Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • Only if mandatory

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don’t feed into this narrative… that’s what they want… divide the vaxed and the unvaxed…all the wild both can still get infected and spread it… 🤷🏾‍♂️
This is misleading. If more people are vaccinated then there are going to be fewer cases. This is why we are trying to achieve herd immunity. Vaccinated individuals are also less likely to be hospitalized.
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Canada finally opening up its borders to US citizens :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Gotta go byke for another brew fest

but for real, Banff was one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been in my life. Can’t believe they’ve had borders shut since March 2020.
I love my people, but this ain't it lol

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My aunt who lives down there thinks hell be the next president. She likes that things have never been locked down. Now it’s hard for me to categorize her politically, but she is a very low information person when it comes to voting.

Is your aunt in the market for a new nephew? I'm in the market for a new aunt and her views align with mine.
This is misleading. If more people are vaccinated then there are going to be fewer cases. This is why we are trying to achieve herd immunity. Vaccinated individuals are also less likely to be hospitalized.
There was a chart posted earlier with NY being 70% vaccinated but higher cases and hospiraizations than the same time last year. IMO all must remain vigilant in the fight. Delta wasnt a thing a year ago and mutations will continue. I got a family member going on a family vacation in a week. They're vaccinated but I still advised them to reconsider it.
Any states or counties going back to ‘lockdowns’? It seems forbidden, despite us being worse off at the moment. Why aren’t places reduced capacity again? I just don’t get why the blue side isn’t restricting things again

I mentioned a few weeks back about a sinus infection myself and others got. I still have it. The true fall surge will be twice as bad as anything we saw(case wise) last Year. I guess our hope is that we aren’t all hospitalized? Tuesday marks 3 weeks of a deep sinus infection. No covid though. Could be rsv. It’s all about to get real. Even a standard cold seems to be on steroids at the moment.
Because when you lock down minneapolis we start wilding. :lol:

Covid isn’t even bad here though so it’s unnecessary.
So this is the kind of school district that my kiddo will be going in the next 2 weeks :frown:

New teacher welcome event - nobody wearing mask

False accusation by school board forcing my local CEO of Children Hospital to send letter to school board urging the safety measure.
Now people are in an uproar because they were celebrating without masks, right?
The loudest group (online) are the ones in an uproar over kids wearing mask when school szn hits.

I'm personally good on the large indoor gatherings vaxxed and masked regardless
Yeah. Many airlines seemed slightly under staffed. Even tsa.
But just to re emphasize
When I say trash, I mean safety protocols they used to have mean almost nothing now. What’s social distancing? Full flights? Yep. Crowding the gates? Yep. Restaurants and bars fully packed to the gills. They’re back to serving full meals and drinks onboard. My vaccine card? Never got asked about it anywhere. Screening for symptoms? Nah. Coughing seems up all around from many on board. But they’re all about general mask wearing as a federal mandate as they state it hundreds of times. I’m not anti mask. But it’s sort of a lazy protocol as it’s vaguely reminded to us every 5 minutes. No ones actually checking. That’s about as far as they’ve gone. And we’re back to wearing any and all types of masks.
Yeah airline companies are doing the least possible. The one that really bothers me is letting people eat and drink throughout the flight maskless. And it's their fault because they serve them.
Also having to take off your mask at check in for a second is pointless. Those TSA people aren't even looking at you.
I'm reconsidering a trip to TN and FL next month
^ This is certainly a part of the problem.

It wasn’t all that long ago that safety protocols actually felt like they were in place in retail/grocery, etc.

That feeling of walking into Target with the employee up front wiping down carts and keeping them organized wasn’t something that made the difference in the world, but at least it seemed liked a priority for the company. That was more of a quality of life improvement than anything, but I do feel like we’ve past that era in shopping. Maybe some places are still doing this type of behavior, but most stores around me aren’t, and its frustrating to say the least. I feel a little extreme thinking that way, but whatever.
This dude got vaccinated and now wants to take this stance? What angle is he really going for here? Feels like some maga **** :sick:
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