Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Anyone notice how the more tests that are done, the less positive cases there are. Interesting that it's inversely proportional like that.
In highly vaccinated communities, they are seeing the opposite. Tests are dropping and truly only those who are sick are getting tested and coming back positive. In one small county in my state, 9 people tested and 1 came back positive. The reopening criteria was 5% positivity. So they actually failed and dropped back to red. They’re now talking about tying in vaccination rates with reopening plans. They have to give some incentives to getting ‘back to normal’. Instead some communities are essentially being punished.

Blake P Blake P in my state, the state has testing contracts with retailers and businesses. Staff and workers are being tested some 2-3 times a month still (even if they’re vaccinated). The work place requirements at many places require testing if you were around someone who became positive. But a lot of places it’s just randomized testing.

soon I feel positivity rates will increase as testing goes down. Only those truly sick will be the only ones testing, and testing positive.
My girl tested positive a few days ago, turns out 3 tests later, the first one (rapid) was a false positive.
soon I feel positivity rates will increase as testing goes down. Only those truly sick will be the only ones testing, and testing positive.
yeah it'll lead to some unnecessary hysteria and shocking headlines: "Despite vaccines, covid-19 out of control as test positivity climbs into the double digits!" when really it went from 50 positives out of 1000 to 1 positive out of 9....

Hospitalizations are the number to look at since most or all patients admitted to the hospital will still be tested. For those over 65+, new hospitalizations are at their lowest since early October.
Half vaxxed. #pfizergang literally didn’t really even feel the injection. How long does it take for soreness to kick in for most of you?

I’m a pretty muscular dude, I’m doubting I’m gonna feel any soreness whatsoever.
Half vaxxed. #pfizergang literally didn’t really even feel the injection. How long does it take for soreness to kick in for most of you?

I’m a pretty muscular dude, I’m doubting I’m gonna feel any soreness whatsoever.

6 hours roughly is when I felt the after effects. My coworkers and friends said between 6-12 hours normally.
yeah it'll lead to some unnecessary hysteria and shocking headlines: "Despite vaccines, covid-19 out of control as test positivity climbs into the double digits!" when really it went from 50 positives out of 1000 to 1 positive out of 9....

Hospitalizations are the number to look at since most or all patients admitted to the hospital will still be tested. For those over 65+, new hospitalizations are at their lowest since early October.
Save the vulnerable and weak they said. Check
Keep hospitals from overflowing. Check
Flatten the curve. Check.
My state is still holding to their 8 cases per 100,000 outlook for reopening. It sometimes feels they don’t want to give up all their power and control. But that’s when the conspiracy side of me gets going and I try to freeze those thoughts lol.
I think they moved from wanting 60% vaccinated to 70%. I feel they’ll push for 90% before any mandates go away. They want us below flu levels before they open us. And to think, our health secretary under oath said it’s the lawyers making the mandates and they’re unclear if they have a history in health etc. We also just lifted religious restrictions. It’s now at 100% since other states got sued. It appears only lawsuits matter if you want a change. It’s all a bit crazy and discouraging.
For the people that disagree with Rogan there...

Whats the age cut off where you think it would be irresponsible to not get vaccinated?
For the people that disagree with Rogan there...

Whats the age cut off where you think it would be irresponsible to not get vaccinated?

What do you mean age cutoff? Anyone who agrees with him is irresponsible. I only see 2 or 3 legit reasons why someone may delay or not take the vaccine: pregnancy, autoimmune disease, or taking some medications that may cause adverse reactions. That is absolutely it. Other than that you are being selfish and don’t care for your fellow neighbors and citizens. I’m glad Europe is banning American travelers unless they are fully vaccinated. Concerts, sports games, large gatherings such as that, theaters/plays, and the like should all do the same.

We’ve eliminated so many viruses the last century purely because of vaccines. Viruses that would paralyze children, kill 30% of those infected, and you can go on and we are now criticizing vaccines because someone who failed high school biology is spurring some conspiracy theory? Yea about that…
What do you mean age cutoff? Anyone who agrees with him is irresponsible. I only see 2 or 3 legit reasons why someone may delay or not take the vaccine: pregnancy, autoimmune disease, or taking some medications that may cause adverse reactions. That is absolutely it. Other than that you are being selfish and don’t care for your fellow neighbors and citizens. I’m glad Europe is banning American travelers unless they are fully vaccinated. Concerts, sports games, large gatherings such as that, theaters/plays, and the like should all do the same.

We’ve eliminated so many viruses the last century purely because of vaccines. Viruses that would paralyze children, kill 30% of those infected, and you can go on and we are now criticizing vaccines because someone who failed high school biology is spurring some conspiracy theory? Yea about that…

The guest on the show mentioned how he didnt want to give the vaccine to his young child given the risk factor (or lack of as he see’s it...)

Do you think it would irresponsible to not vaccinate kids, toddlers, infants?
What do you mean age cutoff? Anyone who agrees with him is irresponsible. I only see 2 or 3 legit reasons why someone may delay or not take the vaccine: pregnancy, autoimmune disease, or taking some medications that may cause adverse reactions. That is absolutely it. Other than that you are being selfish and don’t care for your fellow neighbors and citizens. I’m glad Europe is banning American travelers unless they are fully vaccinated. Concerts, sports games, large gatherings such as that, theaters/plays, and the like should all do the same.

We’ve eliminated so many viruses the last century purely because of vaccines. Viruses that would paralyze children, kill 30% of those infected, and you can go on and we are now criticizing vaccines because someone who failed high school biology is spurring some conspiracy theory? Yea about that…
Well never get close to 90% or 95% vaccinated. Many look at the real world numbers. 97% live rate above 60 years old, or with underlying conditions. Many argue, vaccinate 95% of those and the rest will be naturally a okay. Most will be okay with the 3% risk. At that point, unless it’s mandatory, let people risk their own lives. The risks on them.

I thought trials just began for kids and infants?16 plus is where it’s at in my state. Isn’t child death rate 0.0002% from this?
The guest on the show mentioned how he didnt want to give the vaccine to his young child given the risk factor (or lack of as he see’s it...)

Do you think it would irresponsible to not vaccinate kids, toddlers, infants?

children trials are currently being performed by both moderna and pfeizer. So I’d-wait for those., but why are you guys discussing children right now? We are talking about eligible people no? I have no doubt that those two vaccines will be safe in children. But we see the infection rates in children have sky rocketed. Meaning you are creating an additional space where mutations and resistance to current vaccines can develop. The new strains are attacking younger people more heavily now. Long term everyone will need and should be vaccinated.
Well never get close to 90% or 95% vaccinated. Many look at the real world numbers. 97% live rate above 60 years old, or with underlying conditions. Many argue, vaccinate 95% of those and the rest will be naturally a okay. Most will be okay with the 3% risk. At that point, unless it’s mandatory, let people risk their own lives. The risks on them.

I thought trials just began for kids and infants?16 plus is where it’s at in my state. Isn’t child death rate 0.0002% from this?

I mean my firm belief towards anti vaxers is this, if you decide to do that and you Or your child spreads one of these preventable viruses, you should have to go out of pocket and not only pay for your own medical expenses in cash but for those you infect. There needs to be a financial burden placed for such negligence.
children trials are currently being performed by both moderna and pfeizer. So I’d-wait for those., but why are you guys discussing children right now? We are talking about eligible people no? I have no doubt that those two vaccines will be safe in children. But we see the infection rates in children have sky rocketed. Meaning you are creating an additional space where mutations and resistance to current vaccines can develop. The new strains are attacking younger people more heavily now. Long term everyone will need and should be vaccinated.

I mean my firm belief towards anti vaxers is this, if you decide to do that and you Or your child spreads one of these preventable viruses, you should have to go out of pocket and not only pay for your own medical expenses in cash but for those you infect. There needs to be a financial burden placed for such negligence.
I think it was in regard to the Rogan clip. He said if you're and adult sure get the vaccine, but if a 21 year old kid ask him if he or she should get the vaccine he would say no. Then his guest mentioned his young daughter and that he's not giving it to her.
Anything above 18 is an adult in most developed nations. 16+ is already approved if I’m correct right? At least for the pfeizer and moderna vaccines. So again why are we entertaining a mouth piece on the internet who has zero science background and gives conspiracy theorists and hate monglers like Alex Jones air time again?

Let me do a quick edit

Covid vaccines have been in testing and development stage ever since the SARS scare in 2002. Most of the biotech firms knew that there would be some sort of covid virus that will transmit to humans and eventually spread since then. The question was not if but when. So we have about 18 years ofbackground mixed with new technology which allows for better streamlining and we are talking like this vaccine was rushed somehow? By some standards it has, but to say that somehow everything was done from scratch in 1 year is some ignorant **** spewed to the gullible and ignorant who truly don’t understand the science and history.
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