Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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There are different kinds of intelligence. Being a doctor only semi-guarantees you're intelligent in one thing (whatever specialty the doctor is practicing in). I say semi-guarantees cuz I've witnessed doctors who are bad at their job.

But let's say the doctor is good at his or her job. It just means they're good at their job. Doesn't necessarily mean their intelligence in the field they're practicing in will translate to all aspects of their life or even medicine outside of their speciality lol.
Yup, just like my wife's cousin. She's a nurse and I wouldn't trust her with my life lolol.

another terrible story

it sounds like the coronavirus just broke this poor woman down Mentally physically and emotionally

I can't even begin to imagine what this does to a person experiencing such devastation and death on a daily basis.
Famotidine (Pepcid) is only being used in combination with Hydroxychloroquine in the trial held at Northwell. Idk what kind of benefit it would have alone, would be shocking if any at all.

I scooped some just in case...
what do you think the differences are between a person who's wise and a person's who's intelligent? i'm asking because i think you are talking about a person who is wise.
To be more specific I look at non routine cognitive skill no matter the field. Could I be conflating the two? Sure, I'm no expert in the field. But the question was on my perspective.
big day for Cali with Gov Newsome giving his plan to re-open the state.

Did SF extend stay at home through 5/31, or did i not see that?
Had to run out to the store earlier
It’s pretty nice today around 70
Wearing a mask in warm weather is uncomfortable
I can’t imagine what it’s gonna be like in the summer when it hits like 90
It’s gonna be brutal
I still think masks outside are overkill, at least where it's not crowded. If you're healthy and not living with people who are high risk, then I think it's ok to be 99% protected as opposed to 99.9%. This will of course change if we open everything back up and it gets crowded on sidewalks again. But as of now we have the luxury of maintaining 10+ feet of distance most of the time.

The risk is of course putting on or removing the mask each time you enter or leave a store. I've only seen this once so far but more stores should have hand sanitizer at the entrance to their stores so that you can clean up and safely put on your mask each time you go in somewhere.
I just read that the USA accounts for 5 percent of the world's population but 33.3 percent of the world's coronavirus cases.

Crazy if true
I try to stay away from the nexium type heartburn meds as they skew my sugar numbers, but it does make me feel better when I have congestion from allergies etc. in conjunction with allergy meds. Somehow my indigestion and congestion are related.

These guys have a combined 40 years of experience? LMAO, are we supposed to be impressed? They don't even have a grasp of intro immunology so maybe they should go back to school before trying to explain this to us.

I'm sure by eradicating smallpox and polio is why we're getting this pandemic? Maybe we should reintroduce the plague?

Maybe they're thinking of the hygiene hypothesis? They're taking some other concept and misapplying it to the current situation, like if you're trying to make a cake and someone comes and lectures you about how to cook a steak properly.
but Sweden!!! (the new version of "but her emails")

I think we're talking about intelligence at a few different levels here. One is specific knowledge (or narrowly focused), which most doctors do possess. Another would be more general and involves the ability to think about data and models, which is what I was referring to. A third level that is about being able to think in terms of systems and also independently (and in some ways relates to emotional intelligence, but in a broad sense; "wisdom" is a good way to put it, or humility and perspective), a failure of which is exemplified by racism.
These fools are making the rounds on all the alt-right darling websites and being bot promoted on twitter. When I saw them for the first time, I kind of got an auditioning for Trump vibe and then they said Norway and Sweden were reacting differently, but having the same results. That's when I went HOLE UP that's not completely accurate. Not only does Sweden have twelve times more deaths, they are also fudging their numbers, because apparently they don't do bodycounts on weekends...

crazy if u think people are staying indoors or distancing thru the summer

a lot of people were outside in groups to watch the plane flyover in NYC. some without masks
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