Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Illinois made it mandatory for all kids to wear masks in school K thru 12
A lot of parents are outraged
I don’t get it
Wouldn’t they want their kids to wear masks considering they aren’t vaxxed
Can’t be having outbreaks in schools

This is the type of stuff that really does drive me crazy. Parents pushing their personal agenda because they think their kids "shouldn't be forced to do this", knowing damn well kids are already gross and nasty and get sick. I just don't get it man.
Is it really an all out left or right political issue?
I feel that it’s a easy cope out

I know many on the right getting shots ( and they still hate the lockdowns that ensued). I know many on the left who got it so they can party and bar hop without regard. Some want to hold out for health reasons (it not being fully fda endorsed). You’d be surprised if you talked to folks. All spectrums around me are mostly vaccinated but it’s not all trump wackos holding out. Some far left hippies have been anti vax for generations.

talking with general family and friends, I was shocked at who was and wasn’t vaccinated. It’s not a one size fits all model. I guess that’s whatI’m saying

overall, it looks easier to gauge it all by voting trends over the last decade
Most the anti vax that I know if not all are right wing conspiracy bros.

I’m not anti mask but I’m not for wearing a mask either to protect anti vax people.

i’m anti lock down, the way they were done here only hurt small businesses. The big stores and mall of America etc were allowed to do what they please.

i vote Democrat although I won’t vote for our governor again. I’m more anti right wing than I am left wing on some issues but I believe no one is a bigger threat to freedom than conservatives.
Is it really an all out left or right political issue?
I feel that it’s a easy cope out

I know many on the right getting shots ( and they still hate the lockdowns that ensued). I know many on the left who got it so they can party and bar hop without regard. Some want to hold out for health reasons (it not being fully fda endorsed). You’d be surprised if you talked to folks. All spectrums around me are mostly vaccinated but it’s not all trump wackos holding out. Some far left hippies have been anti vax for generations.

talking with general family and friends, I was shocked at who was and wasn’t vaccinated. It’s not a one size fits all model. I guess that’s whatI’m saying

overall, it looks easier to gauge it all by voting trends over the last decade
I think for some people it's a left or right political issue. I have a friend who his entire family got COVID (including their 1-yr old daughter) and still decided not to get vaccinated. I don't understand.

But like you said, there a lot of people that have different reasons for not getting vaccinated. My wife's nephew tested positive and is now quarantining. He just didn't want to get vaccinated.

It's just puzzling how some people are so against a vaccination that can help towards ending a pandemic.
I think for some people it's a left or right political issue.

It's just puzzling how some people are so against a vaccination that can help towards ending a pandemic.

For stupid people it’s a left-right issue.

I volunteered some of my time to helping people get vaccinated recently and it’s no longer puzzling to me as to why people are so against vaccination.

Stupidity comes with a badge of honor now in this country. It’s as simple as that.

I’m not anti mask but I’m not for wearing a mask either to protect anti vax people

That’s not the reason that there are mask mandates. You know it’s to protect yourself as well right?
That’s a good point for the US - you’d think folks would be keen to do something free which may save them a ton of money. I guess they just don’t think it will happen to them.

It’s so strange. So many Americans are uninsured/underinsured. As a result, they choose to avoid the hospital even when serious issues pop up, like severe chest pain or an obvious fracture. It’s so sad to see. I imagine there is a large overlap between being uninsured and anti-vax, so I doubt that group as a whole regularly seeks out medical treatments anyway.
Is it really an all out left or right political issue?
I feel that it’s a easy cope out

I know many on the right getting shots ( and they still hate the lockdowns that ensued). I know many on the left who got it so they can party and bar hop without regard. Some want to hold out for health reasons (it not being fully fda endorsed). You’d be surprised if you talked to folks. All spectrums around me are mostly vaccinated but it’s not all trump wackos holding out. Some far left hippies have been anti vax for generations.

talking with general family and friends, I was shocked at who was and wasn’t vaccinated. It’s not a one size fits all model. I guess that’s whatI’m saying

overall, it looks easier to gauge it all by voting trends over the last decade

We don't do nuance in 2021 papi.
It’s so strange. So many Americans are uninsured/underinsured. As a result, they choose to avoid the hospital even when serious issues pop up, like severe chest pain or an obvious fracture. It’s so sad to see. I imagine there is a large overlap between being uninsured and anti-vax, so I doubt that group as a whole regularly seeks out medical treatments anyway.
This is a problem that is overlooked and many aren’t thinking about. There is a big group that have been marginalized when it comes to health and no one has ever done anything for them and now that you need them are pushing vaccines on them. You can’t expect people to look at the greater good when in normal times no one thinks about their health and they can fend for themselves
Is it really an all out left or right political issue?
I feel that it’s a easy cope out

I know many on the right getting shots ( and they still hate the lockdowns that ensued). I know many on the left who got it so they can party and bar hop without regard. Some want to hold out for health reasons (it not being fully fda endorsed). You’d be surprised if you talked to folks. All spectrums around me are mostly vaccinated but it’s not all trump wackos holding out. Some far left hippies have been anti vax for generations.

talking with general family and friends, I was shocked at who was and wasn’t vaccinated. It’s not a one size fits all model. I guess that’s whatI’m saying

overall, it looks easier to gauge it all by voting trends over the last decade
Numbers show that the most likely to not be vaccinated are white males who voted for Trump. Obviously there are more than that, but that’s the biggest group of unvaccinated folks.
I’m curious about Florida - DeSantis is clearly bonkers - but what do the people of Florida think?

I’m hoping that most NTers are being as safe as possible - but are there hordes of people who like what he is doing (“muh freedom”) or is there dissent and general unhappiness?
I’m curious about Florida - DeSantis is clearly bonkers - but what do the people of Florida think?

I’m hoping that most NTers are being as safe as possible - but are there hordes of people who like what he is doing (“muh freedom”) or is there dissent and general unhappiness?

Based on what I’ve read, he’s hoping to win over enough trump supporters to be able to run for President in the next election. As absurd as that sounds, he clearly has the ear of that crowd. The question is how many of those ears will be left if this trend continues.

It’s absolutely criminal for him to threaten to take away school funding if a mask mandate is enforced. Unfortunately, this country likes to reward *certain* types of criminals.
I’m curious about Florida - DeSantis is clearly bonkers - but what do the people of Florida think?

I’m hoping that most NTers are being as safe as possible - but are there hordes of people who like what he is doing (“muh freedom”) or is there dissent and general unhappiness?
It’s a mixed bag down here but honestly I think public perception of him is mostly negative. I’ve heard a lot of negative comments about him in public from folks who do not look like me. Also he only won his election by a razor thin margin. I’m hoping Nikki Fried can garner enough steam to defeat him but she doesn’t have the name recognition. It’ll likely end up being Charlie Crist though and I believe he can still win.
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