Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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^ ya man I'm in Portland and the latest and greatest guidance from shut down brown just doesn't make sense to me anymore
I felt pretty rough the whole next day after getting my second dose of Moderna, and much better when I woke up the morning after (~45+ hours after vax). Saving grace was the thought in the back of my mind that the side effects were a good sign that my immune system was busy building an army of antibodies and B/T cells.

getting mine tomorrow night. I really want to play golf Sunday afternoon so I’m hoping that it’s a maximum of 36 hours of hell. I mean unless I’m in an extremely ****** situation I might still just power through it.
WELL WELL WELL!!!! My county got upgraded to extreme risk because........the ****ing university of Oregon. Look at this ****.

382 cases. 79% of the outbreaks. No repercussions. No changes to the university. But yeah close gyms. Cool beans.

I won't pretend to understand what's going on in Oregon, but according to NY Times COVID tracker, it looks like cases and deaths are trending in the wrong direction, overall: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/oregon-covid-cases.html
It all depends how many people skip the vaccine. Right now only ~30% of the US population is fully vaccinated and just over 40% have had a single dose. We are nowhere near herd immunity and people are already acting like the threat is gone and we can get "back to normal." Vaccination rates are dropping as people are taking medical advice from Dr. Joe Rogan.
Was just think the vaccine has been available to the general public for a couple months and if we're at 30-40 percent, I would hope in 5 more months we would be at a place that things can go back to somewhat normal. Wishful thinking I suppose.
Was just think the vaccine has been available to the general public for a couple months and if we're at 30-40 percent, I would hope in 5 more months we would be at a place that things can go back to somewhat normal. Wishful thinking I suppose.

I think it's a fairly realistic possibility, but it just might not happen as quickly or evenly as most of us expect. We WILL see pockets of infection flare up in vulnerable communities where vaccination rates are low. This will be especially true next fall/winter as even more restrictions are relaxed and people get complacent. I'm confident we've seen the worst of it, but while much of the world is still unvaccinated, the possibility for variants that can escape immunity from prior infection and vaccine remains a threat. If one of those variants also causes more severe disease and a higher death rate then we're really screwed.
Yeah we got to stop propping up some of these organizations as deities and experts who can do no wrong.
I'm an "expert" in my field due to my job title, but I'll be the first to admit I don't know **** and just getting by somehow.
CDC is just made of people as dumb/smart as the peeps on NT. Not even on some anti-Fauci & anti big government stuff, but it doesn't take an expert to realize so many of their guidelines make no damn sense.
Yeah we got to stop propping up some of these organizations as deities and experts who can do no wrong.
I'm an "expert" in my field due to my job title, but I'll be the first to admit I don't know **** and just getting by somehow.
CDC is just made of people as dumb/smart as the peeps on NT. Not even on some anti-Fauci & anti big government stuff, but it doesn't take an expert to realize so many of their guidelines make no damn sense.
I understand your point and agree to an extent. There are some incredibly brilliant people at the CDC (not to take anything away from dumb/smart peeps on NT), but smart people aren't always the best at communication. Add in the fact that they're also intrinsically part of whatever kool aid the US government is selling/messaging, and the public health message is often lost in translation.
Got my second dose of Pfizer Monday early afternoon. Funny thing I didn't even feel the injection this time around as opposed to the first time when I felt it and even felt the fluid released in my arm. Had to ask the nurse if she actually injected me.
started feeling something brewing early early the next morning, post nasal drip immediately after the vaccine.. Felt minor aches and chilly all Tuesday then woke up fine Wednesday. The side effects really only felt like that night before you actually get a cold when you feel something brewing inside you, nothing more.
Wifey had no side effects accept some nausea. No one else in my family had any side effects. A friend who got her second dose a few weeks ago had side effects for 4 days.

I wish there were some explanation as to the different immune responses. Does it mean that you would've had a minor/asymptomatic COVID infection if you don't experience anything form the vaccine? Does it mean that maybe you had been exposed previous in small amounts and already had some sort of defense? Need some clarification on this for peace of mind.
Yeah we got to stop propping up some of these organizations as deities and experts who can do no wrong.
I'm an "expert" in my field due to my job title, but I'll be the first to admit I don't know **** and just getting by somehow.
CDC is just made of people as dumb/smart as the peeps on NT. Not even on some anti-Fauci & anti big government stuff, but it doesn't take an expert to realize so many of their guidelines make no damn sense.

I understand your point and agree to an extent. There are some incredibly brilliant people at the CDC (not to take anything away from dumb/smart peeps on NT), but smart people aren't always the best at communication. Add in the fact that they're also intrinsically part of whatever kool aid the US government is selling/messaging, and the public health message is often lost in translation.

IMO the CDC is trying to be as flexible as possible with all the variables in play (vaccinated/unvaccinated, household/not household, indoor/outdoor, age, etc) but like yall said they trip over themselves and the message is lost in translation. when I saw the chart it made sense but I also saw how it could be confusing.

I do appreciate that it's a bunch of science/bio nerds in charge instead of bureaucrats and ***-kissers though
My mom got her second shot yesterday. Started feeling bad at night. Had bad chills and cold sweats overnight. She’s still feeling ****ty last I spoke to her.
Hope your mom feels better soon bro.

I got pfizer and so far feel fine. Came to the mall after. I'll tap back in this evening with an update. But so far so good. I know the booster hits harder with the meds than the 1st shot, so we'll see. Y'all be good.
The CDC Is Still Repeating Its Mistakes
The agency’s new guidelines are too timid and too complicated.


Really good article about how the CDC fumbles and continues to fumble any and all data and guidelines that they release or update.
I noticed MIT had a study get published last week and many sources are trying to spin or debunk what they are saying to fit their audience.
I think this I may have seen this posted here but here it is again
Lots of various news sources are trying to debunk this. Are these folks professionals lol? It’s a lot like the Duke university study. Everyone’s just looking for flaws to ignore the studies.

Any other schools abroad studying transmission? Why haven’t we found the ultimate mask (when worn, it’s 99% effective)? Is that your n95s? If everyone had one of those, why isn’t there a push for that? It’s been a year, you’d think there would be more raw data out there. Have there been guinea pig studies with known positive people trying to get a group in a restaurant sick?
I noticed MIT had a study get published last week and many sources are trying to spin or debunk what they are saying to fit their audience.
I think this I may have seen this posted here but here it is again
Lots of various news sources are trying to debunk this. Are these folks professionals lol? It’s a lot like the Duke university study. Everyone’s just looking for flaws to ignore the studies.

Any other schools abroad studying transmission? Why haven’t we found the ultimate mask (when worn, it’s 99% effective)? Is that your n95s? If everyone had one of those, why isn’t there a push for that? It’s been a year, you’d think there would be more raw data out there. Have there been guinea pig studies with known positive people trying to get a group in a restaurant sick?

The ones I’ve seen are from the countries with really accurate contact tracing - I think it was Germany and South Korea. They could show that someone got it in a restaurant and the person they caught it from was in the opposite corner.
I think it’s fairly obvious that the indoor risk is hugely greater than outdoors. Restaurants etc being allowed to open isn’t really because it’s safe - it’s fairly arbitrary and to keep them in business.
It’ll be a while before I’m in one - not because I’m particularly worried as I’m vaccinated and young enough - but because if I get pinged bu the contact tracing I’m off work for 10 days. As much as I could use a break I’ve got things to do and people to look after so I’ll stick to takeout just now.

Yeah I don’t get these guidelines anymore. There’s great evidence supporting the efficacy of these vaccines including asymptomatic transmission being similar to symptomatic transmission. If you’re vaccinated, the overwhelming odds are that you won’t contract the virus and there’s even slimmer odds that you contract AND spread it.

At this point, telling people to get vaccinated and still mask up like they’ve been doing seems like a deterrent. How can you tell people the vaccine is so effective and they should get it but then still have to take all the precautions they did before? Makes no sense. Most high risk individuals have gotten vaccinated and if they haven’t for 5 months then they don’t want it anyway.

Guidelines are confusing.
Yeah I don’t get these guidelines anymore. There’s great evidence supporting the efficacy of these vaccines including asymptomatic transmission being similar to symptomatic transmission. If you’re vaccinated, the overwhelming odds are that you won’t contract the virus and there’s even slimmer odds that you contract AND spread it.

At this point, telling people to get vaccinated and still mask up like they’ve been doing seems like a deterrent. How can you tell people the vaccine is so effective and they should get it but then still have to take all the precautions they did before? Makes no sense. Most high risk individuals have gotten vaccinated and if they haven’t for 5 months then they don’t want it anyway.

Guidelines are confusing.
I think one problem is there's no good way to check and enforce that unmasked patrons are vaccinated, plus it'll be weird if half the people wear masks and half don't. I think in a month or so once more are vaccinated and numbers have dropped then we can just remove all the mask guidelines.
The CDC is in a tough situation. If they don’t recommend masking indoors for those who are fully vaccinated, people will lie about their vaccination status.
I’ve already noticed a lot more people in stores wearing masks under their chin or not at all this week.
I’ve already noticed a lot more people in stores wearing masks under their chin or not at all this week.
I usually go to the gym early but I've been fasting during the day the last couple weeks, so I have been working out in the evening. Noticed the evening gym crowed gives zero F's. Either people are not wearing it, have it under their nose or chin, or have it on properly and those people are the minority..... The staff ask people to pull their mask up and they do until the staffer walks away and they immediately pull it back down. It's like in school when a teacher asked you to take your hat off inside and as soon as they walk away you slap it back on. :smh:
Dads quarantine ended. He went to get tested again. Still positive. Interesting.

PCR, I assume? Those things are so sensitive they can pick up viral particles for a very long time, even if they are no longer infectious.

Recovered patients can continue to have SARS-CoV-2 RNA detected in their upper respiratory specimens for up to 12 weeks after symptom onset. (31,33,34) Investigation of 285 “persistently positive” adults, which included 126 adults who had developed recurrent symptoms, found no secondary infections among 790 contacts to these case patients. Efforts to isolate replication-competent virus from 108 of these 285 case patients were unsuccessful. (31)
Yep that’s what I figured. Still rather not take the risk just in case he is still infectious.

Crazy part is my grandfather who tested positive who has every condition and is 94 years old has no symptoms. Weird virus.
Yep that’s what I figured. Still rather not take the risk just in case he is still infectious.

Crazy part is my grandfather who tested positive who has every condition and is 94 years old has no symptoms. Weird virus.

My 90 y/o grandmother who lives in a nursing home caught COVID in December and only had mild symptoms. IIRC, she still tested positive 2 weeks after infection, but negative on week 3. We were all very worried about her, but she pulled through like a champ. On the other hand, my 50 y/o co-worker tested positive in December, was hospitalized for over a month and is still recovering at home with lingering symptoms. He hopes to come back to work next month if his doctor will release him, a full 5 months later.
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