Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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"You are paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve."
--Elon Musk​
How is it not true that they're spreading it to others they come in contact with? They can't give it to someone who never leaves the house. The spring break thing was over the top but I blame that more on the cities that left beaches open. Aren't the guys hooping and passing vapes easy to avoid? And as long as you have your mask and gloves on, how are they bothering you?

It's not true that they're "only" spreading to their families and those they're outside with.

But they're only spreading it to others who are outside and whoever they live with.

Unless you included the entire continuum when you said "outside." I thought you meant just outside among those congregating.

And as long as you have your mask and gloves on, how are they bothering you?

This is bigger than me. :lol:

I care about people in my city and other cities and communities who don't have the luxuries I do.
I think within the next two months things are going to have to start getting at least somewhat back to normal and **** is going to have to start opening back up. Limit the amount of people sitting in restaurants/bars/stores/movie theaters and inside gyms, have people continue to be spread out a little at the beginning and then slowly allow more people in.
We need to be overaggressive and overreacting to this virus. Cant come close to even thinking about getting back to normal until we see major dips in cases. Not minor, major.

This whole 6 feet distance thing is kind of a joke too. Thats not 100%.
It's not true that they're "only" spreading to their families and those they're outside with.

Unless you included the entire continuum when you said "outside." I thought you meant just outside among those congregating.

This is bigger than me. :lol:

I care about people in my city and other cities and communities who don't have the luxuries I do.
Like I just looked at ig and someone posted a pic of the line at Costco telling people to stay home :lol:. I know that's not you but that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. All you can do is worry about yourself and take precautions. If you're outside you're taking a risk whether you're hooping or running errands
Like I just looked at ig and someone posted a pic of the line at Costco telling people to stay home :lol:. I know that's not you but that's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. All you can do is worry about yourself and take precautions. If you're outside you're taking a risk whether you're hooping or running errands

Right but buying food or getting meds while being reasonably protected seems a little bit more vital than participating in physical activity with 9 other people.

Also, I'm not only worried about myself. That's probably the difference between us. My city has a huge contingent of marginalized people that "worry about yourself" doesn't do sh*t for. I want their best interest entered into the equation. I know I can take care of myself.
But they're only spreading it to others who are outside and whoever they live with. Like you said, it's necessary for you to go out and congregate so you're contributing to the issue yourself. If people just worry about themselves and do what they're supposed to do they should be fine regardless if others aren't following the guidelines
some people worry about more than just themselves
you must not have a family
I have been watching this tread daily. Lots of various opinions which is a good thing. I'll give my side of things in regards to how long to keep things shut down. I'm a immuno compromised individual. I had a liver transplant 16 years ago (at the age of 27) and I take immunosuppressant medication to keep my immune system basically turned off, so my body doesn't attack my transplant. I, truthfully, am terrified of catching this virus. It can kill me, so I'm basically staying inside most of the day (with the occasional walk around my neighborhood with my wife, keeping more than 6 feet away from anyone who happens to be walking around as well. My wife is working from home and we get our groceries picked up via curbside (pop the trunk and no contact).

I work, but I actually took a 3-month short term disability from February 1st, for my severe Crohn's disease I've been suffering from (if you know what this is, it's HORRIBLE & I'd never wish it on anyone, even my worst enemy). Really dumb luck being out as I deal with the public daily (I'm in auto sales for the past 23 years) and there is NO WAY I could have been working back in February and early March before my state (Pennsylvania) shut down auto sales as it's not considered essential (our shop is open though). We are officially shut through April.

My disability ends May 1st but I have the possibility of extending it another 3 months as I am NOT going back yet. Not taking that chance, as I didn't figure my job could cost me my life when I started back in '97). I'm okay with waiting it out a few months and keeping things shut down for the greater good of helping curb the numbers. It we go back too soon, it's only going to lead to more cases and sadly more deaths. I feel for anyone who has to work right now. I wish you all be safe and take all precautions. This virus is not overblown but it's not something that should taken lightly (see that pastor holding service with hundreds of people). Those are the people (congregating, or playing sports in a park) which are not helping. We need to be smart.
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Ok here's my question. Other people playing full court basketball. You, not playing full court basketball, in the house with mask and gloves. Where's the problem? They're putting each other at risk, not you. When I say worry about yourself I mean control what you can control. Being marginalize doesn't change that

Being marginalized DOES change that. The tens of thousands of homeless, underprivileged, essential employees, and so on....don't always have the luxury or wherewithal to protect themselves in the most basic sense from the countless people who aren't practicing safe social distancing and willfully aggravating the transmission.

California, Ohio, South Korea, NBA players, celebrities all seem to be complying and understanding the risk of adhering to the recommendations of medical experts.

A high rate of suspected false negatives is undermining the usefulness of newly developed tests for coronavirus
1,292 discharged in New York State in past day for COVID-19

Gates Foundation Model Suggests 16K Virus Deaths in New York, 93K Nationally, Says Cuomo
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