Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Go appreciation flowers for caring for my grandparents....

They made me a mask out of flowers. :lol:



this is fly af from where I´m sitting...it´s like the opposite of a plague doctor mask, consider this stolen.
Nice try. This coming from the guy who said Trump using "Chinese Virus" is appropriate and said people were being soft and easily offended by taking issue with that. You should go edit your posts before I pull receipts.
"You're probably a closet Trump supporter anyway". See how easy that is. Clown. You have no basis of argument for anything you say. Just **** that you disagree with no logical backing. You're worse than a troll, trolls are at least funny.
Yikes but people worried about people calling covid the China virus.

Way to deflect the focus. So he really did say and mean that sentence. Well then Pass the Courvoisier and let me give SpittaRhymes and all nonAsians a few thoughts to ponder:
-I have no problems hearing the term “Wuhan virus/flu” because that’s where the Covid/Corona originated from. In fact when you see/hear Chinese media, one of the terms they use. Comparable to “West Nile” virus.
-I do have a big problem with the term “Chinese virus/flu”. But why people ask since we hear “Spanish flu” and “German measles”. Sure back over 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 , an effing 100 YEARS Ago.
What else were senior citizen white people calling things? Think.
So based on your logic, what are you calling HIV, Aids or Middle East respiratory syndrome?

Get the picture?

And Bill Maher is a moron for not seeing the difference.
Way to deflect the focus. So he really did say and mean that sentence. Well then Pass the Courvoisier and let me give SpittaRhymes and all nonAsians a few thoughts to ponder:
-I have no problems hearing the term “Wuhan virus/flu” because that’s where the Covid/Corona originated from. In fact when you see/hear Chinese media, one of the terms they use. Comparable to “West Nile” virus.
-I do have a big problem with the term “Chinese virus/flu”. But why people ask since we hear “Spanish flu” and “German measles”. Sure back over 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 , an effing 100 YEARS Ago.
What else were senior citizen white people calling things? Think.
So based on your logic, what are you calling HIV, Aids or Middle East respiratory syndrome?

Get the picture?

And Bill Maher is a moron for not seeing the difference.
That video I posted in China is disturbing. China’s lack of regulation is to blame for this pandemic point blank period.

Remember that US intelligence about the coronavirus outbreak in China was also included in an early January Presidential Daily Brief. Though Trump is known to often disregard the PDB or struggle to remain attentive as the PDB briefers attempt to brief him.

Breaking with tradition, Trump skips president’s written intelligence report and relies on oral briefings
For much of the past year, President Trump has declined to participate in a practice followed by the past seven of his predecessors: He rarely if ever reads the President’s Daily Brief, a document that lays out the most pressing information collected by U.S. intelligence agencies from hot spots around the world.
Trump has opted to rely on an oral briefing of select intelligence issues in the Oval Office rather than getting the full written document delivered to review separately each day, according to three people familiar with his briefings.

Soon after Trump took office, analysts sought to tailor their intelligence sessions for a president with a famously short attention span, who is known for taking in much of his information from conservative Fox News Channel hosts. The oral briefings were augmented with photos, videos and graphics.


'Willful Ignorance.' Inside President Trump's Troubled Intelligence Briefings
In hindsight it’s always easy to look back at the warnings.
Some of the warnings were very clear cut though. US intelligence collected key information from China all the way back in November. Intelligence intercepts of conversations between Chinese officials discussing the outbreak etc. Those intercepts suggested something extremely contagious, high fatality rates and very extreme containment measures.
To be clear, if the US was able to obtain such candid communications back in November, there's plenty of blame to go around. Every country with somewhat competent intelligence services should have been able to collect similar information around that time. In Europe that is especially true for the countries known for having very active and/or highly skilled intelligence agencies. Either there was incredible incompetence across the board or the intelligence wasn't taken serious enough or not at all.
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This thread started January 21

So you’re telling me NT had better intelligence than the President?
Pretty much anyone with a brain by that point that bothered to keep up with international news knew this was going to be big. Don’t need intelligence reports to prove that. And with all the wealth of info posted on this thread early on I would say yes, NT intelligence was far superior.
Idk if I’d include the words “intelligence” and “our President“ in the same sentence.

Not a surprise the two biggest events of our lifetime (9/11 and this pandemic) occurred under not so very intelligent administrations.

The thing is though, im sure most countries in the world knew about this by January. I don’t know of any country that completely shut their doors and banned all travel coming in and out in January though.
That video I posted in China is disturbing. China’s lack of regulation is to blame for this pandemic point blank period.
Yeah, how is this even debatable?

Dudes really out here bending over backwards to argue that China is just ignorant and backwater? :nerd:


Yall got free time, watch Chernobyl on HBO. :smokin

Systemic failure and ignorance tracks for the first week...first month, MAYBE even 2. So we talking about NOVEMBER 2019 (check the receipt). By JANUARY 2020, the gov't had more than enough info to tell the world, an epidemic has broken out here, and it's time to isolate and contain it.

But that **** would only affect CHINA. And they knew from running scenarios on SARS in 2003, they'd lose crazy money and their position in the world. Say you're the CCP. And you've been waging an economic Cold War since the 70s! You still out here trading blows in Rounds 8 & 9 with the belt on the line. All of the sudden, your knee tear like looseleaf and you're on the ropes. :smh:

Tell me your *** wouldn't rather headbutt the OPP. Get disqualified. Keep your titles. And plan a rematch after you're all healed up? Be real. :nerd:

What they DIDN'T EXPECT was the OPP to get a brain hemorrhage and all of a sudden, they're a pariah that's stripped of their belts and banned from boxing.

Them dudes ran the numbers and chose to move how they moved and let the world burn up with a fever. Outta pride, ego, greed, malice...does it even ******* matter?

Wilfully. Knowingly. Deliberately.

Real crabs in a bucket ****. :smh:

Negligent capitalistic genocide.
Idk if I’d include the words “intelligence” and “our President“ in the same sentence.

Not a surprise the two biggest events of our lifetime (9/11 and this pandemic) occurred under not so very intelligent administrations.

The thing is though, im sure most countries in the world knew about this by January. I don’t know of any country that completely shut their doors and banned all travel coming in and out in January though.

SKorea was reporting in all media outlets in late November that a Virus was spreading in Wuhan.
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