Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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out of about a hundred rapid tests that we did the other week, 10 tested positive. pcr test done on those same hundred people confirmed the 10 positive and added one more positive that wasn’t detected with the rapid test (and that could be attributed to the extra incubation time).
out of about a hundred rapid tests that we did the other week, 10 tested positive. pcr test done on those same hundred people confirmed the 10 positive and added one more positive that wasn’t detected with the rapid test (and that could be attributed to the extra incubation time).
That's really good to know. Sounds like the rapid tests are pretty good.
Do you know how many of those were in vaccinated patients? Also, were these self-administered or you did the swabs? Some people worry that they didn't swab properly at home.
It's a horrible thing to say, but I just don't care anymore if these idiots die. The only thing that makes me mad is them running to a hospital when they get sick. All of a sudden they trust heath care professionals and doctors with their lives. I wish they'd keep it real and stick to their guns instead.
Anyone know how things have been looking in the UK? I am planning a trip out there in Nov and I'm a bit concerned of a lockdown and me being stuck out there.
After being violated last year at CVS, I got my flu shot at my doctor's office this year.

The nurse was kind and made small talk before she injected me

She was #PfizerGang like me.

Gave my arm a quick arm massage too

Warned me when it was about to happen

Skillfully knocked it out in a second

Per my request, she put a Winnie the Pook bandaid on my arm instead of a regular beige joint. I got Tigger if anyone was wondering

She even went the extra mile and asked if I wanted any of the Halloween candy from their break room. Got a couple mini 3 Musketeers

10/10 experience
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So NT, my girl and I had our baby on Thursday. She did have some complications and ended up having to have a C section. The whole time I was there, I was just blown away by how great of care the hospital staff took of us and her, we were there until yesterday and had been there since Tuesday.

I couldn’t help but think how amazing it was how they were able to use different drugs/medication and do everything they could to make sure she was safe and to keep her alive (really thought I was gonna be a single dad for a minute in the operating room) and it lead me to think how insane it is that because of science and medicine we were able to both go
Home together with a beautiful and healthy baby, But then you have these morons who despite all the amazing advances in medicine and science, rather succumb to fear mongering conspiracies and not get a vaccine. It’s absolutely asinine .

Forgive me for rambling, but the point is, I realized how much I believe in science and medicine and trusted the doctors to keep her alive, yet these anti vax idiots are still running rampant everywhere.
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So NT, my girl and I had our baby on Thursday. She did have some complications and ended up having to have a C section. The whole time I was there, I was just blown away by how great of care the hospital staff took of us and her, we were the until yesterday and had been there since Tuesday.

I couldn’t help but think how amazing it was how they were able to use different drugs/medication and do everything they could to make sure she was safe and to keep her alive (really thought I was gonna be a single dad for a minute in the operating room) and it lead me to think how insane it is that because of science and medicine we were able to both go
Home together with a beautiful and healthy baby, But then you have these morons who despite all the amazing advances in medicine and science, rather succumb to fear mongering conspiracies and not get a vaccine. It’s absolutely asinine .

Forgive me for rambling, but the point is, I realized how much I believe in science and medicine and trusted the doctors to keep her alive, yet these anti vax idiots are still running rampant everywhere.

Congratulations! See you in the NT dad thread.
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That's really good to know. Sounds like the rapid tests are pretty good.
Do you know how many of those were in vaccinated patients? Also, were these self-administered or you did the swabs? Some people worry that they didn't swab properly at home.
sadly, about half of the positives were breakthrough cases varying from about 3 months to 7 months of full vaccination.

rapid tests were swabbed by trained staff. pcr tests were swabbed by national guards lol.
After being violated last year at CVS, I got my flu shot at my doctor's office this year.

The nurse was kind and made small talk before she injected me

She was #PfizerGang like me.

Gave my arm a quick massage too

Warned me when it was about to happen

Skillfully knocked it out in a second

Per my request, she put a Winnie the Pook bandaid on my arm instead of a regular beige joint. I got Tigger if anyone was wondering

She even went the extra mile and asked if I wanted any of the Halloween candy from their break room. Got a couple mini 3 Musketeers

10/10 experience
Is your doctor a man or woman?
Specifically the colonoscopy doctor?
-A woman, who is my gastrologist

But the person that performed the procedure was a man

The hospital I did it at has its own doctor that does all of them. So my doctor (or anyone else's) just sits in the operating room and observes the monitor attached to the scope, and the other doctor working from the hospital did the procedure. The other people in the room were an attending nurse and the anesthesiologist.

-My urologist is the male doctor is see.
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I’m a absolutely furious right now. My girl was having high blood pressure again today with an at home kit. She called and they told her “go to OB triage, do not go to the regular ER.” She gets there and they say , “nope that was wrong , go to the regular ER.” Of course they are insanely busy, and there’s a covid positive patient in the waiting room!!!

She just had a c-section 4 days ago, has a 10 inch scar, and has high blood pressure, and they have her 10 feet away from a covid positive patient. I called furiously asking why they are not prioritizing her health and why they aren’t isolating covid patients, i get told “the hospital was built before covid” yeah, well it’s been a year and a half, you haven’t figured out a better system? The girl on the phone was completely useless. Now she’s going to have to isolate from myself and our newborn daughter, and they STILL have her in the waiting room two hours later.

I don’t know what to do :frown:
I’m a absolutely furious right now. My girl was having high blood pressure again today with an at home kit. She called and they told her “go to OB triage, do not go to the regular ER.” She gets there and they say , “nope that was wrong , go to the regular ER.” Of course they are insanely busy, and there’s a covid positive patient in the waiting room!!!

She just had a c-section 4 days ago, has a 10 inch scar, and has high blood pressure, and they have her 10 feet away from a covid positive patient. I called furiously asking why they are not prioritizing her health and why they aren’t isolating covid patients, i get told “the hospital was built before covid” yeah, well it’s been a year and a half, you haven’t figured out a better system? The girl on the phone was completely useless. Now she’s going to have to isolate from myself and our newborn daughter, and they STILL have her in the waiting room two hours later.

I don’t know what to do :frown:

maybe an urgent care nearby? Im assuming they don’t see covid patients acutely and definitely don’t have them stay in the building. Of course they’ll send you back to an ER if needed but it’s worth a shot to get some kind of triage/initial care. Call one up and see if there’s a wait? Good luck bruh :frown:
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