Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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(don't read this post if you're already anxious or if you're just going to point fingers at people for fear mongering, even though all these things we "fear mongered" about ended up being true)

One thing that hasn't been talked about much and which we won't know for years or decades is the long-term health sequelae of Covid-19.

In many infectious diseases, there are problems that appear well after the person has recovered, sometimes decades out. Given that Covid-19 is novel, can hit hard, and can hit many organ systems all mean that it has the potential for this. Hopefully not, but it could, and this possibility should weigh into our approach to this disease.

This is especially true for people saying we should let it rip through communities, that we should open the economy, etc. Imagine the incredible health burden and long-term destruction of the economy if we find in 20 years that 20% of Covid-19 survivors are prone to serious health problems later in life. If you think 20% unemployment for a few months in bad, imagine if 20% of the population is put on long-term disability because their lungs are shot.

Again, this is a long-shot, but even if this has a 0.1% chance of happening, it would greatly outweigh any short-term concerns about needing to re-open the economy.
I think I can go another month without cutting my hair. It grew in pretty good.

But I feel like if this SIL continues, my next haircut is going to be shaving everything off =( I am not coordinated or skilled enough to give myself a fade.

IMHO, it doesn’t take skill, just patience and the ability to follow the directions given in a YouTube tutorial. If you’re a detail oriented person, you can do it. If you have no patience OR attention to detail AND value getting things done over doing things right, then don’t bother. My brother and I started off cutting each others’ hair in middle school and he always rushed through my cuts while I took my time and gave him nice fades. I taught myself to cut my own hair when I realized he was just rushing to get mine done and I could do it better myself.
I saw Anderson Coopers show yesterday and he interviewed a doc who said covid-19 can also affect the heart, liver, gi. etc. :wow:

Yep, organs shut down and you can add kidneys to the list. Then the conspiracy theory people say, "they died from their heart shutting down, not Covid-19".

Dialysis machines are important as well as ventilators
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This is good news but not crazy.

"Based on the initial data, researchers estimate that the range of people who may have had the virus to be between 48,000 and 81,000 in the county of 2 million -- as opposed to the approximately 1,000 in the county's official tally at the time the samples were taken."

It's unclear when those who tested positive for antibodies had been exposed, but if 1,000 have tested positive, we know that 10x or so have been exposed and either were asymptomatic, didn't get tested, or haven't gotten sick yet. Given this was a biased sampling, it's hard to extrapolate too precisely, so I would go with the lower bounds on their estimate.

This is good though, and we need more studies like this.
(don't read this post if you're already anxious or if you're just going to point fingers at people for fear mongering, even though all these things we "fear mongered" about ended up being true)

One thing that hasn't been talked about much and which we won't know for years or decades is the long-term health sequelae of Covid-19.

In many infectious diseases, there are problems that appear well after the person has recovered, sometimes decades out. Given that Covid-19 is novel, can hit hard, and can hit many organ systems all mean that it has the potential for this. Hopefully not, but it could, and this possibility should weigh into our approach to this disease.

This is especially true for people saying we should let it rip through communities, that we should open the economy, etc. Imagine the incredible health burden and long-term destruction of the economy if we find in 20 years that 20% of Covid-19 survivors are prone to serious health problems later in life. If you think 20% unemployment for a few months in bad, imagine if 20% of the population is put on long-term disability because their lungs are shot.

Again, this is a long-shot, but even if this has a 0.1% chance of happening, it would greatly outweigh any short-term concerns about needing to re-open the economy.
I hope it’s not like chicken pox and you get shingles later

that would be terrible

As you can see from the comments in this tweet, this important data is a double edged sword. Many people are using it to say, “see it’s no worse than the flu since the death rate is really much lower” but they aren’t stepping back to see that the flu never overwhelmed hospitals like this despite serious efforts to slow the spread.
I hope it’s not like chicken pox and you get shingles later

that would be terrible
Exactly. It's unlikely, but it should be included in any discussion about the optimal strategy for saving the economy.

A known short-term slow-down is always better than an unknown long-term slow-down.
lol correct me if im wrong, i feel like every move China has done to US is tit for tat but for sum reason, people only blame China
I swear you’re a CCP agent or something

The amount of times I’ve seen you go out of your way to defend China is suspect af

from a wide range of topics too

from the uighur genocide, to China surveillance through tiktok, to China covering up the true death toll, to questioning whether or not covid-19 is even deadlier than the seasonal flu

it’s weird
As you can see from the comments in this tweet, this important data is a double edged sword. Many people are using it to say, “see it’s no worse than the flu since the death rate is really much lower” but they aren’t stepping back to see that the flu never overwhelmed hospitals like this despite serious efforts to slow the spread.
Agreed. If anything it shows how potent this virus is and how it can reside undetected in asymptomatic spreaders. Which is why we cannot even dream of going back to a fully open society until we have a vaccine.

If the numbers were higher (like 30-50% tested positive), then the discussion would be different.

This means that even in 12 months we're only at ~25% exposed to the virus (very very rough approximation) if we kept up the current exposure rate.

I really want to see this study for NYC because that would be very informative and could change my answer completely...
New York ain’t opening up for a while Cuomo knows not to **** it up we still getting 600 deaths a day and 2k hospitalized and it’s close to a month lockdown . Like I said then smaller states are gonna get hit dumb hard

Trump better be ready to pump out that 2k per month stimulus after he messes this up
Hopefully Trump gets charged with a crime against humanity..cause he's single handily going to play a role in hundreds of thousands of deaths soon. We can sit tight for a few more weeks..months..but no let's open it back up. So dumb.


Thought this quote was compelling:

“Our findings suggest that there is somewhere between 50- and 80-fold more infections in our county than what’s known by the number of cases than are reported by our department of public health," Dr. Eran Bendavid, the associate professor of medicine at Stanford University

Which, in some ways, would be great news if true. We DEF need more of these studies done.
Thought about trimming my beard and lining it up. Food and sauce gets stuck in it. But I hate grooming my beard and in NY we have to wear masks outside anyway. Might try the double bandana look and use one to push my hair back and one as a face cover.
(don't read this post if you're already anxious or if you're just going to point fingers at people for fear mongering, even though all these things we "fear mongered" about ended up being true)

One thing that hasn't been talked about much and which we won't know for years or decades is the long-term health sequelae of Covid-19.

In many infectious diseases, there are problems that appear well after the person has recovered, sometimes decades out. Given that Covid-19 is novel, can hit hard, and can hit many organ systems all mean that it has the potential for this. Hopefully not, but it could, and this possibility should weigh into our approach to this disease.

This is especially true for people saying we should let it rip through communities, that we should open the economy, etc. Imagine the incredible health burden and long-term destruction of the economy if we find in 20 years that 20% of Covid-19 survivors are prone to serious health problems later in life. If you think 20% unemployment for a few months in bad, imagine if 20% of the population is put on long-term disability because their lungs are shot.

Again, this is a long-shot, but even if this has a 0.1% chance of happening, it would greatly outweigh any short-term concerns about needing to re-open the economy.

yeah, imagine that right?

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