Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Yeah, he's an idiot. If you're young and healthy then don't jeopardize the healthy part by taking a chance and thinking you don't need a vaccine. You could end up being one of the young people who die from it or get better but with heart and lung damage. Minimize your chances of catching it by getting vaccinated.
My county just upgraded to extreme risk. Gyms can now only have 6 people MAX.

Couldn't sleep for **** last night and have a headache this morning, but other then that I feel alright after the second shot. A bit fatigued but I attribute that to not sleeping a wink.
Just the sudden outburst was funny asf
I was walking in the middle aisle
She had her back turned looking at the clearance cart or something
When I got close she turned around real fast
Started back peddling and yelling lol
Super sad this child’s life was cut short by COVID. IMO, his parents had no business traveling with their immune compromised kid at a time like this. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself taking risks with my child’s life. Damn.

Gotta be one of them privileged families. "But...but but but we celebrate my birthday every year! But we've done this vacation since 1991!"
Have any of you who are vaccinated been walking around outside without a mask per the new CDC guidance?
Have any of you who are vaccinated been walking around outside without a mask per the new CDC guidance?
If I am going to throw out the trash or grab something from the car, or any activity where I know I will not interact with people or they will be anyone around, nah I usually don't, to be honest.

However, me and my girl got for walks at the park now we are vaccinated, and we wear our mask because other people are usually around.
I'm officially on the mask off when outside train. Back on that fresh air move. Feels good.

Gotta remember to wear it when I go pick up my kids. Bit of a **** to forget it then. But outside of that, **** these masks man. I complied for a year, no hesi. I'm over it.
Have any of you who are vaccinated been walking around outside without a mask per the new CDC guidance?

So when I walk the dogs yes and I really haven’t all year. But where I walk them there isn’t much foot traffic where I can easily avoid someone. But I’ve had a mask in my pocket all year in case I needed it. Same thing with me golfing. I would wear it as it’s crowded as I’m walking around until my tee. Once I’m on the first tee it’s off until I finish the round or need to use a bathroom or go back to the clubhouse. I guess also when I communicate and purchase from the cart girl if I run out of adult beverages.

Now if I’m going shopping, it’s not coming off.
Have any of you who are vaccinated been walking around outside without a mask per the new CDC guidance?
Once I'm fully vaccinated in a couple weeks, I'll probably stop wearing a mask outside. I'm usually only outside for walks and stuff anyway and in those instance I keep it on below my chin and pull it up when people are approaching. Once I'm vaccinated I'll probably just keep it off unless something changes in the guidelines.
Michigan, the state everybody was worried about because it had a "surge" despite people getting vaccinated? It's proof that the vaccine works.

Despite cases hitting the same peak as in the fall (red curve, ~8k cases), deaths are barely 1/3rd of where they were in November (yellow curve). This accounts for the lag in deaths because we're 2-3 weeks past the peak in cases, so deaths will be peaking now.

The obvious and likely explanation is that we vaccinated the elderly first, so despite the "surge" in cases, the vulnerable were protected already. Also, more evidence that the variant / B.1.1.7 hysterics were overblown. And that we should've waited until May to reopen.

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