like i don't need to know how everyone feels all the time.
you're better off now... i got off face book in like 2012. never looked back.
i don't think we were meant to be this connected to people
like i don't need to know how everyone feels all the time.

This is all Twitter's fault..........******* "status updates" (which started with MySpace, but exploded b/c of Twitter) is the reason why social media sites turned into the ****-fest that they are today.

I remember back when Facebook first started back in the mid-2000s where it was literally just your "summary bio" then your FB comment wall where you can communicate to you and your homies. That was it............I want to go back to those days.

At this point, I just use group chats in Facebook Messenger (or Discord) if I wanna spread news and information to the close homies and family..........not see "troll ****" from random ************ in high school you haven't seen in 10 years

All for $60.23 SHES A REAL POS
What a scummy and horrible person she is. If this happened to one of my loved ones I would wrap my hands around her neck till her face turned blue.

Stealing from a dying person with the virus terrible
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Had to deactivate my FB today. Long overdue. It’s just a cesspool if A. Boomers posting fake news, chain emails, and conspiracy theories and B. Dumb **** kids I went to high school with that barely passed and are now experts in public health.

it’s just NT and IG now. No pressure, but thank you all for being so informative during this pandemic. These are trying times for sure.

I’ve thought about doing the same thing. My friend’s cousin has been posting nothing but conspiracy theories on her Facebook and liking her own statuses and IG stories for the past month. I have people thinking a vaccine will be used to control us and they’ll refuse to vaccinate their future kids. The only reason I haven’t disconnected it is because it’s how I communicate with my friends and family in Australia.
Today was a bad day 😳
for deaths yeah. But there was a lot more tested and the test positive % Lowered. NY was testing at 40% positive at their peak. I feel we'll never get below 3% infected.


Wow at the Mexican beer situation.

How's the general potable water availability in Mexico? Beer has amazing shelf life. Most aren't pasteurized for true cleanliness. But the boiling of the water during the brew process kills many bugs.

I have a feeling the research in this article is basically what is dictating MOST re-opening plans (in the Southern regions tbh, with California and Nevada as exceptions).
Someone posted a video here of this lady talking about weather patterns and stuff. That was weeks ago. Does anyone remember her name? Wonder if she has anything new. She waS referring to it as a very bad cold to not get censored early on

We have to know more now than months ago. There may be ideal weather conditions that the virus absolutely loves. And others that it hates. We may have to build new cities in ideal conditions.
Someone posted a video here of this lady talking about weather patterns and stuff. That was weeks ago. Does anyone remember her name? Wonder if she has anything new. She waS referring to it as a very bad cold to not get censored early on

We have to know more now than months ago. There may be ideal weather conditions that the virus absolutely loves. And others that it hates. We may have to build new cities in ideal conditions.

Well speaking from someone that lives in Houston where the virus positive cases aren't at the same levels as NYC, I think it is less about the weather in the region and more about how the city is "organized" in terms of how residential, business, and industrial areas are zoned out in the region.

Houston is VERY SPREAD OUT in terms of commuting between the residential areas to business and/or industrial areas, so the ability to have a "mass congregation" of people commuting together in one vehicle isn't as rampant as say Manhattan's multiple mass transit subway AND bus system (Houston has a bus system too, but it isn't as widely used as NYC).

I have heard that Los Angeles also shares the same type of "SPREAD OUT" organization of its regions like Houston does, but the reason why the virus case count is higher over there is due to their population amount being greater than Houston's. HOWEVER, Los Angeles's virus cases aren't as high as NYC's, where NYC has the highest number of positive cases (and deaths) in the entire country.

So you are right, there is a possibility in the future that cities may have to "re-organize themselves" to be more SPREAD OUT and LESS CONGESTED TOGETHER to avoid a future health pandemic from spreading very quickly due to the "closeness" of population density.

i wanted to see the police enforcing people to wear masks for safety but not like this

this video is worse than anything coming out of nyc or la

this is really bad

its really true whites 98% of the time get a pass from cops but minorities always get the brunt of it even from cops of their own race
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