Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

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  • Not if mandatory

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Over the weekend I had two separate conversations. One with my Trump-supporting anti-vax cousin, and one with a former girlfriend that also doesn't trust the vaccine (she suffers from anemia and type 1 diabetes)

Both these clowns were on some "I don't trust the vaccine", "Big Pharma pushing stuff", "God got me" steez

Yet both are celebrating the results from the Merck drug trial results as another reason not to get vaccinated. Because if they contract it, there is gonna be an effective treatment

I tried to point out the blatant hypocrisy, but both of them just hit me with word salads to defend their decisions

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But how will they get on Facebook to let everyone know it's down??? Or maybe they'll assume they have been shadow banned???
Over the weekend I had two separate conversations. One with my Trump-supporting anti-vax cousin, and one with a former girlfriend that also doesn't trust the vaccine (she suffers from anemia and type 1 diabetes)

Both these clowns were on some "I don't trust the vaccine", "Big Pharma pushing stuff", "God got me" steez

Yet both are celebrating the results from the Merck drug trial results as another reason not to get vaccinated. Because if they contract it, there is gonna be an effective treatment

I tried to point out the blatant hypocrisy, but both of them just hit me with word salads to defend their decisions


You PROMISED that you would Stop posting family business. I'm telling Big Mama.
I got a C in college in any science related subject
So i just got the vaccine
A few days I was remembering how my Intro To Chemistry 1 and 2 were hard AF. The tests were curved and a lot of us were happy to get C's and pass.
A few days I was remembering how my Intro To Chemistry 1 and 2 were hard AF. The tests were curved and a lot of us were happy to get C's and pass.

We had a teacher who taught chem at my HS when I was a freshmen and he left to teach at Marquette Univ after that year. His class was so hard he instituted the “Jesus Curve”. Take the square root of your grade and multiply it by 10. It was a catholic school and he was a Jesuit with a PhD hence why he deemed it that.
Apparently the bums at Trader Joe's don't have have a mask mandate for employees. Went to shop at a new location that opened up nearby and a bunch of employees working there mask less. Touching and breathing all over fresh produce. Some cashiers at the register too. No plexiglass partition either.
I don't know how you can go to work, interact with hundreds of people everyday at a close distance, within a few feet and not throw on a piece of clothe over your nose and mouth.

What is going on here? Sociology suggests that pundits and policy makers have been looking at vaccine refusal all wrong: It’s not an individual problem, but a social one. That’s why individual information outreach and individual incentives—such as Ohio’s Vax-a-Million program, intended to increase vaccine uptake with cash prizes and college scholarships—haven’t worked. Pandemics, by definition, are collective problems. They propagate and kill because people live in communities. As a result, addressing pandemics requires understanding interpersonal dynamics—not just what promotes trust among people, but which behaviors convey status or lead to ostracism.

Shifting from an individual to a relational perspective helps us understand why people are seeking vaccination in disguise. They want to save face within the very specific set of social ties that sociologists call “reference groups”—the neighborhoods, churches, workplaces, and friendship networks that help people obtain the income, information, companionship, mutual aid, and other resources they need to live. The price of access to those resources is conformity to group norms. That’s why nobody strives for the good opinion of everyone; most people primarily seek the approval of people in their own reference groups.

In Missouri and other red states, vaccine refusal on partisan grounds has become a defining marker of community affiliation. Acceptance within some circles is contingent on refusal to cooperate with the Biden administration’s public-health campaign. Getting vaccinated is a betrayal of that group norm, and those who get the shot can legitimately fear losing their job or incurring the wrath of their families and other reference groups.

Many of the people refusing safe, effective vaccination amid a deadly pandemic are enmeshed in a very distinctive type of relationship that sociologists have been studying for more than 70 years: the con job. Con artists gain social or financial advantage by convincing their marks to believe highly dubious claims—and to block out all information to the contrary.

COVID-19-related cons have become big business, not just for right-wing media outlets that have gained viewers while purveying vaccine disinformation but also for small-time social-media grifters and enterprising professionals.

The seminal text in the field—Erving Goffman’s 1952 essay “On Cooling the Mark Out”—observes that all targets of con artists eventually come to understand that they have been defrauded, yet they almost never complain or report the crime to authorities. Why? Because, Goffman argues, admitting that one has been conned is so deeply shameful that marks experience it as a kind of social death. The victim, he writes,

has defined himself as a shrewd man and must face the fact that he is only another easy mark. He has defined himself as possessing a certain set of qualities and then proven to himself that he is miserably lacking in them. This is a process of self-destruction of the self.

Goffman notes that other life events, such as being fired or dumped, can evoke similar feelings of humiliation. But people targeted by con jobs can save their pride by denying the con as long as possible—or claiming they were in on it the whole time. This saves face and cheats social death, but allows the con to continue unchecked, entrapping others. In doing so, marks prioritize their self-image over the common good.

tl;dr stupid people dont want to admit they're stupid.

srsly, its good insight into the mind of a red state anti-vaxxer. stuff that we already knew, but the depth of how it affects their relationships/public lives is interesting.

but without these people putting up the good fight, we wouldn't have gems like r/HermanCainAwards

so in the end, I say:
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