Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The grad school I'm attending next month has announced that, although recommended, masks will no longer be required on campus.

I think this is too soon, especially as Canada's fourth wave is becoming a more serious issue. With that said, I'm no expert lol
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School started today for my kids and thankfully they are requiring all students and staff wear masks indoors. What surprised me most was seeing all the parents on campus without masks. My wife and I were some of the only parents wearing masks. I guess doing your part to keep kids safe and modeling good behavior for your children isn't a thing. They'll be the same ones who are most upset when the school has to close due to an outbreak.
Some people are really worried about long term effects

I'm vaccinated if it matters
Yeah, I understand the hesitation when people have legit worries about that. But for the larger percentage who choose not to for reasons that are political or purely based on fake articles and memes found on social media, it's ridiculous.
People would rather poison themselves with horse medicine than take an experimental vaccine. Not even surprised by the stupidity anymore...
Clowns won't take a vaccine hundreds of million have already taken, because they claim not to what is in it, and what are the long term side effects

But they will ingest ******* horse medicine without a care :lol: :smh:

Plus, everyone knows these are the only time it is acceptable to use something meant for a horse is when it is the early 2000s, and you trying to grow your hair out for some braids, so you go to Sallys and cope you are couple bottles of...
Clowns won't take a vaccine hundreds of million have already taken, because they claim not to what is in it, and what are the long term side effects

But they will ingest ****ing horse medicine without a care :lol: :smh:

Plus, everyone knows these are the only time it is acceptable to use something meant for a horse is when it is the early 2000s, and you trying to grow your hair out for some braids, so you go to Sallys and cope you are couple bottles of...

I love this form of Darwinism if you ask me :lol:
There should be one for horse paste...

This has been pushed heavy in the Philippines for awhile now by celebrities, quack doctors, and politicians looking for cheap/easy wins. Every few weeks the FDA and all the doctors have to release statements about how it’s used for worms/parasites and don’t lithese idiots but here we are now.

Some of you might remember this woman for getting called out by Anderson Cooper during typhoon Haiyan for the world to see.


“Pampurga” = drug for worms/parasites lol

edit: fixed the translation
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This has been pushed heavy in the Philippines for awhile now by celebrities, quack doctors, and politicians looking for cheap/easy wins. Every few weeks the FDA and all the doctors have to release statements about how it’s used for worms/parasites and don’t lithese idiots but here we are now.

Some of you might remember this woman for getting called out by Anderson Cooper during typhoon Haiyan for the world to see.


“Pampurga” = worm lol

Damn, she's still around? Plastic surgery for sure.

Is this fool still in politics or is he just a public figure? Seems like he's been around forever. How do people like this continue to get re-elected?
How else you supposed to do it? :lol:

People got to eat and drink.

If you decide to get on a flight you gotta live with that.
Easy. Go back to last year when they weren't serving food or drinks on planes. My point is Mask requirements go out the door when flight attendants come around and serve everyone on the flight resulting in the entire plane unmasking at once while they eat.
Of course if you have a medical condition and prove it you should be allowed to at any time but there are better ways to go about this.
Most these slobs are only flying for a couple of hours anyways they don't need to stuff their faces in that short period of time.

So anti-vaxxers were snitching out others in order to get paid. Sounds just like what that sleazy prototype of person would do. Funny thing is they could just get vaxxed and get paid for it in some places.
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