Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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these dudes be losing their **** and start talking to people like straight up peasants.
To be fair they did pay the cost to be the boss. 8+ years in college, doing the rotations and residencies. There the only ones thats actually indispensable, all the other nurses can easily be replaced. Doesnt it only take like 1-2 years to become an RN or get an STNA?
To be fair they did pay the cost to be the boss. 8+ years in college, doing the rotations and residencies. There the only ones thats actually indispensable, all the other nurses can easily be replaced. Doesnt it only take like 1-2 years to become an RN or get an STNA?
Nah I get it...everything you're saying is right. They earned whatever position they're at.. You don't become a doctor by accident.

I respect doctors, but I'll never like them, with some few exceptions.
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these governors be dishing out generic non essential closures.
Let’s close dedicated liquor stores.
lets close dedicated nursery’s and plant centers.
let’s close furniture shops
Let’s close paint shops

but Walmart and Lowe’s can continue to sell everything.
My grocery store is flourishing with the closure on liquor stores.
All the gas stations are now packed.
Grocery stores are limited to 20% capacity but some just want their booze or other non essentials. So if you want eggs, you’re in the same line as dude who wants a 1/5 of vodka.
Is there any consequences for these governors and mayors to just throw this crap up and see what sticks? I expected better of them.
I never thought I’d see the day where it’s basically dictatorship. The ones in charge can deem people winners or losers

my area can’t be the only one seeing this.SF got it right. Their essential list is well thought out and detailed.
But for some reason we’re still allowing random ^%# construction projects.
Depressing times.

I give it ten years. But we’ll hear about governors and other officials getting paid under the table to keep certain things open. It’s the very definition of a monopoly and it’s just playing out live right now.
There ever situations where folks actually step to Doctors?

Absolutely....and it got me “furloughed” and with little to no chance of being asked back. I worked with a dermatologist that didn’t appreciate me stepping to him, the CEO, and anyone else who wanted to downplay this pandemic. I blasted their greed and violations to a huge audience of employees that I cc’d in a email lol. Currently waiting for their next move because I’m ready to go the OSHA Whistleblower route.
Dude nailed it when he said these doctors know their specialty but are just like you and I outside of it.
was that the missing scientist? is she really not missing anymore lol
I was wondering the same thing. There were some reports that she went missing, fueling speculation that the virus had leaked from her lab

Missing scientists, missing doctors, missing journalists. List goes on and on. Here’s another disturbing one since she was part of first if not the first medical professional that figured something was very wrong.

They aren’t exactly socially distant (generic meat packing photo)

I went to Popeyes the other day. I may never go back. 5-7 workers crammed into that small front kitchen space.

It’s about to get crazy if our food supply is truly limited

All these masks on this virus is still hitting hospital workers and the workers above. All of which are 3-5 times cleaner than grocery stores and our own homes
People need to accept that they will catch the virus eventually.

The focus should be on improving recovery and not prevention at this point. Especially if you live in a large metro area.
honestly you can be an arrogant a hole MD, as long as you are smart and do your job well, but then you have the arrogant ones that are legit IDIOTS....those ****ers......I cannot stand.
At my local hospital there’s an orthopedic specialist/surgeon that is notorious for how much of an a-hole he is. He’s very good and has patients coming from all over the country but he’s generally almost contemptuous towards patients.
Easily the biggest grumpy ******* I’ve ever met in any medical facility, a view shared by many of his patients, but the fact he has so many clients well aware of his personality says a lot about just how good he is at his job.
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I think people are overlooking the $600 weekly bonus from unemployment. That's huge. I live in NY but in NJ the max unemployment is $700ish a week. So you can get $1300 before taxes weekly if you hit the max salary requirements
So the government is giving you $9600 bonus if you're unemployed til end of July plus the stimulus, thats $10,800 total extra in addition to unemployment, which if you live in a state with high unemployment benefits means from April-July 31 you could've gotten $22k in 4 months for you to sit your *** home.

I wonder if they're gonna hook us essential workers up or nah?

Can't really comprehend how folks who aren't working are getting >100% of their salary while essential workers are getting 100%.
At my local hospital there’s an orthopedic specialist/surgeon that is notorious for how much of an a-hole he is. He’s very good and has patients coming from all over the country but he’s generally almost contemptuous towards patients.
Easily the biggest grumpy ******* I’ve ever met in any medical facility, a view shared by many of his patients, but the fact he has so many clients well aware of his personality says a lot about just how good he is at his job.
Surgeons are the worst of the worst, I might die a little inside if my sister marries a surgeon...I won't approve at all if for example my sister brings a surgeon home to meet the parents. They're good at what they do but I've never talked to a surgeon that doesn't make you feel that you're not beneath them lol

I've heard so many stories of surgeons. Some surgeons literally don't recognize the faces of the patients they've operated on, on the same day they've operated on them, after they did the operation!

On some 'Are you sure this is the patient I've operated on? I'm pretty sure this bed is the patient I've operated on....' (*points at wrong patient on the wrong bed*)

I've heard of surgeons who don't care if the pre - surgery checklist was just started...all they care about is if the patient is on the table at the time they're at the table...

' Um, doctor, the patient just got here. We just started the presurgery checklist...'

'Doesn't matter! I'm already in the OR!'

Um doc...the presurgery checklist is kind of impt.. :lol:
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Personal anecdote

But I’ve noticed a few people I’ve met in my life who have gone on to be doctors are a little off.

Like they are sociopaths or something, just off a bit.
Personal anecdote

But I’ve noticed a few people I’ve met in my life who have gone on to be doctors are a little off.

Like they are sociopaths or something, just off a bit.
I think some doctors literally don't care about their patents. They just care if they're going to get sued.

But I think other doctors do care about their patient.

I think the ratio of that, based on anecdote from other nurses and PAs, and my own experience, might be 40/60 :lol:

.... I've had a lot of time to think about this. I don't think it's a coincidence that doctors have a certain mentality/personality...I think only certain personalities can excel in medicine. I think if you're too empathetic or soft hearted the medical field can crush you.

Especially in fields where patients may die often.. It's either you have to learn to shut off part of your own heart to cope with patients dying, or you learn to not have a heart, or you're a personality that didn't really have a heart to begin with.
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Surgeons are the worst of the worst, I might die a little inside if my sister marries a surgeon...I won't approve at all if for example my sister brings a surgeon home to meet the parents. They're good at what they do but I've never talked to a surgeon that doesn't make you feel that you're not beneath them lol

I've heard so many stories of surgeons. Some surgeons literally don't recognize the faces of the patients they've operated on, on the same day they've operated on them, after they did the operation!

On some 'Are you sure this is the patient I've operated on? I'm pretty sure this bed is the patient I've operated on....' (*points at wrong patient on the wrong bed*)

I've heard of surgeons who don't care if the pre - surgery checklist was just started...all they care about is if the patient is on the table at the time they're at the table...

' Um, doctor, the patient just got here. We just started the presurgery checklist...'

'Doesn't matter! I'm already in the OR!'

Um doc...the presurgery checklist is kind of impt.. :lol:

Do you know the difference between God and a surgeon?

God doesn’t think he’s a surgeon.
Personal anecdote

But I’ve noticed a few people I’ve met in my life who have gone on to be doctors are a little off.

Like they are sociopaths or something, just off a bit.

I've noticed something similar with other professions in the medical industry as well. Maybe not so much sociopathiy in my experience, but more along the lines of narcissism. ie smartest people in any given room, nothing they say can be challenged, dismissing other opinions, etc.
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