Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Thought this quote was compelling:

“Our findings suggest that there is somewhere between 50- and 80-fold more infections in our county than what’s known by the number of cases than are reported by our department of public health," Dr. Eran Bendavid, the associate professor of medicine at Stanford University

Which, in some ways, would be great news if true. We DEF need more of these studies done.

I don't understand why this isn't more well known just by anecdotal data from humans. Everyone i talk to is saying "yeah i had a fever for a day and then it went away" "i have body aches and a headache and that was it". But almost every friend i have talked to had some sort of "cold" in the past month or so. I know everyone is hyper sensitive but as soon as people started telling me this stuff i was like wow this is probably infecting way more people then we think. And no one i know is getting tested because their primary care docotor's still say "if you don't have trouble breathing then stay home and self quarantine" don't flood the hospitals.
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Shocked. I tell you. Shocked. HOW COULD IT BE!!
CCP being CCP...Lie/Cheat/Steal to "success"

China wants to patent Gilead’s promising coronavirus treatment
China has applied for a new patent on an experimental Gilead Sciences Inc. drug that its scientists believe might fight the coronavirus.

It has applied for a patent for the use of the drug, know as remdesivir, to treat the novel coronavirus. The move is a sign that China views Gilead’s therapy as one of the most promising candidates to fight the outbreak that has now claimed almost 500 lives. A patent battle may affect Gilead’s control over the drug in China.

global power grab in effect now that the us is all flabby and sick. it's definitely happening
It's gonna be wildly ironic when Minnesota and Michigan open back up, thousands get infected and die, and then they shut back down again. Can't fix stupid.

Well, the stupid isn't in office in these states. Governor Whitmer isn't going to open things back up because a few hundred MAGAts threw a fit. I'm sure Minnesota won't either.
Rev. Tony Spell has reportedly denied that an elderly member of his Louisiana church died due to coronavirus, after Spell continued to hold packed services in defiance of public health restrictions meant to halt the spread of the virus.

On Wednesday, Spell urged Americans to donate their coronavirus stimulus checks to American evangelists including himself, posting a video to YouTube asking for the money and attempting to popularize the hashtag #PastorSpellStimulusChallenge.
Well, the stupid isn't in office in these states. Governor Whitmer isn't going to open things back up because a few hundred MAGAts threw a fit. I'm sure Minnesota won't either.

haven’t kept up, why is mn getting roped into this? We have some of the lowest corona numbers and the governor has done a good job.
Florida is done
Seriously sometimes people can't save themselves and it's going to kill so many around them. If people thought the recession is bad now, wait till all the dumb backwards *** states open up. That lag between opening and disaster is going to bring the US down.
are people protesting because they need money? Like they need to go back to work so they can get their jobs back becasue they are laid-off/fired and might lose health insurance? Or are they just bitter their lives are different now?

I am not seeing why they are not looking at the government for money/assistance...is this a "let us go back to work and be near people again because we would rather risk getting the disease then be in terrible debt" or is it "we don't feel like staying home anymore and want to eat ribs at the applebees"
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