Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Yea I know it's not even the same family of viruses, but I was reading earlier about how the spanish flu pandemic of 1918 had actually come in three waves. One in the spring, skipped the summer, and the second and third wave in the fall and winter. The fall wave was actually the strongest wave.

It'll be interesting to see if there are multiple waves of this. Hoping not.
If we don't sort this **** out by summer we're ******
Like the mf media didn't do that already?!?! Lol
I don't blame the media for the panic. Everyone was downplaying this but them. Everyone including our own president. And the panic in the stores didn't start untill the day after the NBA shut down.

And even now we still got knuckle heads still running around ignoring what's going on despite the media.
So were all these clearance letters for work that people are showing to officers if they're stopped just made by the companies themselves? I figured the city or state was issuing these or something

yeah I believe so. The city I live in is shutting down Tuesday. I heard the company was giving us a letter to show in case we’re stopped
How much you making a night?

Where's the best area? Spadina? Little Italy?
Downtown gets a lot of surge, midtown all the way to the lake. Beaches too and yonge between sheppard and steeles. Scarboroughs busy too but doesnt get as much surge.

The surge is when you really start caking. Back to back to back pick ups, short trips and extra 2-4$ each trip. It adds up quick, plus tips.

Some spots ill get 2 or 3 diff orders, its like a pool. Good money on those.
Just got this text In my sneaker group text -
This is crazy if it’s real

Passing this info on: do not take Advil or ibuprofen!!!

Information from Vienna’s laboratory studying COVID-19 say vast majority of people who died had ibuprofen/Advil in their system so do not take it!! Those who recovered did not take ibuprofen so if you have symptoms, take Paracetamol only!!! Looks like this virus thrives on ibuprofen so don’t do it and tell everyone you can!!!

Please pass this information on to everyone in each family. I don't want to miss anyone so share as much as you can. Or copy and paste!

I just spoke with my friend who is a nurse at VGH (Vancouver) and they just learnt that Advil makes the virus 10x worse. Tylenol ONLY for the time being. She said Advil kickstarts the virus into pneumonia.
She also said they are not releasing the correct number of cases on the news and they have patients coming in everyday and some currently on ventilators. Soon they won't have enough room in the hospitals to treat patients and will have to turn people away. They've cancelled all surgeries to use the ORs for available ventilators, but it still won't be enough.

She also said she found some people in there 40s and 50s who were previously healthy to be on ventilators and having major difficulty breathing because they took Advil.

Also 4 doctors at VGH are now infected and she said she has never seen her doctors so worried before. So please no Advil and stay safe!!!

There are a few articles online
No Advil
No Advil or any NSAIDS!!!! Thank
the craziest thing to me is people are really like, "i don't care if i get it. i'd rather live my life."
people would rather risk other people's lives just so they can go shoot their broke *** jumpers at the park.

devil´s lawyer, consider the fact that most people in the American workforce spend most of their waking lives at their jobs, and leisure time is consistently at a minimum...any chance for a little vaca must seem like gold.

these are the first off days many people in the country have ever felt free to take.

citizens treating enjoyment of life like gasps of air while being drowned is another price of bad societal design.
Just got this text In my sneaker group text -
This is crazy if it’s real

Passing this info on: do not take Advil or ibuprofen!!!

Information from Vienna’s laboratory studying COVID-19 say vast majority of people who died had ibuprofen/Advil in their system so do not take it!! Those who recovered did not take ibuprofen so if you have symptoms, take Paracetamol only!!! Looks like this virus thrives on ibuprofen so don’t do it and tell everyone you can!!!

Please pass this information on to everyone in each family. I don't want to miss anyone so share as much as you can. Or copy and paste!

I just spoke with my friend who is a nurse at VGH (Vancouver) and they just learnt that Advil makes the virus 10x worse. Tylenol ONLY for the time being. She said Advil kickstarts the virus into pneumonia.
She also said they are not releasing the correct number of cases on the news and they have patients coming in everyday and some currently on ventilators. Soon they won't have enough room in the hospitals to treat patients and will have to turn people away. They've cancelled all surgeries to use the ORs for available ventilators, but it still won't be enough.

She also said she found some people in there 40s and 50s who were previously healthy to be on ventilators and having major difficulty breathing because they took Advil.

Also 4 doctors at VGH are now infected and she said she has never seen her doctors so worried before. So please no Advil and stay safe!!!

There are a few articles online
No Advil
No Advil or any NSAIDS!!!! Thank
It's been widely that ibuprofen should be avoided. Take tylenol instead for fever (it's the preferred medication for fever anyways).

But the link between ibuprofen and bad outcomes with COVID-19 is likely exaggerated: https://www.npr.org/sections/health...ibuprofen-for-covid-19-leaves-experts-baffled

But the European Medicines Agency issued a statement Wednesday saying that while it is monitoring the situation, there's "currently no scientific evidence establishing a link between ibuprofen and worsening of COVID‑19."
It's no excuse but I don't recall anything like a Shelter in Place occurring in our (generally speaking anyone who's 40 and younger) lifetime. I am not surprised in the slightest by what's transpired, including the toilet paper phenomena. For some reason even I naturally thought- toilet paper and water when things started to hit 😂

Must have been engrained in us as children

Anyway, society has only known this way of life. For them to turn the switch off cold turkey is not gonna happen. Throw in the economic angle and it's just not gonna happen like it should
I can't judge Americans who have the mentality of "idc if others get sick from a disease that doesn't impact me much if I have it" because if we're keeping it real, that's America's approach to many things.

I'm not gonna make this political because I'm not really a political dude, but when the immigration debate started up when trump came in, all his supporters were quick to come with the "idc if refugees wanna come to America for safety. Not our problem." Then there's the part of the population that would be told "we can start a war with country X and potentially kill lots of innocent people in the crossfire but this war can keep us safer in the long run" and their reaction would be "well if it might keep Americans safer i guess it's okay if other country's people died as a result"
So asking those same people to care about anyone else isn't so easy because they've been programmed to believe their safety and freedoms are above all else
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