Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Wouldn’t excessive deaths come out eventually? Or would they be hiding that info too?
I also heard someone say the cdc said up to 7 times as many kids have already had covid than original thought, so the mortality rate is much much lower. I hope that’s true.
Why can’t we find a means to instantly test for this virus? Like a breathalyzer. Keep all actively exposed or those without antibodies away from everyone else.
Aren’t they literal cheap oversized white card stock? No true wordmark etc.? They let me fill my own out. Kind of scary to think about. Being in a confirmed database seems like it may be the only way. But even then, they didn’t have my Number in the system so it came up invalid record. It’s been since resolved. Maybe microchips aren’t such a bad idea
Most agencies act like photoshop hasn’t been around for 20 years. And screenshots is all some places require? The honor system is running deep here without electronic confirmation.

Looking at LA county, it got me thinking. Are vaccinated people okay acting reckless getting 25% of new cases (but only 10% of hospital beds)? Some of these beds could be going to cancer patients. Someone had asked about a 200 person wedding. At this point, access your own family and parents etc, and their risks, and go with it. Some vaccinated People are acting crazy and causing that 10% jump, which may be worse than a unvaccinated person walking maskless in defiance at Walmart.

I think I read the ratio is 1 unvaccinated does the same amount of overall damage/spread for cases/hospitalizations as 11 vaccinated people. So 11 acting reckless can still do damage. I know they said they did their part. It’s gonna be a tough road ahead. These house parties im seeing have never really stopped but the uptick in June was very telling. 10-20% cases/beds is still too many it would appear (until everyone gets the shot).
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