Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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There was a paper recently published that looked at non-COVID related deaths in vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals to ensure that vaccines aren't causing OTHER kinds of deaths that weren't being picked up by VAERS. What they discovered is that people who have received COVID vaccines are actually LESS likely to die from all other causes (in addition to obviously being less likely to die from COVID). The authors determined that the reason is likely because people who choose to get COVID vaccines are generally healthier than those who choose to remain unvaccinated. Based on the type of people I typically see spreading and believing vaccine misinformation, this makes perfect sense to me.

For those who would rather watch the MedCram explainer video...
About 12 hours after my Moderna booster and I’m feeling exactly like I did after the second dose 8 months ago. Pounding headache and mild fatigue. Took 2 extra strength Tylenol and going to sleep. Last time I woke in the night feeling fever/chills and body aches. Hoping it’s not as bad this time, but it is what it is. My kids get their first doses tomorrow and can’t have them seeing dad acting like a baby.

UPDATE: woke up with a headache, but that’s it. No fever/chills or body aches like last time. Got some coffee and ibuprofen working and feel great.

My 7 year old got her first shot yesterday. Slightly sore arm but nothing else. From the small sample size, most kids don’t get any symptoms other than the arm. It’s either their immune system or the smaller dose.
Crazy! In my county they have said cases have jumped from 22 cases per day to 56 cases per day. Smh, I’m gettin that booster as soon as possible!
Had chills and was a bit lethargic yesterday afternoon...came home and it got worse. Tested positive around 7:30...think I got it from my mother in laws funeral. My brother and sister in law that attended it are sick as well. They arent vaccinated...

Wife just got her booster yesterday. She and the kids are getting tested right now.

**** caught me off guard how quickly it set in. Last night was rough. The body aches and chills were terrible but the anxiety I got after my test made it 100x worse. My mother in law passed from covid 4 weeks ago. I knew my wife was going to panic but she's been super chill and uplifting about it. Reassuring me that it won't be that bad and how are kids are resilient...

Today im doing pretty well. Have a fever of 99.5 but I havent had a cough and the body aches arent that bad. Hopefully I can power through it quickly

Not looking forward to telling my job. The majority of my coworkers are basically covid deniers and say the vaccinated are the ones dying and getting sick. I believe I'm 1 of 4 that is vaccinated out of 25 employees at my location. Thinking about just calling h.r. and bypassing my g.m.. Havent decided on that though.

Kids and wife were negative...they went and got tested again on Tuesday and were negative...still a little worried for them but hopefully I acted quickly enough to not get them exposed...trying to stay positive for them..

Feeling pretty damn good today...it was a rough week though. The body aches were the worst...i would feel halfway decent at times then boom it would put me on my ***...it got to me mentally Tuesday...just laying around thinking about **** had me in the dumps...

Did contact my job and unfortunately I won't be able to get paid. They are not offering sick leave and i used up all my vacay days throughout the year. Some dude that isnt vaxxed tested positive on Tuesday. He said he "feels fine" supposedly...dont believe him...

Im going to go get tested tomorrow and hopefully it comes back negative so I can head back to work on Monday...
So if I want to get boosted I just roll into Walgreens? Do bring my plague passport from the first shot?
I actually forgot mine today so now I have two cards 🥴

Some places you should be able to walk in but I made an appointment just in case. Place I went to was busier than I thought (CVS)
did it hit you hard? I’m debating pulling up when I’m working but I don’t necessarily want to fall asleep standing up at work like when I got the j&j. :lol:
did it hit you hard? I’m debating pulling up when I’m working but I don’t necessarily want to fall asleep standing up at work like when I got the j&j. :lol:

Naw I feel pretty much the same. 2nd shot gave me chills at like 4am for a few hours but that was it so I'm hoping that's all I get again
There's lots of parallels between HIV in the 80s and covid-19 now. Disinformation and scapegoating. Fear and uncertainty early on before we knew exactly how they were transmitted. The triumph of science and medicine and public health. Condoms and masks. Anti-retrovirals and vaccines. One took 3 decades, the other 18 months.
Yeah turns out as more information is known/the evidence is discovered, we know more about diseases and how they're transmitted and treated. Crazy, right? Especially when HIV was going wild in the 80's and affecting folks left and right, who knew that further research would change what we know about it over the years? Wild.

Now I wonder if COVID had a prominent celebrity like Freddie Mercury die from it would people have taken it seriously. The thing with HIV that how it works is wildly different than any other virus so someone like Magic having it for life for sure had a big impact on awareness and research, while COVID is temporary (with two outcomes...)
That's kinda sad to hear. "best country in the world" can't even set up something official because half the country are douchebags who oppose it and the government is incompotent.
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