Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Yea kind of a dumb question when I posted it. Jus tryin to stay on my grizzly bout this.

Not a dumb question at all. What makes it worse than being “airborne” is that it’s aerosolized, meaning it can be transferred by microscopic droplets that you breathe, as opposed to many viruses that are transferred through droplets that are coughed, sneezed, etc. That’s the reason the mask and goggles must be airtight so it can’t enter your mucous membranes via aerosol. This also means it can travel further distances and be suspended in the air longer (think smoke).
My question is how are asymptomatic people transferring the virus if they aren’t coughing or sneezing?
Is the aerosolization caused by simply breathing in and out or opening your mouth

Stock up on 2-3 weeks of canned soup, Ramen, and KD

toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks
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Not a dumb question at all. What makes it worse than being “airborne” is that it’s aerosolized, meaning it can be transferred by microscopic droplets that you breathe, as opposed to many viruses that are transferred through droplets that are coughed, sneezed, etc. That’s the reason the mask and goggles must be airtight so it can’t enter your mucous membranes via aerosol. This also means it can travel further distances and be suspended in the air longer (think smoke).

Appreciate it. This ish had me shook at the moment.
I honestly don’t trust ANY numbers that are coming out. Be safe out there everyone and stock up if necessary. Its better to be prepared than not. I am not that worried about myself as I am for my parents or elders in my family. Also the babies and young ones are particularly where my concerns are.
This has been a pandemic weeks ago imo. This virus is being transmitted from person to person without any contact to Wuhan or individuals from Wuhan. This virus has traveled all across the globe how is this not a pandemic yet? Maybe my understanding of the term is limited.
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