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I know you just post memes and ****, but where did you get this from?

All I know is that if they don’t propose another bill where we get 1500-2000 a month by the end of this month people gonna be going crazy . Mayor of New York just announced he’s closing all outdoor pools for summer 20 and most likely beach’s to so summer 20 it’s a wrap
Schools really might not openthis year crazy
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Having family in healthcare, from the complaints their business decision makers are amongst the worst in any industry. Their own *** or the bottom line matters more than the employees or patients and if you care about either it can be frustrating. If you find a facility with decent management you're lucky.
sounds like once this is over, you might need to look for another hospital to work at. There will be a lot of disgruntled employees. Making this works in your favor once the dust settles
This is how I felt too
Houston has the biggest medical center in the world and from the information I’ve gathered from all my friends in different hospitals is that it’s all the same
everyone is scrambling and figuring it out.
And Houston is way more prepared and has a lot more resources than anywhere else.
so if it’s bad down here I know **** must be crazy in NYC. I feel bad for them.

I think the more important question to ask for New Yorkers after all this is over is “is it really worth living in NYC?”
All I know is that if they don’t propose another bill where we get 1500-2000 a month by the end of this month people gonna be going crazy . Mayor of New York just announced he’s closing all outdoor pools for summer 20 and most likely beach’s to so summer 20 it’s a wrap
Schools really might not open this month this year crazy
you're in NY, right? Schools haven't permanently closed for the school year???
you're in NY, right? Schools haven't permanently closed for the school year???

Yes . Mayor says it’s closed governor is ignoring the question and says for now it’s closed . They are 100 percent closing though for the rest of the year . They might be closed for the fall year to if they canceling summer to schoools are a hotspot if they can’t contain it . Only good news today 606 dead in New York . Two thousand people hospitalized daily though

- This adds to Abbott's previously announced COVID-19 molecular tests: the m2000™ lab-based test and ID NOW™ rapid point-of-care test
- New antibody test will run on Abbott's ARCHITECT® i1000SR and i2000SR laboratory instruments and will expand to its new Alinity™ i system
- Abbott begins shipping tomorrow and intends to distribute 4 million tests in April, ramping to 20 million in the U.S. per month in June and beyond
you're in NY, right? Schools haven't permanently closed for the school year???

Yeah here in Colorado schools have been closed for this year and my guess is they wont go back on the fall either.

Anyone get the stimulus money?

I'm getting a "Payment Status Not Available" message when I enter my data. Whatever that means.

I havent got mine. I also havent filled taxes this year. Have you? My girl got her money n it went off her tax returns this year.
New York coronavirus deaths 606 versus 752 yesterday


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There was a mass email sent earlier this week to those of us who applied for some of those SBA loan programs. My friend and I both received these earlier this week.


I need to look into it further but right now it looks like us landlords (without employees) are SOL for the time being.
I love New York. A rare pandemic isn't going to change that lol
Yeah that’s the general sentiment but I would imagine going forward things will look different to the people there
Especially how dirty it is
all I know is the way y’all are living up there isn’t how we are supposed to live

And before this even happened there were record number of people already moving out of NYC.
Its not easy moving away from home though so I get it
I got the same email. I'm a one man band and was expecting $10k but based on the email I should get $1k lol

Not sure if I'll still get it with the news that its ran out. Nothing in my acct yet.

I also didnt get the stimulus check

Havent had a dollar come in anywhere from any source in over a month.

Checking account currently in the red, savings paying rent/bills but even that will be ran through in a couple months
I got the same email. I'm a one man band and was expecting $10k but based on the email I should get $1k lol

Not sure if I'll still get it with the news that its ran out. Nothing in my acct yet.

I also didnt get the stimulus check

Havent had a dollar come in anywhere from any source in over a month.

Checking account currently in the red, savings paying rent/bills but even that will be ran through in a couple months
Hope you pull through this one brother. Wonder if we can do an NT charity fund
Yeah here in Colorado schools have been closed for this year and my guess is they wont go back on the fall either.

I havent got mine. I also havent filled taxes this year. Have you? My girl got her money n it went off her tax returns this year.

Haven't filed this year, but I did file last year with direct deposit. And the IRS just says 2018 OR 2019 with DD not 2018 AND 2019 with DD. I'm guessing that keyword does matter, because a dude in the other thread said he got it without filing yet this year.
I got the same email. I'm a one man band and was expecting $10k but based on the email I should get $1k lol

Not sure if I'll still get it with the news that its ran out. Nothing in my acct yet.

I also didnt get the stimulus check

Havent had a dollar come in anywhere from any source in over a month.

Checking account currently in the red, savings paying rent/bills but even that will be ran through in a couple months

My Man U have my deepest sympathies. I truly hope things make a turn for the better for u. I don’t think we’re ready to end this quarantine by any means but I’m hoping our government can provide more assistance to small business owners and landlords during this time.

I have a 9-5 with my rentals on the side but my brother I feel your pain. I’m thankful my 9-5 keeps my household afloat whether my rent checks come through or not. I had a couple of tenants that couldn’t pay for the time being but I can weather the storm for the time being. I spoke with all my banks though and I let them know straight up I can cover this for 90 days. Anything longer and don’t expect a mortgage from me.
Haven't filed this year, but I did file last year with direct deposit. And the IRS just says 2018 OR 2019 with DD not 2018 AND 2019 with DD. I'm guessing that keyword does matter, because a dude in the other thread said he got it without filing yet this year.
Yep it's one or the other. That message can also mean it's just a system error - not that you're doing anything wrong. There was an article earlier form forbes.com that people entering random info get that same error so it's generic.
My girl just became a regional point person after her job had to let some more of her counterparts go. This is 2 weeks after they did a 10% salary cut across the board for FTEs and furloughed a percentage of their workforce.

I said the other day how companies are doing the salary cuts just to live another week or two and I could definitely see my girls spot closing in another couple weeks.

All I can say is stay strong fam. Gonna be a different kind of life from here on out.
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