Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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How does one deal with someone that doesn't wanna take the vaccine even though they are directly affected (that person's grandmother died of covid complications btw)? Cause I'm tide of explaining 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
How does one deal with someone that doesn't wanna take the vaccine even though they are directly affected (that person's grandmother died of covid complications btw)? Cause I'm tide of explaining 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

What would you say is that person's primary reason for not getting vaccinated? There is no one size fits all way to convince people and some people will simply never be convinced.
What would you say is that person's primary reason for not getting vaccinated? There is no one size fits all way to convince people and some people will simply never be convinced.

Maybe I shouldnt approach as a one size fits all situation and you right, some people will still not take it no matter what. For me, I have been directly affected. I have family members who died from covid already. That was enough for me to be like **** it and take the shots. I assumed wrong that me going ahead and taking both shots would be enough to convince that person to follow my lead.
Maybe I shouldnt approach as a one size fits all situation and you right, some people will still not take no matter what. For me, I have been directly affected. I have family members who died from covid already. That was enough for me to be like **** it and take the shots. I assumed wrong that me going ahead and taking both shots would be enough to convince that person to follow my lead.

Most adults (~67% over 18's vaccinated?) are logical and can easily understand that the risk of serious adverse effects from getting COVID is far worse than the potential side effects from the vaccine. The simple fact is that around half of the total US population has been vaccinated, yet over 99% of deaths in recent months have been among the unvaccinated. The risk/benefit analysis isn't even debatable. As I've said before, this is a virus that isn't going away. It will be with us for a long time and will eventually touch everyone. The only question is whether you are willing to take the risk of what happens to you (and your family, friends, close contacts that you will undoubtedly put at risk) WHEN you are infected. Yes, vaccinated individuals can be infected with breakthrough infection, but the rate of infection is far less, the risk of secondary transmission is much lower, and the risk of hospitalization and death is near zero for those who are not immune compromised.
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Yeah one of my sisters doesn't want to get vaxxed and I don't push her about it. Don't even say anything if our mom brings it up to her when we're together 🤷🏿‍♂️

I can just hope she doesn't run into a variant or it has no affects on her at this point
sonoftony sonoftony freshpairs freshpairs Honestly, there's not much to do at this point. I've tried to convince a handful of friends and even my cousin. All it's going to do is wear you down. I've tried talking about the potential long term effects of covid. I've given up on convincing everybody except for my cousin because cue Vin Diesel memes, family. What I have noticed is that their response is all the same. "I'm not going to die." A lot of people have seemed to forget it was never about us, it was about everyone else. It's mind boggling that people that are directly affected still refuse it. One of my friends had a boy who's dad passed away from covid and doesn't want it. Smh.

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How does one deal with someone that doesn't wanna take the vaccine even though they are directly affected (that person's grandmother died of covid complications btw)? Cause I'm tide of explaining 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
Unfortunately, you cannot use logic and reasoning to convince people that the vaccines are safer than risking infection while unvaccinated.

My parents, siblings, and some cousins refuse to get vaccinated. They're not uneducated (all of them have degrees in STEM, and some of them even have grad degrees, including a PhD); we have doctors/nurses in our close family with whom we're in very frequent contact, and a few among them were in the thick of things when hospitals were overwhelmed with COVID patients. Of all the people in my family that I know of, the only ones who are vaccinated and who do not work in the medical field are me, my wife, and a lot more people on my wife's side (who don't have the same level of educational achievement you'll find on my side of the family).

During the height of the pandemic, my father would constantly pepper our text convos with forwarded stories fabricated on FaceBook about the dangers of covid, covid being nothing worse than the flu, and many other stories that don't even appear in legit newspapers (I know because I would always check his forwardsfromgrandma-style texts, and a simple google search would verify that the stuff he was reading was false). I'd send him articles from reputable sources debunking his arguments, and nothing would change his mind. I warned him about his sources of info many times because some of the stories involving high-profile deniers he would share were mostly promoted on news websites with dubious credentials.

The last time we had a serious discussion about the pandemic, he started telling me about this covid "cure" this woman started selling in our country (family is in West Africa). Here's a man who flies to Europe to get his cardiac check ups because he doesn't trust the quality of local doctors, but he will gladly buy and take that locally made "natural" cure that was allegedly approved by the ministry of health (the same ministry that can't guarantee and enforce a minimum standard of care throughout the country). So, I semi-sarcastically asked him when she'd plan to get in touch with big pharma and expand her operation to neighboring countries because she's sitting on a billion dollar idea.

It comes down to where they get their information from and how they filter out the falsehoods from the truths. If they are in an environment where journalism truly is crap (that is, every single newspaper and TV outlet has the journalistic standards of the DailyMail or Fox News), or if they live in an environment where legit sources of info are available and accessible but they present a strong distrust of the "mEdIA" (that's my western-educated, skeptical relatives), then you'll just have to let them find out on their own.
I guess Nike is a year late coming to mask game, unless it's only for certain countries that still require mask.

Side note, a good ABC segment right now talking about vaccine. Regardless if a booster is available even it's "not necessary by CDC", I'd still take it.
I guess Nike is a year late coming to mask game, unless it's only for certain countries that still require mask.

Side note, a good ABC segment right now talking about vaccine. Regardless if a booster is available even it's "not necessary by CDC", I'd still take it.

must be for the upcoming olympics.
Welp corporate just sent out memo that ALL employees, volunteer, business partners, and vendors are required to have proof of vaccination. We need to provide exemption from doctors if we can't get vaccinated, otherwise subject to termination. Being in healthcare industry, there is no compromise. Those who've vaccinated, need to upload our vac card.
Had a co-worker get COVID recently. Refused to get vaccinated when they had plenty of opportunities. This MF has been going through it ROUGH for at least 10 days now and has been in quarantine the whole time, locked up in their room. Did a video call recently with this individual and they looked like they been gettin their *** beat for days.

Asked the individual once they bounce back, would they re-consider and get vaccinated? Straight up answer - nope :lol:
South Dakota did do mandates. Kind of like Florida where nobody listens to the governor.

people were def masked up on the west side of the state at least. East side no so much.

deadwood was taking you to jail if the shop owner told you to put on a mask and you didn’t. :lol:
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