Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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This is a problem that is overlooked and many aren’t thinking about. There is a big group that have been marginalized when it comes to health and no one has ever done anything for them and now that you need them are pushing vaccines on them. You can’t expect people to look at the greater good when in normal times no one thinks about their health and they can fend for themselves
american health care system is a joke. Our country is rich AF but might be the only developed country where medical care will put a person in life-long debt. I had to get a simple blood test for my college physical but for some reason the doctor ordered an unnecessary full blood screening. My uninsured self got a bill from the lab for $700 that I refused to pay until debt collectors came after me and my credit was getting messed up. I complained to the doctor and he basically told me too bad. Haven't been to a doctor since, about 10 years. Always a bad experience and doctors always trying to rush you out of there.
american health care system is a joke. Our country is rich AF but might be the only developed country where medical care will put a person in life-long debt. I had to get a simple blood test for my college physical but for some reason the doctor ordered an unnecessary full blood screening. My uninsured self got a bill from the lab for $700 that I refused to pay until debt collectors came after me and my credit was getting messed up. I complained to the doctor and he basically told me too bad. Haven't been to a doctor since, about 10 years. Always a bad experience and doctors always trying to rush you out of there.

When we audit financial institutions and do our loan review, medical related bankruptcies are the one thing we don’t question. People that have been burned by the medical industry aren’t going to buy into a mass vaccine campaign easily, especially when they are younger.
I’m curious about Florida - DeSantis is clearly bonkers - but what do the people of Florida think?

I’m hoping that most NTers are being as safe as possible - but are there hordes of people who like what he is doing (“muh freedom”) or is there dissent and general unhappiness?

My aunt who lives down there thinks hell be the next president. She likes that things have never been locked down. Now it’s hard for me to categorize her politically, but she is a very low information person when it comes to voting.
Is it really an all out left or right political issue?
I feel that it’s a easy cope out

I know many on the right getting shots ( and they still hate the lockdowns that ensued). I know many on the left who got it so they can party and bar hop without regard. Some want to hold out for health reasons (it not being fully fda endorsed). You’d be surprised if you talked to folks. All spectrums around me are mostly vaccinated but it’s not all trump wackos holding out. Some far left hippies have been anti vax for generations.

talking with general family and friends, I was shocked at who was and wasn’t vaccinated. It’s not a one size fits all model. I guess that’s whatI’m saying

overall, it looks easier to gauge it all by voting trends over the last decade

You’re right you do have anti vaccine people on both sides of the political fence. But if I’m being completely honest every anti vaccine argument I’ve heard is stupid.
Saw a story about the offspring drummer. he didn't seem mad for a person who got fired, knew he'd be vulnerable when traveling.
Lesser-known fact, but their lead singer Dexter Holland has a Ph. D in molecular biology so this is fairly unsurprising.

A lot of those older punk dudes are smart as ****. Lead singer of Bad Religion teaches Anthropology and Evolutionary Biology at UCLA.

yup. Lead guitarist for Queen, Brian May, is also an Astrophysicist with a PhD. Genius level dude for sure.

"There’s plenty of evidence to show that vaccination helps," he noted. "On the whole they’ve been very safe. There’s always going to be some side effect in any drug you take, but to go around saying vaccines are a plot to kill you, I'm sorry, that goes in the fruitcake jar for me. Anti-vax people, I’m sorry, I think they’re fruitcakes," added May
Brooklyn is inching closer and closer to 3%. I still remember the city saying schools would remain closed at 3% last year…
Can't "both sides are the same" this one away.
Has it always been like this where damn near everything gets “both sided” or it’s just on my radar more these days? …I feel like it used to be some things where everybody agreed it was F’d up or not right and left it at that without bringing what about isms or another side to it

Ppl really trying to make staying healthy not dying a back n forth thing :smh:
don’t feed into this narrative… that’s what they want… divide the vaxed and the unvaxed…all the wild both can still get infected and spread it… 🤷🏾‍♂️

Tell us you know nothing about vaccines and why they’re important in combating viruses without telling us you know nothing about vaccines and why they’re important in combating viruses.

Christ. No wonder COVID still has us ****** up.:smh::smh:
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