Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I usually keep to myself, but I woulda told that lady something. You cant be that dumb.

Actually you probably could.
So..can this really be confirmed covid-19 comes from bat transmission? Theres alot of unconfimed info and data. I'd like to believe this research.
Not to take sides but to me what was said was control what you can control.

The only thing you can control is where you position your body.

I get being bothered/annoyed by others that are being reckless but at the end of the day we can't do anything about that.

But I think everyone knows that at this point.

Again, I don't want any trouble nor am I taking sides.
It's like driving a car. You can't control any of the other cars on the road. What you can do is reduce your risk of an accident by following the guidelines and distancing yourself from drivers who aren't. And even doing that you're still at risk. People are acting like I said don't quarantine or something.
I saw a guy the other day with the full getup, mask gloves and a spray bottle. He had his lil daughter with him and she didn't have anything. He's spraying her hands and then touching her and holding her hand with his dirty gloves. These kind of things are going to happen and there's nothing you can do about it. Soooo...worry about yourself and control what you can control
you cant really blame alot of people like this...he has the right idea...with totally wrong implementation

anyone who has taken a science lab in college (bio/chem/microbio/etc) knows how easily your results can be impacted by not being careful and contaminating your samples...

its crazy how in our country we pay a dude 30 mil/year to throw a ball in a ring but then pay teachers 30k/year to take care of our children...

when this is all done people should emphasize the importance of education and environment...im not saying school should be free...but it shouldnt be the way it is

La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company announces the emergency use of Giapreza (angiotensin II) for treating COVID-19 patients with septic shock at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London.

The European Commission approved the product in August 2019 for adults with septic or other distributive shock who remain hypotensive despite treatment but it is not yet commercially available.

you cant really blame alot of people like this...he has the right idea...with totally wrong implementation

anyone who has taken a science lab in college (bio/chem/microbio/etc) knows how easily your results can be impacted by not being careful and contaminating your samples...

its crazy how in our country we pay a dude 30 mil/year to throw a ball in a ring but then pay teachers 30k/year to take care of our children...

when this is all done people should emphasize the importance of education and environment...im not saying school should be free...but it shouldnt be the way it is
Yea but then you have people like bill gates who are responsible for initiatives like common core which helps make the school system ineffective and handicaps teachers while lowering test scores. But that's a whole different topic

People still really don’t understand the concept of flattening the curve and social distancing.

person A is a 17 year old male

person B is a 18 year old male

person C is a 50 year old male

all 3 live in the same city

person A and person B decide too hoop at the park with 8 bros.

person C decides to stay the **** home.

Person B has family that recently returned from Spring vacation 2 weeks ago. They went to mardi gras in new orleans. bro is an asymptomatic carrier of covid-19.

while hooping At the park, person A plays pat beverly defence on person B. In the process his face gets breathed on and catches covid-19. Of those 10 people that hooped 3 catch covid-19.

on the way home person B stops at cvs and buys a gatorade. He gives covid-19 to the cashier without knowing.

person A lives with his grandparents, both are in their 70s

1 week later

person C is a diabetic, he stays home and gets groceries delivered but still needs to go to cvs to buy medicine

person C catches covid-19 from the cashier that got covid-19 from person B

one of person B's parents need to be hospitalized

2 weeks later

Both person A grandparents are in the hospital in critical condition

the local hospital only had 3 ICU beds left (2 grandparents, 1 parent of person B)

Person C calls 911 cause he's having trouble breathing but theres no more ICU beds or ventilators

Person C is dead even though he tried his best to stay home because person A and B decided it would be fun to hoop at the park

not to mention how many more people the cashier at cvs infected.
People still really don’t understand the concept of flattening the curve and social distancing.

person A is a 17 year old male

person B is a 18 year old male

person C is a 50 year old male

all 3 live in the same city

person A and person B decide too hoop at the park with 8 bros.

person C decides to stay the **** home.

Person B has family that recently returned from Spring vacation 2 weeks ago. They went to mardi gras in new orleans. bro is an asymptomatic carrier of covid-19.

while hooping At the park, person A plays pat beverly defence on person B. In the process his face gets breathed on and catches covid-19. Of those 10 people that hooped 3 catch covid-19.

on the way home person B stops at cvs and buys a gatorade. He gives covid-19 to the cashier without knowing.

person A lives with his grandparents, both are in their 70s

1 week later

person C is a diabetic, he stays home and gets groceries delivered but still needs to go to cvs to buy medicine

person C catches covid-19 from the cashier that got covid-19 from person B

one of person B's parents need to be hospitalized

2 weeks later

Both person A grandparents are in the hospital in critical condition

the local hospital only had 3 ICU beds left (2 grandparents, 1 parent of person B)

Person C calls 911 cause he's having trouble breathing but theres no more ICU beds or ventilators

Person C is dead even though he tried his best to stay home because person A and B decided it would be fun to hoop at the park

not to mention how many more people the cashier at cvs infected.

People either don't care or don't get it.
Not to take sides but to me what was said was control what you can control.

The only thing you can control is where you position your body.

I get being bothered/annoyed by others that are being reckless but at the end of the day we can't do anything about that.

But I think everyone knows that at this point.

Again, I don't want any trouble nor am I taking sides.
nah you late to the party. he's changed his tone and his stance.
People still really don’t understand the concept of flattening the curve and social distancing.

person A is a 17 year old male

person B is a 18 year old male

person C is a 50 year old male

all 3 live in the same city

person A and person B decide too hoop at the park with 8 bros.

person C decides to stay the **** home.

Person B has family that recently returned from Spring vacation 2 weeks ago. They went to mardi gras in new orleans. bro is an asymptomatic carrier of covid-19.

while hooping At the park, person A plays pat beverly defence on person B. In the process his face gets breathed on and catches covid-19. Of those 10 people that hooped 3 catch covid-19.

on the way home person B stops at cvs and buys a gatorade. He gives covid-19 to the cashier without knowing.

person A lives with his grandparents, both are in their 70s

1 week later

person C is a diabetic, he stays home and gets groceries delivered but still needs to go to cvs to buy medicine

person C catches covid-19 from the cashier that got covid-19 from person B

one of person B's parents need to be hospitalized

2 weeks later

Both person A grandparents are in the hospital in critical condition

the local hospital only had 3 ICU beds left (2 grandparents, 1 parent of person B)

Person C calls 911 cause he's having trouble breathing but theres no more ICU beds or ventilators

Person C is dead even though he tried his best to stay home because person A and B decided it would be fun to hoop at the park

not to mention how many more people the cashier at cvs infected.
Not sure what point you're trying to make. I understand how a virus spreads. If person A with covid never played basketball he could still spread it to that same cashier instead of person b. At the end of the day, protect yourself. I thought the car analogy would be easier to understand
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