Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Has anyone here ever got one of these exposure notifications from their phone? kinda caught me off guard. I turned it on a while back and forgot about it. It shows the date of the exposure as Nov 3 and the only place I went to all day was to take my dog to the vet, but I was there for a pretty long time :ohwell:. I was vaxxed back in March so hopefully the immunity is still strong. Gonna chill at home this weekend and buy some at home rapid test kits. Anyone have any recommendations on the best ones to buy?
I recommend Binax as well. It caught my positive Covid-19 diagnosis and I was able to get ahead of it and quarantine. Luckily I was already vaxxed and had half a day of symptoms

This giving doctors money under the table is such the norm inEurope that it’s disgusting. Remember when I had surgery as a kid back in Poland for appendectomy. My grandma had to give the head nurse like a months worth of salary under the table so that they’d take care of me while I stayed at the hospital post op for a week. Otherwise they wouldn’t give a**** if you had a complication or if things weren’t healing right after.
-The dude checked me in. He had to enter my info into the system to see I what I got and what I was getting.

I understand if someone is overworked and they blank. I have had to work 100 weeks before. That sucks but OK

But IMO there is no excuse for him lying to me. When I called him on his lies, he changed to a new one. At the end, he could have just been upfront with me. It was about his personal choice.

-I didn't crucify anyone. I asked for clarification when I was there.

When after I realized he was BSing me all I said to him was "Aight man, you could have just said that right away. Just give me the shot". He gave me the shot, I politely told him to have a great weekend and left. I was pissed but I didn't take my anger out on the dude beyond posting on a discussion board.
Wasn’t trying to imply to you were rude to him in person. Sounds like you showed a lot of restraint and patience. I guess I’m just sensitive to the profession getting complained about by a lot of people who don’t understand it. There’s a lot of variables in play. Didn’t mean to come off poorly. Just having a rough day myself and taking things that obviously have nothing to do with me to heart because I know that there have been many situations where I was well intentioned, tried to do right by my patients and someone completely misinterpreted or misunderstood. I agree with you though that open communication generally clears these situations up especially with a level headed person. That was obviously lacking in this scenario.

Anyways, I won’t belabor the discussion because I don’t really know this guy. He very well could be an egotistical person on a power trip. I can also see a few ways things could’ve gone sideways and gotten out of hand unintentionally and it was just handled poorly. Either way I hope the next interaction you have with a pharmacist is a positive one.
came across an old co-workers social media page and see dude is now an anti-vaxer/conspiracy/trump/etc guy
did not expect it at all. just got to shake my head and laugh. man loves eating greasy fast food and is more worried about vacc :smh: :lol:
came across an old co-workers social media page and see dude is now an anti-vaxer/conspiracy/trump/etc guy
did not expect it at all. just got to shake my head and laugh. man loves eating greasy fast food and is more worried about vacc :smh: :lol:

HCA incoming for sure
Aaron Rodgers already looks like he's pushing 50.

Not sure what he's doing for his health, but maybe he should stop.
About 12 hours after my Moderna booster and I’m feeling exactly like I did after the second dose 8 months ago. Pounding headache and mild fatigue. Took 2 extra strength Tylenol and going to sleep. Last time I woke in the night feeling fever/chills and body aches. Hoping it’s not as bad this time, but it is what it is. My kids get their first doses tomorrow and can’t have them seeing dad acting like a baby.

UPDATE: woke up with a headache, but that’s it. No fever/chills or body aches like last time. Got some coffee and ibuprofen working and feel great.
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