Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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We had 319 diagnosed cases on March 6.

We now have 650k and adding 30k/day. In two weeks, that'll put us at 1.1 million cases.

This tweet is from March 6:

Thankfully, she was off in two ways. 1) she vastly underestimated the number of cases on March 6 (she said ~2000 when it was probably closer to ~10k), and 2) we have slowed down significantly due to social distancing (we are doubling every 10 days or so now).

But if we ease restrictions too fast, we will go back to doubling every 5 days and 1 million would be 30 million by the end of May.

Everybody, collect your $100,000!

When this **** is over with, I hope that as Americans we do better at living within our means, or under our means.... Live smart and keep a budget. Figure a way to have multiple income streams, and encourage your peoples to do the same.

Nice goal but that will only work on a larger scale if the we as a country and specifically our law makers do more to correct the massive inequalities that this crisis has exposed and in alot of ways worsened. Unfortunately what they've done so far for the people that need it the most is literally a scrap of tissue on a shaving cut versus the money they're printing for corporations. The same corporations who most likely will still be asking for more money after all of this is over partly because the consumers they rely on to stay afloat will be taking a long time to climb out from under all this BS.
When this **** is over with, I hope that as Americans we do better at living within our means, or under our means.... Live smart and keep a budget. Figure a way to have multiple income streams, and encourage your peoples to do the same.
Wishful thinking. I don’t think Americans (well the majority) will learn. You can see it here, dudes living at home but buying $500+ sneakers on the regular
When this **** is over with, I hope that as Americans we do better at living within our means, or under our means.... Live smart and keep a budget. Figure a way to have multiple income streams, and encourage your peoples to do the same.

With this philosophical statement out of the way......................

REALISTICALLY when all of this is over with, people are ready to finally get their hair trimmed, MAYNE

When this **** is over with, I hope that as Americans we do better at living within our means, or under our means.... Live smart and keep a budget. Figure a way to have multiple income streams, and encourage your peoples to do the same.

when this **** is over with, I hope that as a society we do better at ensuring the masses are not constantly 2 missed paychecks from economic ruin.

that we require companies provide adequate paid sick time so that people working for minimum wage at a fn supermarket don´t have to choose between their job and exposing their grandmother to secondhand rona.

that obscenely profitable companies carry cash reserves instead of buying back their own stock, and consistently pass their surplus on to the worker as increased pay and the consumer as lower prices.

figure out how not to have the entire system crumble under one punch, and encourage others to do the same.
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when this **** is over with, I hope that as a society we do better at ensuring the masses are not constantly 2 missed paychecks from economic ruin.

that we require companies provide adequate paid sick time so that people working for minimum wage at a fn supermarket don´t have to choose between their job and exposing their grandmother to secondhand rona.

that obscenely profitable companies carry cash reserves instead of buying back their own stock, and consistently pass their surplus on to the worker as increased pay and the consumer as lower prices.

figure out how not have the entire system crumble under one punch, and encourage others to do the same.

To keep your statement(s) in perspective, this just doesn't apply to America. We're seeing these issue pop up in almost EVERY FIRST-WORLD AND THIRD-WORLD COUNTRY today since the 'RONA VIRUS took over the globe.

This is once again another "wishful thinking" type situation, but it is something I hope regular people IN ALL COUNTRIES start waking up AND voting in (and out) political representatives that do strive for the ideals you are stating right here.
May 1st is too soon

but as long as everyone wears a mask we’ll be alright?

not looking forward going to work and bring around people, smh
I do generally but not when I'm out running. Which is like 35 minutes outside.
I don't wear a mask or glove in public. Been washing my hands frequently for years. First thing I always do when I come home is wash my hands.

In good health and don't take any kind of medication

Appreciate reply. Sincerely asked cause both of you in large metro areas. Rare here in SW to see those without. Personally couldn’t go without, now routine to put on before leaving house.
Stay Safe out there.
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