Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I know what it is. I just told you that I work for a company with no sick days...only PTO.
Which breeds the mentality you're talking about.

And my analogy isn't dumb. Your opinion is dumb. You cant make it make sense which is why I shut that **** down in a previous post.

you know companies combine PTO with sick days so that they allow you to choose how to use them, right? you do know a lot of people actually prefer that, right?

Maternity leave is federally required btw which is why what you were trying to say is dumb
you're a single parent and can barely afford to keep your lights on, pay the rent, gas, food, etc.
your kid gets sick and you have no support. your job is like the one above with no sick time and you don't get much pto. maybe you've already used the pto.
in other words, you have nobody to watch your child. then what?

rather than call ppl inconsiderate, many of you need to put that energy towards the powers that be that make certain situations so in the first place.
but you won't. you're conditioned to blame the have nots and side with the haves and try to **** on anyone that thinks differently then you do. its the way our society works.

anyway i'm done. i said what i said and i stand by it.

i get what you are saying, but literally nobody is talking about that GROUP of people. the single parents who are barely making it. I and any logical person can see why they would do it. So save your oppression olympics for somebody else.

We are talking about the inconsiderate single individuals without kids who go into work sick but have PTO or sick days to use. Love how you missed two comments about people who work for companies that offer unlimited sick days but still have co-workers come to work sick.

Yonhap: South Korea says starting to see community-acquired infections of COVID-19

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[Breaking news] New corona, 60-year-old man in Fukuoka city infected First in Kyushu
so lets try this for a sec.

you're a single parent and can barely afford to keep your lights on, pay the rent, gas, food, etc.
your kid gets sick and you have no support. your job is like the one above with no sick time and you don't get much pto. maybe you've already used the pto.
in other words, you have nobody to watch your child. then what?

rather than call ppl inconsiderate, many of you need to put that energy towards the powers that be that make certain situations so in the first place.
but you won't. you're conditioned to blame the have nots and side with the haves and try to **** on anyone that thinks differently then you do. its the way our society works.

anyway i'm done. i said what i said and i stand by it.
Let's try this for a sec.

What wasn't clear about, these parents only care about their problems and no one elses?

Do you think sending a sick kid to school is going alleviate the parents situation? Most likely if the kid shows signs of being sick, the school is going to dismiss them. If not the school ain't ****.

How can you care about someone else situation when clearly they don't care about yours? Flu is deadly ... I dont have to much empathy for a person that is playing with others lives.

[Breaking news] Two Japanese cruise ships die first… 80s man and woman

The 2 fatalities from the Diamond Princess cruise ship are both Japanese citizens - NHK

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i said what i said. this thread is for something else...so if you want to continue then take it to the thread about nothing or the political thread and @ me so i'll know. other than that i'm not gonna derail the thread more. shibadekobe is doing the job the damn news should do (but haven't and probably won't) and i don't want to take away from it.
Fatalities and dates reported outside mainland China:

Feb 1 - Philippines
Feb 4 - Hong Kong
Feb 13 - Japan
Feb 15 - France (Chinese descent)
Feb 16 - Taiwan
Feb 19 - Hong Kong
Feb 19 - Iran
Feb 19 - Iran
Feb 19 - Japan
Feb 19 - Japan

i admit, I NEVER use all of my sick days. If i get the flu, i definitely stay home for a few days. But for a common cold? I would usually try to go to work unless it's terrible. I have an important job so being out and staying home to watch netflix isn't as easy as you might think. I just go into my office and shut my door. I've probably called in sick less than 5 times in the past 10 years, and 3 of those times was this past Jan.

I don't get pissed if someone comes to work with the common cold. But people with the flu? Whole different story. I send people on my team home if I see them with the flu. And that's for selfish reasons.
My best friend's friend's sister's boyfriend (and the friend's sister) were on the Japan cruise. The boyfriend got coronavirus, was quarantined, and is now stuck in a Japanese hospital for... nobody knows how long. He's in his late 20s, and from Australia. It's kind of scary knowing someone who knows someone with it. Kinda ******* nuts.
My best friend's friend's sister's boyfriend (and the friend's sister) were on the Japan cruise. The boyfriend got coronavirus, was quarantined, and is now stuck in a Japanese hospital for... nobody knows how long. He's in his late 20s, and from Australia. It's kind of scary knowing someone who knows someone with it. Kinda ****ing nuts.
Who's troll/burner account is this?
DeQuan Addrow DeQuan Addrow aka mlkfan mlkfan
Methodical Management Methodical Management
I would like to know the age of those Iranians that passed away. Maybe I missed it in the article or it wasn’t specified?
South Korea bans soldiers in Daegu from leaving their bases and meeting visitors due to coronavirus - Yonhap

South Korea's city of Daegu closes public libraries, orders kindergartens to suspend classes for the time being - Yonhap

BREAKING: Mayor in South Korean city of Daegu asks people to stay indoors due to coronavirus - Reuters

NEW: South Korea reports 5 new cases of coronavirus - Yonhap

BREAKING: South Korea reports 1st death from coronavirus - Yonhap

So far today (8 hours), South Korea has reported 46 new cases of coronavirus and 1 death. This is in addition to 27 cases yesterday

Outside China, South Korea has overtaken Japan as the country with the highest number of cases of coronavirus (cruise ship excluded)

South Korea's first death from coronavirus is a man in his 60s who was hospitalized for schizophrenia for 20 years; a number of other patients also have the virus - BBC/Yonhap
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NEW: 13 new cases of coronavirus on cruise ship in Japan, raising ship's total to 634

UPDATE: 27 people from the Diamond Princess cruise ship who are suffering from coronavirus are seriously ill; 14 of them are Japanese - Kyodo

BREAKING: 2 Japanese government employees test positive for coronavirus after working on cruise ship - NHK

One is an employee of the Ministry of Health and the other works at the Cabinet Secretariat

UPDATE: Japan reports 4 new cases of coronavirus, 1 each in Chiba, Kanagawa, Okinawa, and Hokkaido prefecture
BREAKING: Iran reports 3 new cases of coronavirus, raising total there to 5

I have friends going on a cruise with a 2 year old...a 7 day cruise at that...honestly i think I would have had to cancel that. The biggest concern for me is how do you know if you have come into contact with someone from wuhan?! (or recently traveled) People are disgusting. Someone could sneeze in their hand and grab a doorknob right before you and you not know.
South Korea considers raising virus alert level from "orange" to "red"; a meeting will take place on Friday morning - Yonhap

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Based on the information reached #ایران‌اینترنشنال , The number of people in the hospital " #کامکار_عرب‌نیا " in the city #قم Because of the virus #کرونا Eight people have been killed. In addition, a 5-year-old woman died of the virus at Imam Reza Hospital in Qom.

A 35-year-old woman has died from the #coronavirus in the Imam Reza hospital in Qom in #Iran. This brings the total of death, in Iran, from the virus, to 9.

*All Iran info take w/ grain of salt since "news" is scarce & gov't is worse than CCP for info
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