Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Ok for sure. I have asthma so when I get the flu it gets bad. Now with covid I don’t wanna spread it to my fams so I’ll just use the inhaler. Damn this **** is crazy
But if you're quarantine with your fam, then probably already have it. Man, I feel you my son and wife are on the same boat and they need that ****.

**** it ... my son have it we a have it ... this anxiety is thru the roof.
How are prisons being handled? Imagine one person infecting the entire prison :wow:
It's wild how many events, will have to be cancelled. Mad weddings, graduations, trips etc. Imagine paying $5k for a wedding and this happens.
Someone posted this awhile ago. Anyone have any updates figures to plug in?

The USA is right in line with Italy still. Almost exactly 4600 cases and counting. California is trending down. They're at 550, about 250 less than the norm. Today's still early though.

We have a week folks before things take a truly tragic turn.
Rewatched Inception and Titanic last night.

Going on a Leonardo movie run today, any other suggestions? Never seen WoWS.
Had a meeting with coworkers who work across the eastern seaboard (majority of company already wfh). Nurses and Doctors who have already retired, let their licenses lapse, etc, are being asked to consider returning to work. Some of them in NY are nurses who signed up for emergency response teams and they are also being asked to get activated. I think we're going to arrive at that point where the hospital bed and ventilator deficit is going to slam right into us. It's literally all hands on deck now and I still don't think the general public still appreciates how bad it can still get.
Hopefully demand matches the number of new drivers they hired. Just keep your distance all day.

When I got older I realized it was probably trash, but I loved this movie in my teenage years.


Why do I only remember the scene where he goes with the dudes wife and he gets sexed up. Also when he was tripping out like he was in a video game lol.
NYC might start looking like January/February Wuhan with people dying in hospital hallways waiting for a bed. Very grim, but with so few ICU beds left already and case numbers just starting to go parabolic it seems unavoidable. How fast can they keep up ?
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