Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I wonder if they're gonna hook us essential workers up or nah?

Can't really comprehend how folks who aren't working are getting >100% of their salary while essential workers are getting 100%.

I read somewhere there's senators trying to pass hazard pay for essential workers but I think the issue there is people in supermarkets and other private companies.If the government pays public essential workers like medical staff and cops, etc extra then people working for private brands like Target will be pissed. Hopefully they figure it out because y'all deserve it
So I am thinking that by mid-May, we may go into a serious lockdown, like temperature checks to leave the house. I don't think the social distancing that we are doing is driving down the number of infections fast enough to reopen the economy, so by mid-May, if the death toll is still over 1,000/day, I could see them feeling that there is no other alternative and implementing serious lockdowns to get the infection numbers really low in order to get back to business as usual by the fall.

Lilly Begins Clinical Testing of Therapies for COVID-19
Eli Lilly says it entered into an agreement with National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to study baricitinib as part of the institute's Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial.
The study, which will start this month with results expected in the next two months, "will investigate the efficacy and safety of baricitinib as a potential treatment for hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19."
Baricitinib, which is marketed as Olumiant, is approved in more than 65 countries to treat adults with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis
Lilly also says it will advance another drug known as LY3127804 to Phase 2 testing in "pneumonia patients hospitalized with COVID-19 who are at a higher risk of progressing to acute respiratory distress syndrome."
So I am thinking that by mid-May, we may go into a serious lockdown, like temperature checks to leave the house. I don't think the social distancing that we are doing is driving down the number of infections fast enough to reopen the economy, so by mid-May, if the death toll is still over 1,000/day, I could see them feeling that there is no other alternative and implementing serious lockdowns to get the infection numbers really low in order to get back to business as usual by the fall.

Ticking Time Bomb.

Trump & FED better PAY the People rather than failing airlines, non-tax paying cruise co's, failing hedge funds...or else...

*I'm sure $1200 over 2 months will tide the People over.
https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/10/world/yanomami-amazon-coronavirus-brazil-trnd/index.html infected thru a miner, yea right. This story let’s you know what’s really going on.

Follow the One Belt One ROAD

China’s Strategic Play in Brazil
China’s $1 trillion plan to remake the global order astonishes not only for its audacious scale, but also its geographic reach. The “One Belt, One Road” initiative is the backbone of a transformative geopolitical and economic agenda. President Xi Jinping’s brand of globalization dispenses with the old liberal order and is bending international trade in the country’s favor. The plan involves massive infrastructure projects in over 60 countries. Focused on securing trade routes in Asia, Europe and Africa, some Latin Americans have grumbled about feeling left out of the Chinese bonanza. These grievances are misplaced.

To be sure, Latin America is squarely in the sights of the Chinese government and investors. Already Brazil’s leading trading partner, China’s presence in the country is set to increase dramatically by next year. In 2015, Xi committed to almost doubling two-way trade with the region to $500 billion within the decade. He also intends to increase investment by another $250 billion by 2020. Once heavily concentrated in commodities and manufacturing, Chinese firms are now exploring new ground, from logistics to renewable energy.
I hit up my boy that was recently released from the hospital with COVID to check in on him. Tells me he had to go back a few days after because he had chest pain and they found a blood clot in his lung. Then tells me his boy died from it (mid 30s) then tells me his neighbor died from it. Stay safe y'all

NJ has found a superdonor


Must be something in his gene pool. His family caught covid too and beat it back in a few days like nothing lol

I like this approach (assuming it works, which seems like 50/50 at best) because it scales with the parademic, or even faster, since one donor could treat many people. As more people get sick, more donors arise.

There ever situations where folks actually step to Doctors?
Med students rarely step to interns, who almost never step to residents, who don't step to attendings.... Nurses can step to doctors, but it has to be under the right circumstances, otherwise it's a quick way to get fired.

The hierarchy is sort of regressive but it's also needed in many situations. Can't have everybody second guessing everybody else. Unfortunately that comes at the cost of the higher ups getting away with being *******s.
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