Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Comparison Ford Comparison Ford tell your co-workers to chill
I actually know of a nurse at my old job that is currently trying this. She's my old LPN buddy's girlfriend and she's equal parts lazy and dumb as rocks. Her only saving grace is that the facility is an organizational dumpster fire that is terrible at record-keeping, sweeps everything under the rug, and has no meaningful oversight from corporate.

Why do so many of these people use the word jabs? It’s a very British word. Are they just repeating what they see on the internet?

On a Toyota though.
I would send thoughts and prayers hopes and wishes but she requested that the vaccinated not give a damn about her ***.

And I plan on respectinging her wishes

One of my colleagues whose kid's schools sent home all unvaccinated 7th and 8th graders said her recent school board meeting was wild. 2 of the SB members walked out because of the decision to require masks. One of them said something about Jesus protecting her before leaving.

2 vaccine resistant variants from now may be all she wrote.
One of my colleagues whose kid's schools sent home all unvaccinated 7th and 8th graders said her recent school board meeting was wild. 2 of the SB members walked out because of the decision to require masks. One of them said something about Jesus protecting her before leaving.

2 vaccine resistant variants from now may be all she wrote.
Welp. Peace out.

two teachers at the same school within a week...a 6th and a 7th grade social studies teacher.

but, yaknow, whatever...**** happens...guess we'll just find two new highly trained educators, life goes on:

Connally High football coach Terry Gerik says the Cadets will play La Vega as scheduled Friday night.
Just got a phone call. First positive case at my high school. We’ll see what happens.

Update, 1 case is up to 7 (that I know of). Half of my students are already home for quarantine.

To top it off we have been having kids who should've been quarantine still showing up to school. I give it 2 more weeks top especially with the state governor giving districts the option for virtual.

Well WA state fair is now requiring masks to be worn outdoors (in addition to indoors of course) at the fairgrounds for its duration starting this Friday. Will be interesting to see if they're able to really enforce it given I heard they were enforcing the same requirement at Oregon's fair but many fair goers still weren't wearing them and with thousands in attendance I'm sure security was eventually getting tired of telling everyone to wear theirs.
Wait regular people can force a healthcare facility to use their recommended medicine? That sounds nuts. This is nuts. This whole thing is nuts. I feel like i'm on crazy pills. Maybe I am and if so I don't want any hospital telling me I can't take them.
This morning I got very frustrated wearing my mask. There needs to be a mask company that makes masks to fit big head people who have long hair and wear glasses. Can't get a good fit on the earloops.
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