Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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The difference a year makes…
I don't think this takes into account that people this summer are way more laid back about restrictions. Things are more open this time around.

When you look at it from that perspective, the summer numbers being similar shouldn't be alarming.
Helped my little sister move in to college today. It was about 30 or so other kids in front of us in line.

She was the only student vaccinated. It’s about to get ugly.
If my 2nd grader couldn’t even complete the 1st week of school without problems I can only imagine the craziness with college kids moving around … Everybody “opening” up just to close again at this point
I don't think this takes into account that people this summer are way more laid back about restrictions. Things are more open this time around.

When you look at it from that perspective, the summer numbers being similar shouldn't be alarming.

Analyzing these graphs without more data isn’t the easiest, but there are some things we do know:

1) we are comparing a completely unvaccinated population to one that is mostly vaccinated.
2) patient management has become more streamlined/optimized since a year ago.
3)people are definitely more relaxed about wearing masks this summer.

Also, NY is over 3% in the latest update…
Point 1 is really troubling. Everything is trending upwards and I fear those numbers will get worse and worse in the next few weeks.
Illinois made it mandatory for all kids to wear masks in school K thru 12
A lot of parents are outraged
I don’t get it
Wouldn’t they want their kids to wear masks considering they aren’t vaxxed
Can’t be having outbreaks in schools
There are vaxxed people this summer, but it's not 'mostly vaxxed' as you put it. Not enough of the population is vaxxed.

I agree with the 2nd and 3rd point.

It's a trade off. More relaxed population that's about half fully vaccinated vs a population last summer that was completely unvaxxed but faced more restrictions.
There are vaxxed people this summer, but it's not 'mostly vaxxed' as you put it. Not enough of the population is vaxxed.

I agree with the 2nd and 3rd point.

It's a trade off. More relaxed population that's about half fully vaccinated vs a population last summer that was completely unvaxxed but faced more restrictions.

Currently, 76.3% of 18+ NYS residents have at least one shot.
Currently, 76.3% of 18+ NYS residents have at least one shot.
Partial vaccination doesn't count. You don't gain full protection from the vaccines until 2 weeks after the second dose. And this was before the recent variants popped up.

If we only count fully vaxxed people, that number goes way down.
Illinois made it mandatory for all kids to wear masks in school K thru 12
A lot of parents are outraged
I don’t get it
Wouldn’t they want their kids to wear masks considering they aren’t vaxxed
Can’t be having outbreaks in schools

I was going to ask this question earlier.

I am like you, I don't get it.
Partial vaccination doesn't count. You don't gain full protection from the vaccines until 2 weeks after the second dose. And this was before the recent variants popped up.

If we only count fully vaxxed people, that number goes way down.

One dose still conveys some protection. Also, the two dose percent for 18+ is 69.1%. In theory, that’s a much smaller at risk adult population than a year ago.
69 percent isn't a high enough number. Prior to the first pfizer vaccination, Dr. Fauci has speculated to really drive the numbers down, the percentage of fully vaxxed would need to be at 85-90 percent. No country in the world has done that so far.

And keep in mind when Dr. Fauci was making these speculations, the variants didn't even exist at the time.

Also is the number of fully vaxxed individuals in NYS really 69 percent? I find that hard to believe lol.


I just checked. Hmm, didn't know that.
I think it'll only get worse. It'll only give time for the virus to mutate again and have something resistant to any of these vaccines.
It's hard to predict. The vaccine means there is some selective pressure now on variants that can evade protection conferred by the vaccine. At the same time, covid isn't that dynamic. It's not like flu where the virus can mix and match completely different subunits. Covid is just utilizing point mutations that slightly reduce recognition, afaik.
I think it'll only get worse. It'll only give time for the virus to mutate again and have something resistant to any of these vaccines.

I agree 100% and as I said hundreds of times before the only way it might be contained and that’s a big IF world travel stop and borders are closed

Worst part of this is even if travel around the world completely stops all at once there is so much virus in every part of the world that each place will have their own specific mutation if it doesn’t have one already

I predict there will be a time this virus will be so powerful and stronger then it is now and I don’t mean this as a joke that you walk by somebody and drop dead on the spot No 3 to 14 days incubation period
just pass someone and just die

Perfect example of why world travel needs to end
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69 percent isn't a high enough number. Prior to the first pfizer vaccination, Dr. Fauci has speculated to really drive the numbers down, the percentage of fully vaxxed would need to be at 85-90 percent. No country in the world has done that so far.

And keep in mind when Dr. Fauci was making these speculations, the variants didn't even exist at the time.

Also is the number of fully vaxxed individuals in NYS really 69 percent? I find that hard to believe lol.


I just checked. Hmm, didn't know that.
Stop being a debbie downer, we'll hit up gallaghers when things get better.
Yeah the airport was fried. Almost missed my flight and got there two hours early.
Yeah. Many airlines seemed slightly under staffed. Even tsa.
But just to re emphasize
When I say trash, I mean safety protocols they used to have mean almost nothing now. What’s social distancing? Full flights? Yep. Crowding the gates? Yep. Restaurants and bars fully packed to the gills. They’re back to serving full meals and drinks onboard. My vaccine card? Never got asked about it anywhere. Screening for symptoms? Nah. Coughing seems up all around from many on board. But they’re all about general mask wearing as a federal mandate as they state it hundreds of times. I’m not anti mask. But it’s sort of a lazy protocol as it’s vaguely reminded to us every 5 minutes. No ones actually checking. That’s about as far as they’ve gone. And we’re back to wearing any and all types of masks.
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