Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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while i do agree with you i personally blame china
i'm not worried what happened in the past with any other virus

this is our future and as bad as our government screwed this up china needs to take some type of responsibility
other countries are starting to say the same thing

i blame the mayor of nyc for telling people to go to bars and movies during the first week of march also
i blame trump for calling this a hoax and nothing taking it seriously

nyc local government failed and so did the federal government

so many people died around the world because everyone passed the buck whos in power
while other governments tried to keep this a secret

yeah I just hope they don’t do something dumb like try to start a trade war or try to eliminate the debt we owe them. Both sound great until you realize how much they would affect our already precarious economy.
yeah I just hope they don’t do something dumb like try to start a trade war or try to eliminate the debt we owe them. Both sound great until you realize how much they would affect our already precarious economy.

your right but as always it all comes down to money i'm sure the people who lost loved ones at this point don't care about trade war or debt
no one values human life just money
while i do agree with you someone needs to pay for the damage that has been done to the world
a commission alone will doing nothing
yeah changes do need to be made but their is irreversible damage that has been done to communities business and most importantly families all across the world

someone needs to be made an example of
I'm not opposed to that, under the right circumstances, especially if there was intentional harm done. The commission shouldn't be the only thing done. If CIA finds that this was engineered, I'm ok with them assassinating those responsible.
I would love a hair cut but that’s just irresponsible. That’s a fantastic vector for disease spread so unless you’re first and your barber has been quarantined for 2 weeks I wouldn’t be going near the place.
I work in the hospital. I’ll keep my face covered to protect them from me. This **** isn’t going away for years. As a society we are going to have to deal to live with it. Can’t stay quarantined for a year and this is coming from someone who sees what this disease does first hand.
Their is a guy by my Neighborhood cutting hair in the streets he’s been doing it a few weeks

he owns a barbershop so I know he gives good cuts
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Watch the video in the article

Cops of color can be even worse than the white ones...stay on some **** behavior when its time for them.

If there's one thing I HATE about my city, its the how the NYPD moves....they are the biggest gang in NYC hands down, meanwhile white folks and out of towners can stack up on top of each other like they playing human Jenga and they don't have to worry about being treated like livestock.
Barbers everywhere are raising prices. The price of the clip going up.
NYPD the most dangerous gang in NYC. And that Hispanic officer should be ashamed of himself. I know his parents probably disowned him by now.
Reminds me of some dudes I grew up with and are now law enforcement. We clowned these “officers of the law” back then and still do to this day. Now, these dudes can’t even get invited to the cookout based on their career choices. I’m sure the tough guy with the badge ain’t invited to the cookout either. Pathetic.
That fat dude with the Yankees hat wants to be in training day so bad. Ol' DenzeXXL Washington lookin boy
Breh he looked exactly like your typical over anxious club/bar bouncer itching to knock someone out with a cheap shot

As a NYer, that would suck to have to worry that much about that ******** in your everyday life, just walking down the street
I thought cops were supposed to be doing a hands off approach? Like some cities, they won’t even take an in person complaint/interview. The fact they are putting hands on you for a misdemeanor just shows how power hungry many cops are. Even a pandemic won’t stop them from assaulting citizens.
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