Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Well ARod knows a thing or two about drugs that make you better, and is also against testing.

on the lighter side, highly recommend the documentary “Screwball“ on Netflix
It’s shot from a great perspective and something to
Pass the time
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This crisis shows how pathetic and misguided organizations like the CDC and WHO are as well as local public health officials... total incompetence, backpedalling on everything. Literally contradicting everything they say from one week to the next. What we learned from this is to trust nothing they say and do our own research.

Japan readies 'unprecedented stimulus' as COVID-19 cases surge
Abe called the situation a national crisis but backed from calling this a national emergency as number of infections in Japan crossed 1,400 and the death toll rose to 47, excluding those from cruise ship quarantined last month.

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike issued a plea looking at the rise in number of infections in Tokyo. She said that it puts Tokyo in the brink of an emergency and have asked people to avoid non-essential travel.

Japan readies 'unprecedented stimulus' as COVID-19 cases surge
Abe called the situation a national crisis but backed from calling this a national emergency as number of infections in Japan crossed 1,400 and the death toll rose to 47, excluding those from cruise ship quarantined last month.

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike issued a plea looking at the rise in number of infections in Tokyo. She said that it puts Tokyo in the brink of an emergency and have asked people to avoid non-essential travel.

How funny their tune is changing
People were looking at me like I was over reacting for wearing rubber gloves in the grocery store.
gloves in general are only as effective as the person using them. You can still spread germs around. It's more.about not touching your face if you have gloves on. That's it.
Gee the government better stop telling people that wearing masks are no longer worthless, if not more dangerous to wear for healthy people. That backpedal :smh:
back peddle.gif
and i was laughed at for purchasing masks a couple of months ago. Too bad those chumps have disappeared.

Had to go to the market this morning and decided against the mask. I regret it. It wasn't busy but i still should have worn one

Went to the store this morning too. They had the floor taped off every 6 feet at the check out so customers wouldn't be right up on each other.

I wore gloves and wiped down my carriage with Chlorox too.
Said this before - those "studies" about how masks don't work...
Should've just told people the truth from the get. We needed masks for health workers and high risk groups because MASKS HELP.
Now they're going to look like absolute morons, people going to be cutting videos of doctors on TV saying masks don't help to now saying they're critical.

Anyone with a brain can think "yo these Asian countries that are handling it well literally have 99% of the population with masks" while we're over here promoting "wearing masks and staying indoors is the start to our liberties and freedom being taken away"

I just can't sometimes

Amen. I never understood the whole "masks only help those who are sick" **** that was being spewed. But healthcare workers are wearing them to protect themselves. *Insert Nick Young gif

Same with you can't get sick from food prepared by someone who might have it. I still won't agree with this even if Dr. Fauci told me at my door. Logically, it doesn't make sense. So i'm gonna take pre-cautions and tell myself it does. There's zero reason for ME needing to eat food not prepared by me or my wife right now
Surprised the talk of amount of mail carriers being positive with the corona been quite. One bronx carrier died already.. and people receive mail almost everyday to their homes... 111 so far have tested positive and i really believe there is more out there.
It's kinna crazy. They originally said the surgeon's masks won't work for viral particles, but with the same breath said not to buy them out because the doctors and nurses will need them. So they work for doctors and nurses, but not for regular ppl? 🤔

How our government doesn't have a stock pile of masks for times like this is crazy. If they had a reserve of masks and basic hospital supplies, then they wouldn't have needed to spread that lie in hopes of conserving masks just for the medical field.
Scariest week of my life. My girl works at a hospital and last Thursday they had a patient come in with heart issues (cardiology floor) and turns out he had it. She was one of the people who was exposed to said patient and they reported all the symptoms he was showing but the people in charge didn’t want to test him because he didn’t travel or wasn’t around anybody positive. Like said before in here, there’s a rule in most hospitals where u couldn’t wear mask in patients rooms that didn’t have this issue.

Turns out he was positive and she got the call Monday afternoon. Been waiting since then for results and they just came back this am. Haven’t seen my son since Sunday night and me and her have been isolated from everyone and each other. She got terrible anxiety so she been basically crying and not sleeping all day. No symptoms but the anxiety will **** with your head and a couple co workers tested positive. Came back negative and I’m so relieved. Be safe

Similar situation to me, had dude that wasn’t tested, rapidly declined and coded, was in the room all night of course. Then they decided to test and I get the call in the middle of my sleep that they’re testing dude and he may have had it. Dude died the next night, and idk if I’ll ever get the results.

And it’s right back to work unless I’m symptomatic. And 72 hours after symptoms go away, it’s back to work. These damn healthcare administrators are ruthless.
It's kinna crazy. They originally said the surgeon's masks won't work for viral particles, but with the same breath said not to buy them out because the doctors and nurses will need them. So they work for doctors and nurses, but not for regular ppl? 🤔

How our government doesn't have a stock pile of masks for times like this is crazy. If they had a reserve of masks and basic hospital supplies, then they wouldn't have needed to spread that lie in hopes of conserving masks just for the medical field only.
I'm being told this is Bill Gates fault and he should have done more with PPE. Lets blame him instead of the government. Sounds logically, right?

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