Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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the logic of it never made sense to begin with, "weve done a good job containing the virus due to staying home and other restrictions so let's open things up"

not sure what they thought was going to happen
the logic of it never made sense to begin with, "weve done a good job containing the virus due to staying home and other restrictions so let's open things up"

not sure what they thought was going to happen
the worst part is we're still proceeding with the reopening timeline (at work) even though the virus is more out of control than ever.
A girl who I can't stand at work just got back from vacationing in Florida, didn't follow the self-quarantine guidelines, and now comes to work with a moist cough talking about "don't worry guys, it's just a cold" despite never getting swabbed.

We work in critical care at a hospital and she has been a nurse for almost 10 years now.
Wife daughter & myself all on self quarantine now because a selfish employee didnt want to take their *** home when they had a cough for a whole week and their sig other had symptoms. :angry: Oh and that office is now closed and all 6 families having to self quarantine (well theyre supposed to but idk if they all are)

Since friday symptoms for us have slowly developed, daughter appears fine thankfully. Told her she should slap tf outta them on sight
I really hope these people you work with wear masks at work.
Hope you and your fam get through this quickly. 🙏🏼
This Covid **** sucks

my nose has been stuffy even with nothing in there as if that’s what’s blocking my senses

my buddy lost his taste and smell Friday, he told me he got it back today :smh:
Hope you get better soon. One thing to take away from this is to Take more precaution from now on. Don’t want to be the person who catches this thing twice.
Have you tried biting into an onion, lemon, pepper, ginger or anything strong like that?
I'm afraid all counties will be there soon enough. I don't know what kind of games Fresno has been playing with the numbers, but according to my calculations we should have been back in purple weeks ago.

The fact that Fresno public officials are tested positive is just shown they are not handling this seriously. They are asking people to wear mask, but they are not even wearing one during private gathering. I am pretty sure the rest would be tested positive whether or not they are showing symptoms or not. Since Brandau who against wearing mask early on got it, maybe Bredefeld would change his mind too.
I keep posting these daily updates thinking "this is shockingly bad," and then the next day it is even more shockingly bad. Today is no exception.

Not only is the daily cases a new record, we've now passed the spring and summer peaks for hospitalizations. It's looking possible that more than 100k people will die during Donald Trump's lame duck tenure these next couple months.

Regardless of what your city or state is doing, treat these next couple months like we're back to April, because we are. Stay home and stay safe.

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The fact that Fresno public officials are tested positive is just shown they are not handling this seriously. They are asking people to wear mask, but they are not even wearing one during private gathering. I am pretty sure the rest would be tested positive whether or not they are showing symptoms or not. Since Brandau who against wearing mask early on got it, maybe Bredefeld would change his mind too.
Nah, Brandau already said he thinks he caught it while wearing a mask so masks don’t work, which is a lie because he more likely caught it on election night when him, Dyer and others gathered without masks.
I got a test a few hours ago. It sucked but it wasnt THAT bad. Its a weird feeling, hard to describe. Praying it comes back negative and we are just experiencing cold/flu symptoms because of a cold/flu.

The worst part about all of this is we have be stuck in the house for 2 weeks, the virus (slim possibility) can still be transmitted that 3rd week so we'll prob skip Thanksgiving with the fam just be safe, and if my kid never has symptoms after our 2 weeks she will still need to be quarantined 2 weeks afterwards to make sure nothing shows up.

So potentially a month stuck in the house. We didnt so anything besides go to work and come home anyway, but going in to work was enough for me during all this
This Covid **** sucks

my nose has been stuffy even with nothing in there as if that’s what’s blocking my senses

my buddy lost his taste and smell Friday, he told me he got it back today :smh:
damn bruv sorry to hear that

did you find out when/how u got it?

wishing u a speedy recovery
I got a test a few hours ago. It sucked but it wasnt THAT bad. Its a weird feeling, hard to describe. Praying it comes back negative and we are just experiencing cold/flu symptoms because of a cold/flu.

The worst part about all of this is we have be stuck in the house for 2 weeks, the virus (slim possibility) can still be transmitted that 3rd week so we'll prob skip Thanksgiving with the fam just be safe, and if my kid never has symptoms after our 2 weeks she will still need to be quarantined 2 weeks afterwards to make sure nothing shows up.

So potentially a month stuck in the house. We didnt so anything besides go to work and come home anyway, but going in to work was enough for me during all this
wishing u the best brother.
Preciate it NT fam, all of it sucks but the lower back pain i got right now takes the cake. I feel like an old man, or in an accident. If i keep active around the house it doesnt hurt hardly any but as soon as i stop its killer. Any movement from sitting position hurts.
Had to ***** out my dad the other day.

Telling me about how maybe 30% of the people at church weren't wearing masks this past weekend.

Told him there's no ******* reason to be going in the first place, but especially not with people who don't wear ******* mask. Absolutely foolish on his part.

He takes it seriously otherwise, wears a mask, and all that, so it was a shock to me.

When I talk to him later this week, I'm gonna tell him this "parable"

Had to ***** out my dad the other day.

Telling me about how maybe 30% of the people at church weren't wearing masks this past weekend.

Told him there's no ****ing reason to be going in the first place, but especially not with people who don't wear ****ing mask. Absolutely foolish on his part.

He takes it seriously otherwise, wears a mask, and all that, so it was a shock to me.

When I talk to him later this week, I'm gonna tell him this "parable"

My folks did the same:smh: like cmon you can worship at home or whatever. You ain’t need to be in that mess
My family members are back to socializing as usual. My dad had a birthday party last month. My brother and sister go to parties and hang with their friends every week. Surprised none of them have caught covid.
My family members are back to socializing as usual. My dad had a birthday party last month. My brother and sister go to parties and hang with their friends every week. Surprised none of them have caught covid.
My mom is still talking about having Thanksgiving as we normally do while numbers in NY spike. Granted our celebration is normally very low-key, but she's still inviting my brother and his girlfriend who live in Philly as well as my 90 year old grandfather whose health has been on the decline over the past 2 years.

At the risk of offending my entire family, I might just stay home with my girlfriend and make a beef wellington for us. Wouldn't be surprised if we see March-April numbers in the window of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas for NY.
It's gotten real spooky in Maryland (again) :smh: Got people calling asking what's the move for Thanksgiving. My living room and couch, FOH :smh:

I’m supposed to travel back home to MS, but leaning towards staying here. Haven’t mentioned it to my wife. It’s bad here in KC.
This Covid **** sucks

my nose has been stuffy even with nothing in there as if that’s what’s blocking my senses

my buddy lost his taste and smell Friday, he told me he got it back today :smh:
The president you voted for allowed this to happen and denied it was real
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