Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Been fully vaxxed since Feb. Pfizer. Down in florida. And back to Michigan here and there.

Have rarely been wearing masks lately, except places where its required...and it aint required no where lol. I carry it for places that are uncomfortably packed, but its rare i need to put it on.

I'm getting ready to get on a cruise to the caribbean in a month or two :lol:. They're at 40% capacity and requiring 95% of the capacity to be vaccinated, just minors under the age of 12 that arent eligible will be without.
Speaking of trying to get people you know to get vaccinated, my mom and I are the only ones in our family to get it. Mind you, they know us! They know we're fine And neither of us had any side effects. No extra limbs. Didn't die. Literally still alive. The rest 'arent into being guinea pigs for gumment tests'...'something something Tuskegee'..'something something Dr. Sebi said'....right.

My aunts job just put out a memo that everyone has to get the vaccine by a certain reasonable date as they're in health care with the elderly. She says she's still not getting it, we're like, soooo....uhmmm....what are you going to do....she said 'I'll just tell them it's against my religion'.......🤔...told her you know that only works if you take them to court right?? Like...it's not just something you can say all willy nilly, this aint tv. Asked her what she'd do if they say get it or we're letting you go....

...'I guess I'll just be without a job then'

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There is no cure for stupidity. Even they'll take their stupidity to their grave. I hope Almighty GOD slap them on the face when HE sees them at the gate.

Like freeze freeze I have not been wearing mask at most places, unless it's required. Went to the coast last week, first vacay after pandemic. After reading some news about breakthrough cases for fully vaccinated people, I start regretting for not wearing mask. I should stay vigilant. :frown:

And it's gonna be poor kids who are likely to be more affected. Sounds like an indirect way to kill off the undesirables.
I rarely wear a mask now to the point where I have to be told when I go into a store. Now I know how these MAGAs have felt this past year, defying mask mandates everywhere they go. It feels good! FREEDOM!!!!
I got a "common" cold last week and it's kicking my ***. I would've gladly taken a vaccine to avoid this, much less some virus that is "just a flu."

It has been nice to be able to quarantine and wear a mask when I do go out without having to explain myself. I'm hoping I didn't pass this to anyone, even if it is just a cold.

I also just did one of the home covid tests for the first time. It's incredibly convenient but I can also see how most people would **** it up and get false negatives. They're handing them out like candy because nobody's using them.
I definitely do it in crowded stores and if I’m going into the office via subway and bus. But I’ve mostly stopped wearing one outside of that. Thing that makes me laugh is people who wear masks while driving their own cars.

😆🤣😂 😥 I do sometimes. As RustyShackleford RustyShackleford has said many times, "It be your own sometimes". What usually happens is that I mask up when going through a drive through bank or food place and I mask up to make the workers feel more protected and then I forget that I have it on.
I don't take my mask off unless I plan to throw it out (and use a new one) or I can keep my mask where I consider it very clean. I don't want to keep my mask in my pocket or on a car seat or anything, so I just drive with my mask on. Maybe the drivers who do the same thing I do have the same thought process.

I definitely do it in crowded stores and if I’m going into the office via subway and bus. But I’ve mostly stopped wearing one outside of that. Thing that makes me laugh is people who wear masks while driving their own cars.

i did before until someone said what if they're a rideshare driver, delivery person, not driving their own car - whatever it may be that makes them feel protected while doing their job.

the only ones i laugh at are the ones that still rock it below their nose.
For those that refused to get vaccinated and now have to pay the consequences I don’t feel bad at all. The only people I feel bad for are if children get sick and damaged for the rest of their lives because their parents refused to vaccinate them.
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